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Edema Rue

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Edema Rue last won the day on September 1

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About Edema Rue

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  • Member Title
    Witchcraft filling your void
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    Le Cirque des Revês
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    I am too balanced to be successful.

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  1. Guys

    Let’s talk about parties for a second here

    So it’s like 1 am right

    And I just got home from a party

    An’ me, bein’ the sort of person who lives on the shard an’ all, I don’t usually go to parties, y’see?

    (sorry excuse my Wayne)

    But I’ve been to my fair share. And you get all these different types. You get the ones where there’s like 60+ people and you know maybe four of them and everyone’s laughing and talking and it’s chaotic. And beautiful.


    I can do surface.

    But I never really do more than that, I never really go deeper.

    But tonight was a different sort of party.

    There were less than 20 people there and pretty much everyone has known each other for years.

    So here I am with all these people who are incredibly cool, and are all older than me, most by at least 2 years.


    We’ve got Jean Valjean, Romeo, Peter, Molly, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth, next year’s drum major, another high school’s valedictorian, John Procter, Mary Warren, and people with roles you wouldn’t recognize who are still incredible.

    And they’re all people who I look up to SO much.

    And then we all squish together into a circle around a fire and talk. And trauma dump. And compliment each other. And it feels like home.

    Why do we always discover how much we love things right when we have to lose them?

    I guess late nights at the end of the school year are giving me strange and introspective thoughts. 

    But guys

    Parties of all sorts aside,

    What a wonderful, wonderful world we live in.

    I’m not saying it’s perfect.

    I’m not saying it’s always pretty, or always kind.

    Their stories are not mine to tell. But these people…

    Stars above.

    We look at Kaladin and Vin and Kelsier and all our pretty heroes. And we think wow. 

    Guys, I read a lot. A lot. But some of these people I’ve been laughing with and befriending all year long have lived through so much worse than any character I’ve seen.

    And they still smile.

    Not all of them believe in God. And not everyone here believes in God. But I do. I believe in God, I believe in angels, and I believe in miracles.

    And I believe that a circle around a fire with people who care is a miracle. 

    And I promise you all this. We live in a wonderful world. We live in a world that is orchestrated by a God of grace and love. 

    By a Father.

    And the storms, they come.

    There are things that you see now and wonder how anyone could survive them.

    And tomorrow, you’ll be on the other side of the darkness.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is hold on. Please hold on. Learn to laugh, learn to smile. You can walk through hell and I promise you that there are better places on the other side.

    This one moment doesn’t magically fix everything.

    But it’s a shelter.

    It’s a haven from a storm I thought I’d never escape, and even if I have to keep fighting it in the morning I will do it forever, because there are reasons to fight.

    Sorry, um, I’m just kind of yapping. I guess I’m a weeeeee bit tired.

    But hold on, okay you guys?

    And if you’re lost in the darkness,

    I’ll be your fire.

    And if you’re trapped in a storm,

    I’ll be your shelter.

    And if all you can do is cry,

    I’ll be your laughter,

    And I have two shoulders.

    You never have to fight alone.





    Thanks for listening to me ramble lol, I love you guys more than words will ever be able to show.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Yeah I've been living my own spin on Kaladin's story :P 

      One amazing awesome family, as I believe that we're all brother's and sister's, I love you all so so much even though I'm not around as much.

    3. Through The Living Glass
    4. WhyEverNot_8


      *a singular tear rolls down my cheek*



      I have no other words

      Imagine it’s like 1pt

      It’s so pretty 😮


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