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Status Updates posted by Shadowed

  1. holy halls i forgot this existed-

    well, i’m back.


    we’ll see if i actually keep this up or forget about it in a few weeks, but for now, i’m back :D

    it’s been a while, some things have happened in my life since… october 2023? (it’s been THAT LONG?!) but i’m doing okay now :).

    so, what’s happened when i’ve been gone? what shenanigans have you amazing people been causing 😛 WAIT WHAT THE EMOJIS CHANGED??!!

    yeah, idk what to say really but thanks for reading ig, can’t wait to talk to old friends and make new friends again :))

    - shadowed

    ps. i did not expect people to be wishing me happy birthday 8 months after i stopped going on here, it’s really nice to know people remember me lol, and that’s probably one of the main reasons why i’m doing this :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shortcake


      hey bookie


    3. Shadowed



      now i have to remember how to use this thing and actually talk to people lol


    4. Cinnamon


      The Shard had an update. The. old emojis are still there, we just have new ones too!

  2. has no one i follow posted an su since saturday, or are my notifs broken?

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      your notifications are broken- as is everyone else's.

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      Notifs for SU's don't really work with the update.

    3. Shadowed
  3. so, you know how sensory overload exists?

    is emotional overload a thing? like, when you feel so many emotions at once that you get overwhelmed and can’t really function?

    (for context, i’m currently curled up in a corner of a music practice room on the verge of tears because playing music makes me feel things and i’ve played a lot of music today [yes, i know, it’s kinda a pathetic reason for being basically nonfunctional right now but whatever])

    anyway- how’s everyone’s day been? (or how was yesterday? am i timezoning right-?)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Yup! Totally a thing, happens to me too *hugs*

      Just keep breathing as Eddie says. It will eventually be okay :)

    3. Shadowed


      thanks, it was actually kind of happy (in that i was giggling maniacally for no reason for a good ten minutes because i just felt really filled up with how much i love playing and music and working on composition with my bestie - i don’t care if it sounds cringe/nerdy lol) but the hugs are appreciated anyway :D.

    4. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard


  4. 77A31103-DEAD-4DC0-97C2-E99B686AF968.thumb.jpeg.bf4c65544340bae9708d02da82e9e1c9.jpeg


    behold the magnificent flutiness 

    (to be clear, it’s only the piccolo that’s new, i just took a pic of it next to my flute to send to my friend for size comparison)



    i can only play 2/3 notes higher than i can on my normal flute at the moment, but i’m working on it :P


    1. Wittles


      SHINY!! Very cool!

  5. can i have a small rant about something real quick?

    today was the first day back at school. so, of course, we had to have an assembly.

    the teacher who was leading it talked a lot about failures and how it’s okay to fail and it helps us grow and learn, which i agree with in principle.

    BUT THEN he went on to show us pictures of people opening the envelopes with their exam results (idk what the american equivalent is but there are two sets of important exams you do when you’re 16 and 18 in my country) and he basically said ‘failure is okay but if you fail to get the grades you need for what you want to do in life then that’s not good enough and you should have tried harder.’ He also literally used the words ‘probably deserve it’. 

    like i’m sorry WHAT

    what a great way to encourage people taking those very exams in the not so distant future!


    how’s everyone’s life been since I last went on here? i’m going to try and be more active :D 

    1. Wittles


      Happy to see you back! You're totally fine for ranting sometimes, or more than sometimes. Ranting is just totally fine.

      Good ol' school systems being school systems :rolleyes:<_<

    2. Shadowed


      they’re consistent if nothing else :P

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      School assemblies never seem to say what people intend them to. 

  6. guess what

    so i’m in paris on a school trip and we’re meant to be coming back today.  we were meant to be in calais to get our ferry at 6pm local time, except we had a car/coach accident (everyone is fine and safe, don’t worry) so we were sat in an overheating, un-ventilated coach on the side of a roundabout for an hour and a half while they sorted out insurance and stuff. they had police as well since we were a coach full of 35 kids which got crashed into by an old man, and 3 people (me included) were freaking out/having panic attacks. so that was fun.

    but anyway that led to us missing our ferry…

    so currently it’s 8.30 pm and we’re about to get on a ferry that leaves at 9. we’re gonna get back home at 3am and i cannot wait.

    idk why i’m posting this, i’m just scudding frustrated at the whole day and how we’ve been late for literally everything for the past four days.

    1. Sequence


      Paris: Yipee!!

      Crash: That sucks and I am so sorry. I would say something about European drivers but that’s unfairly discriminatory :P.

    2. Shadowed


      we got back at 2:30am, we beat our ETA! woo! (although i am in extreme sleep-deprivation-and-ate-way-too-much-sugar-yesterday mode haha)

  7. TW suicide



    what do you do when one of your besties starts texting things like

    ”see you in another life”

    ”i guess i’ll move on”

    ”i’ll miss you when i’m- *changes subject*”

    ”thank you for everything but i can’t do this anymore”

    (and some other stuff which i’m not gonna put cause it might make some people uncomfortable)

    context: me and a few of my friends are in paris on a school trip (!!) but not the person texting those things. their boyfriend broke up with them because apparently they were forcing their suicidal thoughts on everyone and it was making him uncomfortable. meanwhile, me and two of our friends are literally hundreds of miles away trying to figure out what the scud is going on back home, and then we start getting the suicide texts.

    um ok i’m rambling now so i’m gonna just shut up and post this but any advice would be much appreciated.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I honestly feel really inadequate about this stuff. I have a friend who I've known forever, and suddenly she's cutting herself and so lost and confused, and all I can do is care. I don't really know what else there is to do. Being there to listen and try to show them that we care is sometimes all that we can do, especially when you're so far away. I'll keep your friend in my prayers, if that helps at all.

    2. Shadowed


      sorry this is late, but thank you so much, and i’m really sorry you and your friend have to go through that <3

  8. guys i need your help

    i’ve been asked to do a solo in the concert of one of my windband director’s choirs, 2 solo pieces plus basic accompaniments for some of theirs. 

    what do i wear???????

    i have like a month and a half so it’s not urgent (oh scud i only have a month and a half to prepare helppp) but i have no idea since i hate all dresses and want something interesting but formal without being too ‘out there’ or brightly coloured. (i’m kinda picky with what i wear lol)

    any advice would be appreciated much thank yous

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadowed


      i don’t think so (admittedly i haven’t asked but i’ve watched the concert before because he does it every year and usually the soloist just wears any formal clothes)

    3. InfiniteInsanity


      You could do like a jumpsuit. If you have one. Or a nice pair of pants and a blouse.

      None of those are super "out there" but they are different.

    4. Shadowed


      thank you for the ideas! my mum has this navy blue jumpsuit so i might ask to borrow that, or i have a pretty white blouse that could go with my school trousers.

  9. … we’re ignoring how inactive i’ve been recently …



    *happy nonbinary lesbian noises*

    to anyone who might be reading this who is gay, lesbian, bi, pan, omni, poly, ace, aroace, trans, enby, demigirl, demiboy, genderfluid or ANY other queer identity, out or not - i love you, i support you and i’m proud of you for being your true self. if you’re questioning, or still struggling with self-acceptance or acceptance from others, you will get there. it might take weeks, it might take years, but i believe in you. you deserve nothing but absolute support and acceptance from yourself and others around you. and if you’re not getting that, then i’m really sorry. but, and i can promise this, it will get better. you got this :))

    i also think i should take this opportunity to mention all the brave, strong queer people who came before us. without them, we would not have a month where we are free to be ourselves. we would not have civil rights laws protecting against homophobic discrimination. we would not have the incredible community that we have now. i will always be so, so grateful for every sacrifice they made so that i could be writing this post freely and without judgement.

    also - i’m not saying the system is perfect now. unfortunately, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and general discrimination against the queer community still happens, and i’m sure most LGBTQIA+ people on the Shard will have experienced it from someone, at some point in their lives. but we’re making progress, and we’re changing the way people view us, one glittery rainbow at a time. ✨  

    you are amazing, you are beautiful, you are valid as you are.

    *throws gay frogs*




    i’m loving the pfps everyone




    have a nb dinosaur :P 





  10. I have time on my hands, and am very bored.


  11. Double lucky :P 512E672C-855B-4B85-93E5-6C3E2EDDD02C.thumb.jpeg.6053ac86c7d388bac3c65de905cc373f.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      That’s too many two’s to comprehend right now. Bravo!

    3. Wittles


      That's awesome. 

    4. Cinnamon


      Triple lucky! (There’s three twos in 2022, ik it doesn’t really count because of that pesky 0 but whatever :P)

  12. I hath been swallowed by the great Shard of Inactivity.

    I need saving from the other great Shard of Schoolwork (the Vessel of which is named Biology), who has been encouraging Inactivity and preventing Activity from rising victorious once more.


    … what the flip did i just write :ph34r:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sequence


      Might I suggest tricking yourself into working? As in:

      "Okay, I'm going to do just FIVE MINUTES of work!"

      And then don't set an alarm or a timer or anything, and you'll get into the work mindset and end up working longer. Usually. 

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I've been trying to obey the Shard of Schoolwork all day. Nothing seems to work. I am beginning to think that this shard can't be bested.

    4. xinoehp512
  13. 3BCBA2AF-9B7D-4D06-A486-76598CF52E63.jpeg.0b80c8028068cc0e8f5858677bc74519.jpeg

    Consider my brain officially fried.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shadowed


      As a complimentary gift for frying my brain, have some brain fries.


      @Robin Sedai I have no idea, except I only have 12 followers so it’s always gonna be those 12 that show up on my profile :P 

    3. Shining Silhouette
    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Ah rust I just spotted my typo, still bothers me that we can't edit these.

  14. 26414CE7-DD53-4070-A351-48E6A5403A98.jpeg.7bd555ef476849f2932f4183d6737356.jpeg

    No one is allowed to start a new topic in this forum. Ever.

    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      If someone does, people need to make more and more topics until we get it 500

  15. Okay, um.

    I wrote a song. It’s called Let Me In.

    And it’s really bad, and I haven’t recorded anything, and I know the melody in my head but I cannot sing for the life of me so I’m trying to persuade my friend who can sing to do it, but she insists she can’t sing even though she can sooooo it’s a work in progress.

    Against my better judgement, I’m posting it here. Could y’all maybe… y’know… tell me where the storming awful bits and the slightly less storming awful bits are? Maybe? Thanks!!

    *deep breath*


    Let Me In

    [verse 1]

    Saw you crying on your own today

    Walked up and asked ‘are you alright’

    I wish it didn’t have to be this way

    The tears, the reassurances you’re fine

    [verse 2]

    Looked at my phone today

    One unread message from you

    ‘Can’t meet up, but I swear I’m okay’

    Don’t believe you for a second, but what can I do, what can I do?


    You say you’re trying to stop me from worrying

    Its not working

    I swear there’s nothing worse than not knowing

    When I could be helping


    Your fake smiles make me cry

    So I wish upon a star

    Tomorrow you’ll tell me everything

    And I’ll help heal your scars

    We all need secrets, but I see

    How bad you’re struggling

    All I want is to hold you and say it’s okay

    If you’ll only let me in.

    [verse 3]

    Knocked on your door this morning

    Asked ‘do you want to go and hang out’

    Just like the old days, but there’s a new day dawning

    A day where all you do is shut me out, out, out




    The anxiety is building and I’m walking on a thin sheet of ice

    But I can’t stop the empty promises that its gonna be alright

    And the stress, and the problems, they’re crushing me, crushing us

    [chorus x2]

    I swear there’s nothing worse than this not knowing

    Why won’t you let me in?

    What do you think? *nervously pushes forward*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kajsa



      And it’s really bad, and I haven’t recorded anything, and I know the melody in my head but I cannot sing for the life of me so I’m trying to persuade my friend who can sing to do it, but she insists she can’t sing even though she can sooooo it’s a work in progress.

      If your friend is being too stubborn, I could maybe give it a shot *supershy shruggie*

    3. Shadowed



      if you’re sure it’s okay, and you have time, and you’re happy to and everything…

      I would love that :D

      I can record me playing the melody on flute and post it somewhere, probably my art thread since music is art right(?), but realistically that’s probably not going to happen until Monday. (yay homework. everyone’s favourite. and the fact that I have to learn 2 entire symphonies in a week but that’s a different story entirely.)

      So ya, thank you so scudding much for offering :DD

    4. Kajsa




      if you’re sure it’s okay, and you have time, and you’re happy to and everything…

      I would love that :D

      I can record me playing the melody on flute and post it somewhere, probably my art thread since music is art right(?), but realistically that’s probably not going to happen until Monday. (yay homework. everyone’s favourite. and the fact that I have to learn 2 entire symphonies in a week but that’s a different story entirely.)

      So ya, thank you so scudding much for offering :DD

      Wow that sounds fun xD We do all love homework 


      Of course! You can also PM me it if you like. 

  16. Sooo, I might have embarrassed myself in front of all the popular girls by crying because I finished Hero of Ages.



    elendddddddddd he was my favourite character!!!!!

    and then vin… :cries:

    I was legit losing it by the time I’d finished the book.


    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      It's a good reason to embarrass yourself. 


      That ending! Gah!! I loved Elend so much. 

      Now you need to read the secret history.


    2. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      That ending is a masterpiece!

      Hey, maybe the popular girls will be intrigued and want to read it! :P

  17. Okay.

    I’m reading the Hero of Ages for the first time (yes, I haven’t read it before, I started with Stormlight okay) I’m a little over halfway through.




    Vin’s earring is a spike thingy that her mother killed her Allomancer of a baby sister with, then kept in her ear and started hearing voices. now vin wears that earring and she hears reen’s voice BUT IT’S RUIN BECAUSE HEMALURGY

    Also, in that scene where Vin’s trapped in the obligator’s house and she sees Reen, I went from “It’s TenSoon in disguise!” to “It’s Spook!” to “Reen never died!” and then to “OHHHH!!!!”

    I’m very happy.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      I screamed a lot when I read Hero of Ages.


    2. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Yes that reveal is masterful!

    3. Sequence


      I read Hero of Ages when I was much more naive than I am now, and I literally predicted nothing. Everything was a surprise to me. At the time, I didn't even theorize because I had no ideas.

      You are smart, my friend!

  18. So I have a rant that I really need to tell someone

    but the content might make some people uncomfortable (references to suicide/self harm (not me, someone else, I’m fine I promise))

    and I’m not really comfortable using PMs (sorry) (I don’t mind group chats like the RP ones I’m in)

    where should I put it?

    (if there’s nowhere I’ll find someone irl because if I tell no one I’m going to burst :[ )

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I’m always happy to listen and help in any way I can if you need it.

    3. Cinnamon


      You could put it in the bad day get ’yer  hugs here thread. 

      everyone is really understanding and there are other people with problems really similar to yours that you could ask for advice from or just be comforted in the knowledge that other people understand and it has been okay for their friends.

    4. Shadowed
  19. Um, this is slightly random, but I’m curious.

    How old do you all think I am?

    the other day someone thought I was 10 years older than I actually am, that’s why I ask :ph34r: 


    I’m not gonna say the answer at the end because my birthday’s on here and I don’t want people knowing my date of birth, sorry



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Between -4, 3.14159265358979323, and 900 years js my guess. 

    3. Shadowed


      @Sequence how did you guess :ph34r:

    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Hmm, I don't know you all that well. I'd guess fifteen?

  20. Happy 2023 everyone!! That means:

    - only 1 more year to SA5 (eeeeeeee)

    - loads of the activities and things I signed up for in 2022 happen this year which I’m super excited about!

    - the secret projects!! 

    - another year of complete insanity and craziness :D

    Happy new year!!

    1. Shadowed


      My gosh, that’s a lot of exclamation marks…

      Here’s some more, for good measure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



      I’ll stop now…



  21. Happy Christmas everybody!

    It’s a bit late for me (8:30pm-ish) but I’ve been busy with family and stuff.

    I know own copies of AoL, SoS and BoM, which I’m very happy about aside from the fact that I’ve only read the Final Empire. (A large hole that I am working to rectify :D.)

    Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope everyone has/has had an amazing day today!! (And if you haven’t, sending hugs your way ^_^)

    1. Robin Sedai
    2. Shadowed


      Just noticed… “I know own”…


  22. I changed my display name to Shadowed, after Ookla season!

    I didn’t really like MysticalShadows and wanted something a bit shorter, and Shadow and Shadows were already taken, so here I am as Shadowed :D 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shadowed


      Sure, you can still call me Misty. Or Shadow. Or basically whatever the storms you want :D

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Hello, basically whatever the storms you want. I'm the Bookwyrm. It's nice to meet you.




      ...I'll leave now.



    4. Shadowed


      uhh… you can call me that as well? :P

  23. Quick question. When does Ookla season end? 

    why do I feel like i’m gonna be that one person who still has their ookla name when everyone else has changed back :ph34r: 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Monk of Dakhor

      Monk of Dakhor

      so do we take it off today or tomorrow?

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      You can do it tomorrow or today. It really doesn't matter much, just before the end of December.

    4. Monk of Dakhor

      Monk of Dakhor

      Okay thank you, I think I am going to take it off today

  24. Guess what came in the post today :D

    Three new flutes for me to choose from as my Christmas present!! We hired them from this specialist woodwind shop in the big city near where I live and we keep one to buy and send the other two back. I’m really excited because they’re open-holed (they literally have holes in the keys, it’s considered more advanced because you have to cover the whole hole with your finger else it doesn’t make a sound) and I’ve never played one before, aside from the 5 seconds on my teacher’s.

    Not sure if that really warrants an SU, but you’re getting it anyway. I’m excited okay :lol:

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I'm a clarinet.

      But flutes are cool and I want one.

    2. InfiniteInsanity


      That's really cool!!!

    3. Ranryu
  25. AHHH

    Okay, so.

    Me and this girl have been best friends since we were babies. We were really really close until about a year ago, when I had a big argument with the rest of her friend group but we still stayed friends. Gradually we sort of drifted and stopped talking completely. I assumed I was nothing to her now, since she’s one of the ‘cool’ ones and I am most definitely not.

    AND… she just texted me to ask whether I wanted to start talking to her againnnnnn

    here’s the thing: I have terrible friends and really missed how we used to be. But I thought that was a daydream, nothing more.


    I’m on a slight emotional high right now. Someone send help before I destroy the entire planet in my happiness :D


    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Don't destroy the planet, I live here and I like it :P

      But seriously though, that's great! Really happy for you :D

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