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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Prison? Not bad honestly, my family bailed me out after a month or two though."
  2. "I don't know, I have a knife though!" He offers Kaza his pocket knife.
  3. "That's true . . . we need to fucus on surviving but that's pretty obvious. Have you met any other tributes other than Aaron?"
  4. "Yeah, that was weird time, I missed a lot being unconscious in prison." He chuckled a little.
  5. Sharpo smiled at the funny walk but didn't comment on it. "So, what's our plan from here?"
  6. "I wonder how long this game will last, how long was cyotverse? I wasn't really there for most of it."
  7. "I'll help you walk, if you need." He packs up the stuff into what's left of his bag.
  8. "I think we should move, I feel like if we stay in one place to long we'll make ourselves easy targets--especially since your hurt." He starts cleaning up what's left of the small fire he made.
  9. Sharpo decides to poke Kaza awake. He worried they'd be vulnerable if they stayed in one spot too long. I have no idea what to do next lol "Kaza?" @TheRavenHasLanded
  10. "Yeah, looks like it." Chiyo walks over to the old man. "Hi! How are you?! Are you doing good?!"
  11. "No I don't know how it works!" He said, standing to the side. "I'm a jeweler not a canon expert."
  12. Welcome to the Shard! Do you favorite kind of bagel?
  13. "That's good, I wouldn't want Sharpo to be all alone."
  14. Sharpo doesn't say anything, not sure if he was meant to hear that or not.
  15. Sharp'i laughs with her for several minutes, his face finally going back to it's normal color. He glances at the TV, wondering if anything's changed. "Looks like Sharpo's new friend survived, somehow."
  16. "Maybe let's wait a little then," Sharpo said, pushing him back down. "I don't want you to hurt yourself more."
  17. "Do you think you can stand?" Sharpo checks on his bandages.
  18. "Well forgive if I'm just a little nervous" He starts laughing too.
  19. "Are you feeling any better?"
  20. "That's a good thing I guess," He said, his blush failing to fade.
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