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About Shadowed

  • Birthday June 26

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  • Member Title
    Your plastic pal who’s fun to be with :D
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  • Interests
    reading, classical music, reading, writing, reading, art, did I mention reading?

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  1. guess what

    so i’m in paris on a school trip and we’re meant to be coming back today.  we were meant to be in calais to get our ferry at 6pm local time, except we had a car/coach accident (everyone is fine and safe, don’t worry) so we were sat in an overheating, un-ventilated coach on the side of a roundabout for an hour and a half while they sorted out insurance and stuff. they had police as well since we were a coach full of 35 kids which got crashed into by an old man, and 3 people (me included) were freaking out/having panic attacks. so that was fun.

    but anyway that led to us missing our ferry…

    so currently it’s 8.30 pm and we’re about to get on a ferry that leaves at 9. we’re gonna get back home at 3am and i cannot wait.

    idk why i’m posting this, i’m just scudding frustrated at the whole day and how we’ve been late for literally everything for the past four days.

    1. Sequence


      Paris: Yipee!!

      Crash: That sucks and I am so sorry. I would say something about European drivers but that’s unfairly discriminatory :P.

    2. Shadowed


      we got back at 2:30am, we beat our ETA! woo! (although i am in extreme sleep-deprivation-and-ate-way-too-much-sugar-yesterday mode haha)

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