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Everything posted by Shadowed

  1. You cellists are taking over the world. At my last orchestra day workshop thingy, there were more cellos than the entire woodwind section… . of course the same could be said for flutes, on another orchestra I’m doing there are 90 flutes. 90.
  2. added to mine too! I’m not sure if it’s published internationally, but Nothing Ever Happens Here is pretty good. It’s basically about this girl whose dad/mum comes out as trans mtf and she gets bullied at school for it. it’s kinda aimed at middle-grade but it’s still great!
  3. This. I have shoulder-length hair but I literally always have it tied up in a low bun. I pin my bangs back and wear masc clothes and it confuses the heck out of people who don’t know me. Since I’m bigender I think if they ask me if I’m a boy I say yes and if they ask me if I’m a girl I say yes
  4. “Ah, that makes sense.” Matra smiled in what she hoped was the general direction of the honorspren. ”I’m good to be Lashed, if Calano is.” @The Bookwyrm @CalanoCorvus
  5. Happy Christmas everybody!

    It’s a bit late for me (8:30pm-ish) but I’ve been busy with family and stuff.

    I know own copies of AoL, SoS and BoM, which I’m very happy about aside from the fact that I’ve only read the Final Empire. (A large hole that I am working to rectify :D.)

    Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope everyone has/has had an amazing day today!! (And if you haven’t, sending hugs your way ^_^)

    1. Robin Sedai
    2. Shadowed


      Just noticed… “I know own”…


  6. Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Pathway-The Hallway “That’s a good idea. Otherwise we could be down here forever.” Something else occurred to Matra as she spoke. “Wait. Lashing? Don’t you have to be a Windrunner or Skybreaker for that? I’ve never heard you talking to your spren.” @The Bookwyrm @CalanoCorvus
  7. “Yeah, let’s hope.” Matra shivered, eager to continue. “Best spend as little time as possible down here.”
  8. I was gonna put this as my profile pic, but I decided against it. It looks kinda cool though… I think?
  9. “Right, that must be it.” Matra nodded emphatically, desperate to find something concrete to cling onto in this darkness. “There’s something magical at play, and it’s bringing out our worst memories and fears. But I’ve never known a simple spell to do something as complex as that…” She glanced around suddenly. “Do you think someone is near, maintaining it?” @The Bookwyrm @CalanoCorvus
  10. Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Pathway Matra glanced at Bookwyrm, who had stopped on the stairs suddenly. “You okay?” I might not be the only one struggling with memories in this darkness…
  11. My friend did her flute exam and her entire thumb key came off in the middle of a scale!! She said the examiner did that thing that all examiners do where their face is just a mask and they say “and when you are ready move onto your next scale” like he didn’t even break script for her entire thumb key coming off- Luckily she had a mini screwdriver and knew how to put it back on but she was so nervous to play afterwards
  12. I changed my display name to Shadowed, after Ookla season!

    I didn’t really like MysticalShadows and wanted something a bit shorter, and Shadow and Shadows were already taken, so here I am as Shadowed :D 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shadowed


      Sure, you can still call me Misty. Or Shadow. Or basically whatever the storms you want :D

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      Hello, basically whatever the storms you want. I'm the Bookwyrm. It's nice to meet you.




      ...I'll leave now.



    4. Shadowed


      uhh… you can call me that as well? :P

  13. Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Pathway “Oh, no,” Matra muttered. Deep, deep down underground, with no light to dispel the discomforting, smothering, suffocating darkness, no way out… She shook her head. Focus on the task at hand. “Right, let’s go!” she declared brightly. Too brightly. She started walking towards it and hoped the others followed. @Ookla the Perpetual @Ookla the Crow
  14. The Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Pathway Matra shivered. “This place is… unnatural.” She passed her eyes across the entire landscape, searching for any signs of life, anything to break the eerie calm, but it was just those black, black stones, as far as the eye could see. ”So where is the Archive meant to be?” @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Perpetual
  15. hi, if you have time (and want to) please could you draw Aleri? She has light brown/dirty blonde hair in a ponytail, kinda conventionally pretty, blue eyes, do whatever you want with the clothes and pose. thanks!
  16. Insanity Clinic: Library Matra took a deep breath, then jumped into the wyrmhole. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Matra ran up to the rest of the group. Bookwyrm was lying prone on the floor, so Matra ran over to him. “Are you o-“ Then she spotted the pillar. Use my power to enter the Dream. The Land of Dreams, from the rhyme. From the distant reaches of her memory, she recalled something. Something about a realm within a person’s mind while they slept - a Dreamscape? In a flash, everything came together in her head. She gasped. Turning to Emma, she asked quietly, “Is Bookwyrm in a Dreamscape, looking for the Archive? And if he is, can I join him?”
  17. I promise you, Kaladin: you will be a goat again. Edit: NOOO @Ookla Carried by the Wind ALREADY DID MY IDEA :cries: I was just lazy and didnt read up, sorryyy
  18. Quick question. When does Ookla season end? 

    why do I feel like i’m gonna be that one person who still has their ookla name when everyone else has changed back :ph34r: 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Monk of Dakhor

      Monk of Dakhor

      so do we take it off today or tomorrow?

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      You can do it tomorrow or today. It really doesn't matter much, just before the end of December.

    4. Monk of Dakhor

      Monk of Dakhor

      Okay thank you, I think I am going to take it off today

  19. A completely (not) anatomically correct doodle of Ele’maiya from the Reaper Corps RP. I’m actually happy with the hair shading for once haha, but the rest of it is complete rubbish so yknow…
  20. Insanity Clinic: Library Matra jumped backwards as Stormy, Insa, Rue, and Emma fell through a portal into the library. “Oh, hi. Just the people we need - there seems to be a storm blocking Bookwyrm from creating a portal to a planet we want to get to, so we were wondering whether you’- she looked at Insa -‘could take a look with your magic?’
  21. You know what else is nice? Skorts that you modified yourself to have arm straps so you can pull up the skirt part over your chest and pull the straps over your shoulders to make these overalls thingys for art. That explanation probably doesn’t make very much sense, especially if you don’t know what skorts are
  22. Ele’maiya ducked as the monster sent a huge clawed hand her way. Dodging and weaving between its attacks, she eventually broke through to its tough, thick hide. Now, how to kill it… She looked behind her to see Caoimhe taking aim with her bow and arrow. Maiya tried to keep her fighting down low, at the monster’s legs and lower torso, so Caoimhe could shoot for its head.
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