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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. "Perhaps that's a good sign."
  2. "The hills then," He said, turning slightly. "I think there are more people in the woods and I don't want to run into anyone right now."
  3. "You'll be alright." He starts to slowly drag the travois. "Where should we go, into the woods?"
  4. "Oh, that's right . . . the whole wrong thing." Sharpo shifts Kaza off his lap and looks around. Using some branches in the woods and the remnants of his bag he made the Travois thing. He started to shift Kaza onto it.
  5. "But what if you get hurt when I move you? I could make things worse . . ."
  6. Sharpo held Kaza's head in his lap, unsure what to do next.
  7. GUYS

    My town hasn't had a public library for the past few years because they wanted to build a new building for it and that required destroying the old one, etc.

    I got to go to the new today for the first time!! I'm so excited to have a library again! I got like 10 books!!! I shouldn't be reading manga I should be studying but who cares at this point!!!

    anyway, I'm really excited.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oo hooray!!! Our library is getting added on to right now (it’s one floor and smaller than most houses) and I agree, it’s super exciting. 

      …is it good manga

    2. TheRavenHasLanded


      thats actually awessome!

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      …is it good manga

      yeeeess lol, I picked up some series I hadn't been able to finish so that's exciting!

  8. "Mkay, I'll follow you I guess."
  9. "That's . . . could be worse I guess."
  10. "Ah crap that's not good . . . this is really really not good."
  11. Hmmm it could have been, but I didn't see it in that particular format.
  12. Nice! blueberry is great! I'm not really a magician unfortunately, the name comes from a niche meme that circled a few years ago. (if you can guess it that'd be so cool)
  13. Welcome to the Shard! Do you have a favorite kind of bagel? Heh, same. I have a world building project I've been chiseling away at for 3-4 years now and I haven't written any of it down lol.
  14. @Edema Rue @SmilingPanda19 @Invisible
  15. "No, we're not doing that right now," he chided. "Just . . . take it, whatever it is it'll work wrong but at least it's something."
  16. "I don't know I got it at the cornucopia at the start of the games . . . it might be medicine?"
  17. "YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING LIKE YOU SHOULD ANYWAY." Sharpo pulls out the bottle with the single pill. "This had better be medicine . . ." He gives the pill to Kaza. @SmilingPanda19 @Edema Rue
  19. "No . . . your not supposed to die, I am . . ." With a Sharp movement he yanks the axe out of his shoulder. With practiced hands he started bandaging the wound up.
  20. Sharpo pops out of the bushes and catches him as he hits the ground. "Oh . . oh no . . ." He pulls out his fabric strips. "H-hey it's okay, I'll patch you up don't worry." He stares at the axe trying to decide if he should pull it out or not.
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