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Everything posted by Shadowed

  1. Ele’maiya wished there was something to break the dull monotony of trudging through endless brown foothills. She was even beginning to grow bored of the scenery. Perhaps, to liven it up a little, she and Caoimhe could— A deep, primal groan rose from the ground below, and a head rose from underneath the earth. Grabbing Caoimhe by the sleeve, she ran as fast as she could in the other direction. But something occurred to her. What if it gets the other acolytes? I should see if I can kill it for them. Making a snap decision, she turned around and pulled her spear from her pack. A battle cry escaped her lips as she charged the monster. @InfiniteInsanity
  2. Yes, I am aware that this is a forum based largely on fantasy. And yes, I am still going to post the first draft of some stuff I wrote that is 100% dystopian and 0% fantasy. (It’s also 100% storming awful, but that’s besides the point.) Me and my friend basically were talking about how plants are only 2% efficient because the CO2 concentration is too low, so the obvious answer to that is pump a load of CO2 into the air. Slight problems with that for us humans - not to mention the rest of nature - but it’s hypothetical okay? Anyway, we thought that if we put all the humans in a completely sealed dome thing and made a supercity underneath it for the entire population to live in, and put enough oxygen in that ‘bubble’ for humans to survive, and made it completely self-sustaining, we could put loads of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and it not impact humans. (Clearly, being forced out of your home and living in this confined, cultivated, sterile ‘city’ would be included under that ‘not impact’ bit. Like I said, hypothetical.) It sounds mental, and it probably is, but here it is anyway. Instalment 1: (i’m not sure if they will turn out to be long enough for chapters so i’m calling them ‘instalments’) Criticisms would be VERY much appreciated
  3. An offshoot organisation of the Worldseers? The implications bounced round Matra’s head, but Bookwyrm was right. Not relevant right now. Focus. ”Can we get Insa? Or should we leave her to her… whatever she’s doing? ”And Pyro, how are you getting on with those coordinates?” @Ookla the Crow @Ookla the Perpetual @PyroPhile
  4. As Ele’maiya got nearer to the figure, she began to make out the features of Caoimhe, a fellow acolyte. She had always seemed like one of the more sane ones, so Maiya increased her pace. “Hey, Caoimhe! Want to travel with me?”
  5. Ele’maiya looked up at the Inverted Mountain in wonder. Such beauty… But she had a job to do. Setting her jaw, she began walking. It was a steep climb, but she was accustomed to intense physical exercise after five years of training. Straining her eyes, she noticed a figure rounding the crest of a foothill in the distance - or perhaps it was two figures, she couldn’t quite tell. More acolytes, maybe? She spun decisively on her heel and set off after the receding silhouettes.
  6. Clinic: Library “Yeah… they’re very ancient runes. I’m impressed you know of them. My abilities tell me they’re a part of a mostly dead language originating from Ilyat’en, a world mostly inhabited by Worldseers. Huh.” Matra trailed off in thought. ”The Archives are tied to the Worldseers, right? So Ilyat’en might not be a bad place to start our search, if everyone is willing to pause their parts of the plan…”
  7. Grade 6… the sight reading and scales and stuff is soooo hard but the pieces are so much more interesting My examiner was nice, but it was in this super freezing church hall and just generally not a nice experience overall.
  8. I had a very busy week for music… Monday - rest day, practicing for the rest of the week Tuesday - school windband concert, my brother’s concert (he sang a solo and it was basically the first time I heard him sing, it was really good!) Wednesday - my flute exammmmm which I was really nervous for (I got merit, 3 marks off a distinction, but I made stupid mistakes and I’m so annoyed at myself ) I also had a concert for orchestra, but it was easy pieces so I wasn’t that nervous. Thursday - rehearsal for orchestra Friday - nothing, relax day haha Saturday - concert in the same orchestra as Wednesday, but we did it with a male voice choir which was interesting and fun So yeah I was very tired
  9. Ayyy more flutists!! Although in the UK we say flautists… I have no idea why I’m getting a new flute for Christmas and I’m so exciteddd! edit: @Ookla the Omniscient is that a haiku? I can’t remember the syllable rules haha
  10. Guess what came in the post today :D

    Three new flutes for me to choose from as my Christmas present!! We hired them from this specialist woodwind shop in the big city near where I live and we keep one to buy and send the other two back. I’m really excited because they’re open-holed (they literally have holes in the keys, it’s considered more advanced because you have to cover the whole hole with your finger else it doesn’t make a sound) and I’ve never played one before, aside from the 5 seconds on my teacher’s.

    Not sure if that really warrants an SU, but you’re getting it anyway. I’m excited okay :lol:

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I'm a clarinet.

      But flutes are cool and I want one.

    2. InfiniteInsanity


      That's really cool!!!

    3. Ranryu
  11. Insanity Clinic: Library Matra glanced at Pyro’s hands and couldn’t help noticing that they were covered by thick hide gloves. Strange fashion choice. But it wasn’t important right now. “Ooh, chalkboards! Fun!” She turned to Pyro. “Do you have any magic? I love finding people with interesting powers!”
  12. Insanity Clinic: Library Matra smiled in welcome to Pyro. “Nice to have you along.” She turned to @Ookla the Crow , @Ookla the Perpetual and @PyroPhile. “So, traumatised villagers? I’m… kind of blunt sometimes… but I can try? Maybe I’ll make some new friends!” She spotted the refugees in the next room along. Taking a deep breath, and trying not to look too hard at the haunted looks in all of their eyes, her resolve hardened. “Let’s go help some villagers. Pyro, you coming?”
  13. Ruins of Tal’rin Matra nodded at Bookwyrm’s assertion that Insa was fine. She was still concerned for her friend, but she trusted Bookwyrm, so she let the matter drop. “So what do you reckon the coordinates mean? They look like they come in 3 parts, so maybe that’s important…” Matra racked her brain for a solution, but couldn’t come up with one. Bookwyrm and Calano were far more experienced than her, maybe they could figure it out. “What do you guys make of it?” @Ookla the Perpetual @Ookla the Crow
  14. Matra peered at the stone. “These seem to be coordinates, although I’ve never seen a coordinate system like it. It reads… let’s see… 24.896-8.783-74.280. and then…” her head snapped up suddenly, “I know this. This is a children’s song, from among my people. It goes like this: [seven] lost treasures Scattered over the lands Maybe, one day, you will hold That treasure in your hands. Maybe, one day, you will be The one to finally find it Be brave, my love, in the Land Of Dreams Where you shall seek to bind it.” She stood for a moment, brow furrowed in concentration. ‘But what does it mean? It’s just a nursery rhyme.’
  15. “Ooh, a secret puzzle? How exciting!” Matra peered over Bookwyrm and Calano’s shoulders to catch a glance of a strange-looking white stone. “Can I have a look?”
  16. Shadow whipped out her notebook and started scribbling furiously. “A [portal]? How fascinating. I’ve never seen one in real life…”
  17. Ruins of Tal’rin Matra and the band of survivors that she had gathered caught up with Insa. “To the ocean? Is there a boat waiting for us, or something?” More importantly, what has Bookwyrm found that he is so desperate to get the villagers away from?
  18. AHHH

    Okay, so.

    Me and this girl have been best friends since we were babies. We were really really close until about a year ago, when I had a big argument with the rest of her friend group but we still stayed friends. Gradually we sort of drifted and stopped talking completely. I assumed I was nothing to her now, since she’s one of the ‘cool’ ones and I am most definitely not.

    AND… she just texted me to ask whether I wanted to start talking to her againnnnnn

    here’s the thing: I have terrible friends and really missed how we used to be. But I thought that was a daydream, nothing more.


    I’m on a slight emotional high right now. Someone send help before I destroy the entire planet in my happiness :D


    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Don't destroy the planet, I live here and I like it :P

      But seriously though, that's great! Really happy for you :D

  19. 81 529 225 324 121 25 16 81 400 225 441 400 1 36 400 25 324 16 1 625 361 225 36 400 324 625 81 196 49 1 196 16 81 169 529 1 625 400 225 225 256 144 25 1 361 25 16 529 81 400 64 169 625 361 25 144 36 I DID IT! I worked it out!!! *phew* sorry it’s so long…
  20. Made some digital art (or tried to) of a character in a world I’m starting to build. Her name is Aeila (it says in the corner but its kinda hard to read) and she’s a Lifeforger (very bad placeholder name for her powers).
  21. Shadow glanced out of a window that may or may not have existed previously. “Look,” she remarked softly, gazing across to where, in the distance, a plastic Santa, please stop here sign was visible from a garden. “Did we consider who will deliver presents to all the innocent children this year, if we are successful?”
  22. Ruins of Tal’rin: The Basement Matra ran on ahead to the burned-out building, raced down a flight of stairs, then stopped abruptly. Hundreds of faces looked up at her with wide, fearful eyes. Some had attempted to hide, others simply stood and stared blankly. So this is where the survivors went. ”Guys…” she called haltingly. “You, um, you need to see this.”
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