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About InfiniteInsanity

  • Birthday July 18

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  • Member Title
    I have tiny dinosaurs now.
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  • Interests
    Show choir
    Color Guard
    Building things
    Taking things apart
    Muttering to myself
    Science (Chem)

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  1. Hi everyone!

    I've got show choir things today.

    The cursed competition.

    It's just cursed. 

    Something always happens. 

    The risers are strapped tight enough and they split open and swallow someones leg for a bit. Someone else does something and gets really hurt and the whole comp is on pause for half and hour or more. They say the wrong name during the varsity group's introduction. And then there's an interruption to fix their name (that actually happened twice last year). I've had to save one of my guy friends from some females last year. They didn't actually do anything but he was uncomfortable and was scared to leave on his own so I came and got him out of there. 

    So yeah. Cursed.

    But all that aside I went to slam poetry yesterday and I wrote a happy poem and they gave me some ideas to make it better which was nice.

    We had a temple trip last night that was nice.

    And... yeah. I guess I might post more today if I have time (I've got homework to do so I'll be busy)

    Y'all are amazing. I'll do my best not to die or literally break a leg today. Who knows? Maybe the curse will be nice to us.

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Maybe break others legs. The curse Gods have to be appeased but who says it need to be your legs

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      That doesn't sound fun but, I hope it went better.

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