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Edema Rue

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Edema Rue last won the day on September 1

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About Edema Rue

  • Birthday 06/19/1874

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    Cookies make the world a better place, and so do you. 🍪
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    Le Cirque des Revês
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    I am too balanced to be successful.

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  1. Where you wear your cropped shirts and jean shorts and tank tops, I’ll wear my t-shirts and one day the mark of my covenants.

    Where you keep your money and pictures in your phone case, I’ll keep my temple recommend.

    Where you say ****, I’ll say fridge.

    You tell me I dress weird.

    You tell me I talk weird.

    You tell me I’m naive, overzealous. 

    You tell me I’m a fool, tell me I’m wasting my time. 

    You tell me a lot of things.

    Where you gorge yourself on food, I fast.

    And you tell me it’s a meaningless sacrifice.

    You tell me my prayers go up to an empty sky.

    You tell me my rock is actually just flimsy paper mache. 

    But in the end, I don’t care.

    Because when you are sobbing and broken on the floor, when you have lost all hope because you tell yourself that you are completely alone and worthless, I will be there.

    When you find yourself wondering if life is even worth it anymore, I will be there.

    And I will lift you, life you with a strength I don’t have.

    I will lift you because He is lifting me.

    You will not fall, because no matter what you tell me, world, I know. And you will not, you cannot, take my knowing away from me. 

    So tell me I’m wrong.

    Tell me my scriptures are meaningless weight.

    Tell me I’ll always be weaker, always be an outsider, always be worth less.

    Because one day, your shoes and clothes and beautiful illusions will fall through. 

    One day, you won’t be okay.

    And that, my dear friend, is okay. Because when you can’t keep going, I will find you, and I will carry you until you have the strength to stand. 

    You cannot outrun my love.

    Your lies cannot overwhelm my truth.

    And your pain is not more than my peace. 


    Today’s been an adventure, if you can’t tell. I wish you all luck and love wherever your road takes you. If you ever need anything, anything at all, let me help you. You don’t have to cry alone. You are loved and you are cared for. Whether you’re religious or not, whether you’re black or white, whether you’re male or female or somewhere in between, whether you’re poor or rich. Whether you’re ready for life or can’t stand to take another breath. I know. I will stand with you through anything you need, because two souls in a blizzard will fare better than one. 

    I probably need more sleep. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oh and @Shadowed (sorry, I know this is a late reply but i couldn’t get on the shard all of yesterday), keep looking. It isn’t always easy, a lot of the time it’s really, really hard, but having faith in something is absolutely worth it. I hope that someday you can find a religion where you feel at home, because I know that if I didn’t have faith in Christ, I’d literally not be alive today. 

    3. The Isochronism

      The Isochronism

      Wow, this was kind of a while ago, but I just have to tell me that... whatever that little thing up there is it made me cry. I love it. 

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

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