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About Shadowed

  • Birthday June 26

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  • Member Title
    Your plastic pal who’s fun to be with :D
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  • Interests
    reading, classical music, reading, writing, reading, art, did I mention reading?

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  1. Okay, um.

    I wrote a song. It’s called Let Me In.

    And it’s really bad, and I haven’t recorded anything, and I know the melody in my head but I cannot sing for the life of me so I’m trying to persuade my friend who can sing to do it, but she insists she can’t sing even though she can sooooo it’s a work in progress.

    Against my better judgement, I’m posting it here. Could y’all maybe… y’know… tell me where the storming awful bits and the slightly less storming awful bits are? Maybe? Thanks!!

    *deep breath*


    Let Me In

    [verse 1]

    Saw you crying on your own today

    Walked up and asked ‘are you alright’

    I wish it didn’t have to be this way

    The tears, the reassurances you’re fine

    [verse 2]

    Looked at my phone today

    One unread message from you

    ‘Can’t meet up, but I swear I’m okay’

    Don’t believe you for a second, but what can I do, what can I do?


    You say you’re trying to stop me from worrying

    Its not working

    I swear there’s nothing worse than not knowing

    When I could be helping


    Your fake smiles make me cry

    So I wish upon a star

    Tomorrow you’ll tell me everything

    And I’ll help heal your scars

    We all need secrets, but I see

    How bad you’re struggling

    All I want is to hold you and say it’s okay

    If you’ll only let me in.

    [verse 3]

    Knocked on your door this morning

    Asked ‘do you want to go and hang out’

    Just like the old days, but there’s a new day dawning

    A day where all you do is shut me out, out, out




    The anxiety is building and I’m walking on a thin sheet of ice

    But I can’t stop the empty promises that its gonna be alright

    And the stress, and the problems, they’re crushing me, crushing us

    [chorus x2]

    I swear there’s nothing worse than this not knowing

    Why won’t you let me in?

    What do you think? *nervously pushes forward*

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    2. Kajsa



      And it’s really bad, and I haven’t recorded anything, and I know the melody in my head but I cannot sing for the life of me so I’m trying to persuade my friend who can sing to do it, but she insists she can’t sing even though she can sooooo it’s a work in progress.

      If your friend is being too stubborn, I could maybe give it a shot *supershy shruggie*

    3. Shadowed



      if you’re sure it’s okay, and you have time, and you’re happy to and everything…

      I would love that :D

      I can record me playing the melody on flute and post it somewhere, probably my art thread since music is art right(?), but realistically that’s probably not going to happen until Monday. (yay homework. everyone’s favourite. and the fact that I have to learn 2 entire symphonies in a week but that’s a different story entirely.)

      So ya, thank you so scudding much for offering :DD

    4. Kajsa




      if you’re sure it’s okay, and you have time, and you’re happy to and everything…

      I would love that :D

      I can record me playing the melody on flute and post it somewhere, probably my art thread since music is art right(?), but realistically that’s probably not going to happen until Monday. (yay homework. everyone’s favourite. and the fact that I have to learn 2 entire symphonies in a week but that’s a different story entirely.)

      So ya, thank you so scudding much for offering :DD

      Wow that sounds fun xD We do all love homework 


      Of course! You can also PM me it if you like. 

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