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About Shadowed

  • Birthday June 26

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    Your plastic pal who’s fun to be with :D
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  • Interests
    reading, classical music, reading, writing, reading, art, did I mention reading?

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  1. guys i need your help

    i’ve been asked to do a solo in the concert of one of my windband director’s choirs, 2 solo pieces plus basic accompaniments for some of theirs. 

    what do i wear???????

    i have like a month and a half so it’s not urgent (oh scud i only have a month and a half to prepare helppp) but i have no idea since i hate all dresses and want something interesting but formal without being too ‘out there’ or brightly coloured. (i’m kinda picky with what i wear lol)

    any advice would be appreciated much thank yous

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadowed


      i don’t think so (admittedly i haven’t asked but i’ve watched the concert before because he does it every year and usually the soloist just wears any formal clothes)

    3. InfiniteInsanity


      You could do like a jumpsuit. If you have one. Or a nice pair of pants and a blouse.

      None of those are super "out there" but they are different.

    4. Shadowed


      thank you for the ideas! my mum has this navy blue jumpsuit so i might ask to borrow that, or i have a pretty white blouse that could go with my school trousers.

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