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Immortal Platypus

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  • Member Title
    I know what 631 means now :D
  • Location
    West(ish) North America
  • Interests
    Chess, D&D, Books, Instruments

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  1. *flashbacks to the Kilometers Fifty-Lives subplot* Xino, were you there for that?
  2. Elan, you are bright orange. Like, eye-wateringly orange. Like, if the sun hits you, everyone that is looking anywhere close to you is blinded orange.
  3. yeah, but with four spellcasters and two martials (and we didn't originally have the paladin) it was even worse than it is now. Also, there are not many healing spells druids get access to by 5th level (cure wounds (decent), healing spirit (decent), aura of vitality (requires you to be close to who you're healing), goodberry (not great healing and impractical in combat), and revivify (only good if we die)). I play Pact of the Tome with an Archfey Patron. I might end up switching to Pact of the Talisman, but I like all the utility I get from my ton of cantrips. I'm more of a utility build and do my best to not get hit/die rather than deal a ton of damage.
  4. I just joined a new campaign, and I am both excited and terrified. My character is a warlock whose patron is the god of lies. I can't be too specific, because I'm pretty sure that people in my party are on here, and it would kind of be really bad if they knew, but it's gonna be an adventure. We have mostly spellcasters, and very little healing (only a druid, my aasimar race trait "healing hands" and a paladin). It will be an adventure. a friend and I made our character sheets together with the full purpose of just surviving. If we get caught in an ambush, we'll probably just wipe
  5. I own Skyward Flight + Novellas, all signed, and that's it
  6. it's low-key been a long time since I've been pinged
  7. I don't have enough time for that, but more power to you
  8. there is very little that is not allowed in TLT. Godmodding is the only one that comes straight to mind
  9. "'This is the second most exciting escape from goblins with murderous agendas that I've ever been in.'" - @The H
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