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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Yep." He gives another one of his wonderful smiles.
  2. "Because we're friends, remember?"
  3. lols The ACT's next week so I'm --trying-- to spend my free time on studying for now, but we'll see how it goes.
  4. Merinn watched excitedly, he'd help out but he didn't have any experience with canons.
  5. "To where the old guy lives, where ever that is, I think we're supposed to check on him."
  6. He pulls away after a minute, still blushing. "Was that good? I've never done it before."
  7. Yeah, it was about pioneers, they even got it to play in theaters across the U.S. I follow them on Instagram, so I get there updates and junk. I'm not sure what they're working on now though.
  8. Oh I loved freelancers!! I really liked loving lyfe too, my sister and I would laugh so hard. I haven't seen they're pioneer movie though.
  9. I was obsessed with Dwight when I was a kid! Such a good show. Yeah, the new cast just isn't the same. I tried to watch their first few seasons but ended up giving up because watching it was just painful.
  10. akjlkajsd;lkfj I'm watching Legend of Korra for the first time and it's so good!!! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      You don't like it?

      Granted I've only watched 5-6 episodes, but coming to Korra after watching the new live action atla is like a breath of fresh air honestly.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I...guess that's fair...maybe...

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      It's obviously not as good as the original show, but you can't hold a sequel to that standard (especially when you take into account what an insanely well-written show atla was). It isn't really trying to be the old show either, and is leaning into new ideas, which I appreciate.

      As someone who loved the original show my whole life, it's really cool to see more content set in the same world that isn't just an insulting remake of the original show. Korra reminds me of some of the post-atla comic series they did which I also quite liked. 

  11. Sharpo panicked a little, but was glad it went down fine. He hunkered down to wait for his friend to wake up, with nothing better to do.
  12. Sharpo pours some water in his mouth anyway, hoping it would help.
  13. He smiled and blushed even harder. Sharp'i hesitates for a moment, and then moves closer to kiss her.
  14. Sharpo finished gathering stuff for a fire and then used his knife to make sparks on a rock and light it. "Do you want some water?" He asked, offering Kaza his water bottle.
  15. "Oh wow." He puts a hand to his head. "I didn't expect you to say that."
  16. "Well," He was blushing now. "Do you like me?"
  17. "I was just thinking, well, I really like you and . . ."
  18. "Do you think, I-I mean . . . nevermind."
  19. "Everything could've been done better . . . but we're here now, and we're together--we have that at least."
  20. Welcome to the Shard! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel?
  21. "Most people would've just killed me and gotten rid of me, but you decided to help out . . . it really shows what kind of a person you are."
  22. "Still, more than most."
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