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Posts posted by Shadowed

  1. hii change of topic but does anyone else here do music theory? i get to harmonise bach-style chorales every week now and it breaks my brain slightly.

    like yes, i get it, consecutive 5ths and octaves are bad, 3rds and 6ths are good. i can understand how that makes it sound better. but who decided you’re only allowed to double a minor 3rd, not a major one? or that you shouldn’t use chord iii unless it’s in a circle of 5ths progression? or that 7ths need to be prepared as well as resolved, in the same voice??? who made those rules???

    yes i know it was bach, like one of the most incredible composers and geniuses but still i’m allowed to complain because harmonising makes me do thinking and thinking is hard lol


    this is mainly just to summon other classical music theory nerds because if you know what the heck i’m on about then you’re officially a theory nerd :D 

    edit: oh also, on my concert band course there’s someone with a giant doomslug plushie that they take everywhere and i really want to go talk to them because omg doomsluggg but *social anxiety* lol

  2. hello theatrey peoples i need your help

    i want to audition for a thing

    it’s like a variety show kinda, with group dances, funny sketches, singing etc, by people around my area ages 6-25. it’s a massive production and it’s always amazing to go and see. i’d love to actually be in it next year.

    problem is, i can’t act, i can barely sing and i’m probably just passable at dancing (having done ballet but no other styles of dance)

    (also crippling stage anxiety is a thing lol)

    so if anyone has any ideas about how i can get good (or at least better) at those things by september, or any tips for auditions in general, i’d really appreciate it. thanks!

  3. i’m learning bsl (british sign language) at the moment, not very good at it but it’s really interesting. it’s also useful to have a conversation with your friend across the classroom with haha

    … i mean it takes a while because i don’t know many actual words so it’s mostly fingerspelling but still

    also i think sign language emojis would be great in terms of accessibility and also education but it might be a bit impractical in terms of how many new emojis they’d need to make, or how many types of sign language from around the world they’d need to include to make it fair.

  4. Day 4: Dodge


    It’s… a person dodging something. Not much more to say.


    Day 5: Map


    Again, this one’s fairly self-explanatory. It’s a map of one of my worlds (please ignore how bad the names of the countries are, they’re mostly just working names apart from Rorat which I actually like)



  5. 13 hours ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

    “Raining isn’t the sky weeping. Raining is the sky ridding itself of its pains from the previous day and starting afresh.”

    alright, here goes:

    the day after, it rained. it rained and washed the sidewalks, the grass, giving life to it. it was beautiful. i saw my life in that rain. the pain, the feeling of sadness. i broke more than just a few things in the past. but this rain was different. it wasnt gods tears, weeping at the world. it was cleansing, it was a refresh. i took a deep breath in, wistfully thinking back to a life before i knew strife, a place of black and white and simple decisions. a time before addiction. i breathed out, and it was like my feelings left with it, the steam lightly clouding the cold window with memory. today, i know, is a new day. today, the world has chosen to wash itself clean. so why cant i?

    @Shadowed what do you think?

    ooh that’s really good! i like it!!

  6. thanks for making this thread! both the arts in here so far are really cool!

    Day 1: Dream


    This one is somewhat tenuous, but… dreamy colour scheme?? stars around head show that she’s daydreaming??? c’mon i tried to make it fit the prompt lol

    also thank you to the amazing @Justice_Magician for the reference :DD


    Day 2: Spiders


    I have no comments on this one apart from it was done under the table in Chemistry so please don’t judge lol. (also i am incapable of drawing anything other than portraits)


    i swear it looks better in real life haha


  7. Just now, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:


    *runs for life*

    HEEEEELP! *turns into giant book and flies away* HUMAN IS COMING!


    1 minute ago, Edema Rue said:

    *sits on the floor in the form of an extra big copy of RoW and cries*

    wait you guys get magic book powers?? that’s sooo not fair!!! i just get social anxiety!

    *sticks head out from under library table* um, so are you a human or not? i’m kind of allergic to humans if i’m around them too long.

  8. 3 hours ago, Edema Rue said:

    *smiles at the corner*



    *nervously emerges, shielding eyes from light*


    um, i like books!

    do you like books?

    i really like books!

    *sits down, visibly exhausted because social interaction can do that to a person*

    *is shocked at themselves that they consider themselves a person and not exactly thirty four gremlins in a trench coat masquerading as a human*

    (sorry, idk where that last part came from lol i’m feeling particularly insane today)


    a huMAN BEING?!! *runs for the hills*

    (curse this stupid mobile device and not being able to edit quotes into a post)

  9. i need to know if there’s a word for this

    (i should probably preface this by saying i’m asexual and that’s not what i’m questioning here)

    but basically, i like the idea of having a girlfriend, i would even go as far as to say i actively want a girlfriend, but my idea of a relationship is hugging and being best friends, rather than kissing or any of… the other stuff. i’m not aromantic, and i have been going by the label lesbiromantic, but i feel like it doesn’t accurately fit anymore.

    any help would be appreciated :).

    and also that meme is unfortunately accurate lol

  10. idk if there’s anyone on here who can relate but i’m having a slight crisis atm in that i’m pretty sure i’m some form of not neurotypical. (specifically autism + maybe inattentive adhd.) except there’s no chance of me ever getting diagnosed with anything because i mask all the signs of it because social acceptance (and i’ve basically built my entire personality and self worth around being the perfect daughter who studies hard and gets good grades and is always quiet but fine at home, so telling my parents would mean shattering all of that, which i’ve spent a LOT of time and energy on, and i don’t think i’m prepared to do that). at school, everything is really hard all the time and i can’t socialise like everyone else and i get sensory overload a lot and why do some people not just leave you alone when you clearly need it. this has been going on for a while and i think i’m starting to reach some kind of breaking point where one day i’ll just snap and not be able to function at all. does anyone have any advice for avoiding complete burnout?

    sorry, that wasn’t meant to go that long and probably made no sense, feel free to ignore my ramblings 

  11. 12 hours ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

    resurrecting this to say:

    b melodic minor argh


    also, i’m playing Hypnosis by Ian Clarke and it is genuinely one of the most melancholy and beautiful pieces i have ever had the pleasure of playing (to be fair i’ve been playing for 6 years so that’s not really saying a lot, i’m nowhere near 35 years!)

    you should totally go listen to it, it’s great

    edit: i’m also playing Waltz from John Rutter’s Suite Antique which is jazz-style and really fun!

  12. I wrote some more things! idk if they’re good but enjoy ig?

    The Mask


    The mask follows me everywhere.

    I don’t control it,

    It controls me.

    I can’t find a way to take it off

    So it stays on.

    No one knows what’s under the mask,

    Not even me,

    Because no one taught me how to find out.


    But maybe,

    With you,

    I can learn.


    With you,

    I can teach myself

    Discover myself

    Find myself

    So that I can

    Be myself.

    Today, the mask followed me everywhere


    When I was with you.

    Only then

    Only when it was just us, alone

    Only then did it leave me

    At last.

    A weight, lifted

    A burden, lessened

    A cloak, discarded

    Even if it is only temporary

    With you

    I set down a load I didn’t know I was hauling, 

    Everywhere I went.

    So for that,

    I thank you.



    I don’t think. I just run.

    I don’t know what I’m doing, or where I’m going, or what I’m going to do when I get there. All I know is that I need to get away, away from the bad, bad place.

    I know he is following me. I can hear his steel-toed boots slapping on the rain-soaked cobblestones, far louder than my bare feet. I would know the sounds of those boots anywhere - they visit me in my dreams every night.

    “Come here, Anna darling. Daddy’s got new shoes!”

    I didn’t know, then, that those shoes would give me the great ugly scar covering almost all of my back, or that they would cause more emotional scarring than anyone would ever find out.

    My breathing is starting to get shallower, coming in ragged gasps. I haven’t kept in shape, these past months - although anyone would be out of breath at the speed I am barely maintaining. I haven’t even eaten today, despite the sun beginning to set on the horizon, so I don’t know how I’m keeping the pace up. I must be running on adrenaline and pure terror, the terror of being taken back to the bad, bad place.

    My hands are wet. Blood? Callum’s blood. Blood I spilled. Blood my father spilled.

    It’s water. It’s only water. 

    When did it start raining?

    My thoughts are circling, becoming more and more erratic. I know I’m spiralling, and I know I can’t keep running for much longer before I’m forced to stop and catch my breath. But stopping means facing the boots, and the monster of a man attached to them. And I can’t. I can’t do that.

    The streets are slick with blood - water, it’s only rainwater - and I can’t see through the bright car headlights, blinding as the fluorescent lamps Callum’s hospital room. I’m not even sure where I am anymore; I’ve run so far that everywhere I turn I’m faced with unfamiliar buildings leering down at me from all sides. I can almost taste the hostility, thick at the back of my throat, threatening to choke me.

    Suddenly, there is no road in front of me, and I find myself staring at a brick wall. A dead end. I almost scream in frustration. There is nowhere to go from here. I’ve come to the end of my path. And I’m just so, so tired. 

    There are black dots dancing at the edge of my vision and I know I’m close to exhaustion. I can’t hold on much longer. There’s no point trying.

    He won.

    I don’t think. I just let myself be consumed by the blackness.


  13. Haven’t posted anything here (or anywhere lol) for a while sooo… have an art : )



    I drew this listening to the Prelude from John Rutter’s Suite Antique, which you should definitely go listen to right now because it is so scudding beautiful and, paired with some memories i associate with the piece, reduced me to tears lol. i get to learn the Aria and Waltz from the suite once i’m back from orchestra camp and i’m so happy because ahhh they are just ✨✨✨ 


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