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Posts posted by Shadowed

  1. 46 minutes ago, Ookla the Pencil Taxi said:

    Pencil Taxi, after holding the infused broam and staring off into space for several minutes, starts and suddenly realizes she is holding it.* She sucks in its Light, then stares at the beanbag. She exhales the Light, then uses her hands, after handing the broam back to Telrao, uses her hands to sculpt the Light into the shape of the beanbag. She looks surprised she managed to do anything.



    “You sculpted the shape with your hands? That must be your personal focus method. I’ve read about them. You have a personal history with sculpture or pottery then, or a strong interest? How fascinating…” Shadow trailed off and started scribbling in yet another notebook she had produced from her pockets. “I am attempting to create the first modern comprehensive guide to the Orders and their abilities. This is something of a… research trip for me, although of course it is foremost an assassination mission. I am hoping to find some Willshapers among the elves - I am determined to get to the bottom of what their order is really like.”

    She didn’t take a breath during her entire speech, which was far more than one usually heard from her.

  2. 9 hours ago, Ookla the Headmuncher said:

     Ai generated art is so cool! It won’t be taking over conventional art anytime soon, as art style and nuance is lost a bit in them, but-look! Is pretty! Is good! Is art!

    Yeah it’s not the same as drawing, but if you can’t for the life of you work out how to draw glasses (like me) then it’s really useful to get a pretty and accurate image of what your character looks like. Even if it is a bit of a cheat :ph34r:

  3. “Pencil Taxi, I am willing to offer some tutelage on Lightweaving, but I fear I may be of little use - after all, the Surges are different for each Order. I myself am of the Third Ideal and have experience with using illusions in subterfuge, so I will do my best.”

    Shadow lets a lock of purple and brown hair fall over her eyes. “Or… perhaps I could assist with extraction, and ensuring we escape the facility unharmed?”

  4. Shadow steps out from the sofa she was hiding behind. “I am a Truthwatcher. I believe my illusory abilities could provide some assistance with clandestine infiltration, if you would have me.”


    Name: Shadow (she has a surname, but chooses not to introduce herself with it)

    Gender: Female

    Species: Human

    Appearance: Young woman with short brown-with-purple-highlights hair and glasses. Identifiable by the lilac barrette she always wears in her hair. Favours stiff, school-uniform type clothes.

    Tendency: Her nervous habit is to discuss the scholarly aspects of something while refusing to address the task/problem at hand. She is also very difficult to get to stop talking if it’s a subject she’s interested in.


    I made an AI-generated image of how I picture her (although I couldn’t get it to do the purple hairclip :():



  5. So, I really like to write. And I often write a lot of stuff that never amounts to anything. I have a whole bunch of it just sitting on my phone, waiting to be read for the first time by someone other than me. 

    And, idk if anyone actually wants to read these because they’re kind of bad, and my writing’s always a bit hit-and-miss, but here you go anyway.

    Always and Forever

    I wrote this after I had just come out to one of my friends and they accepted me. It was the best feeling and I wanted to write it down, so this happened. Tell me what you think :ph34r:


    Elinor sits on her favourite bench, and waits.

    She knows that, on the other side of the world, Harlow is doing the same. 

    Separated by land, yes. But not in spirit. 

    At the edge of her consciousness, she feels the familiar tug. It’s him.

    She starts before he can. There’s something I have to tell you. There’s a note of anxiety - no, terror - in her voice. I understand if you’ll never love me again. I understand if you call me all sorts of horrible names. I understand if… if you hate me.

    Harlow’s gentle voice stops hers. No. I would never do that. Tell me what worries you, Elinor, and I can help you.

    She has prepared for this. But it is almost too much. The emotion almost overwhelms her. 

    Somehow, she holds it together. I… I’m a Forestsong.

    A what? For some reason he sounds delighted rather than horrified. Perhaps she has misinterpreted him.

    A Forestsong. I can communicate with trees. I can hold the form of a tree. I sing with the trees, hear their thoughts and feelings. She sounds wary, cautious.

    I know what a Forestsong is, of course I do. It’s just… this is crazy! But why didn’t you tell me?

    Didn’t you see all the Forestslayers leaflets everywhere? Or had you left by that point?

    Elinor senses the spark of a memory just recalled in Harlow’s mind. Maybe… maybe I did see some things. Once or twice. 

    Then why aren’t you calling me a heathen? Why aren’t you begging for an exorcism? Why are you even maintaining this link with me? I’m of the devil! You have to know that!

    Harlow laughs softly, and she can almost feel his hand on her shoulder, his eyes gazing back into hers. 

    I don’t believe that. And neither should you. You’re special. You have a gift I could only dream of. And I accept you, I cherish you, because you are mine and I am yours. Always and forever.

    She look up and gazes across at the forest that surrounds her. Her people. “Always and forever”, she whispers out loud. 

    Always and forever.

    Here’s a… slightly darker one that I wrote when I wasn’t feeling the best. I expect it is a semicoherent jumble of sentences, but, um, see what you think?

    (CW blood)



    The rain cradles me as I cry.

    I cry for her, for them, for what could have been.

    And, yes, I cry for myself.

    My hands are awash with blood. I let her go. I let her go. I let her go.

    I sit on the same wall I sat on that day, watching the ambulances with their bright yellow stickers and bright blue lights that shine in your eyes and blind you. 

    None of them are the ambulance that took her away. I would know that ambulance anywhere - after all, I spent so long staring at its registration plate, memorising it, casting my eyes anywhere, anywhere but on her face.

    Her once-beautiful face, contorted in agony, that look of pure anguish in her eyes — but not only anguish. Betrayal.

    I let her go. I dropped her.

    The tears fall onto my hands and mingle with the blood and the sweat and the rain. I want to tip my head back to the heavens and beg, plead, scream for mercy. I want to pray for me to take her place up there with the angels. I want to see her precious face one last time, so reminiscent of mine in so many ways and yet so different at the same time. So uniquely her.

    Oh, my girl. My daughter.


    With a start, I notice that the lights of the ambulance have receded into the distance, leaving me in the darkness. Where I belong.

    The scream of sirens begins to draw closer again, and this time it’s too much. I can’t sit here and remember. I can’t

    I have to get away from the bad, bad place. 

    But I can’t move. 

    Suddenly I’m hyperventilating. Black spots dance at the edge of my vision. Everything goes blurry. 

    PTSD often comes with panic attacks, they told me.

    This isn’t a panic attack. This is a woman breaking.

    This is a woman broken.


  6. Ruins of Tal'rin

    Matra stepped out of the Wyrmhole and immediately took a step back. What… what happened? Was it… Kaos? She spotted Bookwyrm and Insa and ran over to them - then halted. Bookwyrm was fighting something. 

    She interpreted its inhuman grunts as battle cries, using her ability. And then she realised what language it was speaking. 

    Oh no. This is bad.


    What exactly is it that you’re fighting?


  7. I tried doing some landscapey stuff, and this is the best one I came up with. I want to redraw it on a proper sketchpad and watercolour it but there are a few problems with that, namely that a) I can never redraw anything as good as the original, and b ) I’m horrible at painting. But we’ll see :P



    Here she is. The hood failed because I couldn’t work out how to draw it and I was in school (my school has a strict no-phones policy so we’re not allowed to use them at all on school site, not even at the end of the day or before lessons start) so I couldn’t look up a reference. But here you go anyways.

    Edit: Also, if anyone was interested, I wrote a really short scene thing to go with it. It’s not great, but I was bored :D 




    The wind whips her hair about as she stands there. Transfixed by the beauty, the wonder, the sheer vastness. 


    Life will never be the same again. Not for her.


    For she is the first of a new order. The Guardians.


    Nature herself has accepted her as the leader of her new protectors. The Guardians, she says, must seek to protect every aspect of Nature’s influence. At all costs. 


    It is at moments like these that she remembers why she came to the Valley, all those years ago.


    A rustle sounds beside her, but she does not look round. She knows it is only him


    If she is the first of the Guardians, then he is a close second.


    He stands beside her and rests his head on her shoulder. She slips her hand round his shoulders.


    They stand like that, staring across the immense expanse of rolling hills and lakes, for a long time. Neither of them breaks the silence.


    Just her, and him, where they are meant to be. Where they belong.


    Guardians. Not only of Nature, but of each other.


  8. 1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:




    I meant the Bondsmith, I completely forgot I called them ‘they’.

    To be honest, having considered it a bit more, I don’t think there’s much point to the whole bondsmith thing. It doesn’t work well with the overall plot and takes away the point of the Emma/Telrao Connection plotline. It’s probably best if it doesn’t happen at all. 

    With that in mind, I wrote something that ends it;

    Matra felt a deep shock run through her. She could no longer feel her parent’s presence. “The pocket dimension’s sealed,” she realised. “We can never reach them, not without power far vaster than Kaos’s.” 

    She adopted her usual cheery expression. “Ah, well. There must be another way, right?”

  9. 11 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:



    Sorry, I think I was unclear. I meant for there not to be a big quest for the Bondsmith so it didn’t take away from the main quest where we go and fight Kaos and explore all the connection stuff - although if people want there to be, we can. I was just trying not to interfere with the plotline too much.

    If not everyone likes the idea of the Bondsmith and want more of an exploration of Emma and Telrao’s Connection without magical assistance we could open the pocket dimension and find out she died, or is locked in an Investiture-proof tower, or something like that.


  10. 2 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

    Calano sat down, scribbling something on the paper in front of him.

    "We have two people Connected to Kaos. Can we use that to our advantage, and if yes, how?"

    Matra shifted in her seat and looked to the side. “I, um, might know of a Bondsmith we might be able to get to. They’re living in a pocket dimension which is roughly parallel to ours, so if Calano or Telrao for example were to reach out with their mind to just here-“ she motioned to a square of air in front of her face “- they might be able to sense a windswept tower and one very lonely soul…” Her eyes grew glassy and something like tears glistened in them. “My parent. They’re a Bondsmith. They may be able to manipulate the Connection to Kaos so that it draws power from Kaos into Telrao and Emma. I hope…” She shook her head and glanced away. “Never mind. It wouldn’t work anyway. It was just an idea, you don’t have to do anything…” She trailed off and looked up at the faces round the room.


    I said Calano and Telrao because they’re the only ones I’ve seen using telecommunication and ‘sensing’ stuff, but I haven’t read back many pages so sorry if I missed you off. Also, Matra’s parent isn’t human (I haven’t worked out what they are) and they don’t conform to human ideas of gender, that’s what the ‘they’ thing is about.

    I don’t want there to be a big quest thing to get to them, it should just be a case of using Aons to transport them into the room and that being that.


  11. 22 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    "The Archive was built by ancient Worldseers," Bookwyrm said, containing his mild surprise at Willa's sudden attitude change. "Information has been lost over the ages. Even though we still exist as an organization, we have a long history. Besides, most of our operations have been outside this multiverse. I'm probably the first Worldseer to visit here in...well, in a long time."

    Bookwyrm turned to the rest of the group. "Make your preparations. Gather information, gear, equipment, and whatever you need. We'll meet back here in three hours, and then depart."

    @Shining Silhouette @MysticalShadows @Rabbit Unmade @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @InfiniteInsanity

    Three hours later, Matra arrived back in the room, armed with a bulging satchel stuffed with books, an empty notebook, and, oddly, a map that seemed to be completely blank. It was labelled “Oceans Unexplored”, and she clutched it tightly in both hands. She shrugged. “My parents gave it to me,” she said. “Figured it might come in useful, in this whole world-saving business, you know?” She giggled, looking around. “What did everyone bring?”

  12. 55 minutes ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    @Shining Silhouette @MysticalShadows @InfiniteInsanity @Rabbit Unmade @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

    Bookwyrm gathered everyone who had accepted the call into his office. He hadn't been aware that he actually had an office until that point, but he'd put it to use.

    He'd changed into a more modern traveling outfit: A blue t-shirt over a long sleeved black one, fingerless gloves and gauntlets, black cargo pants, and sturdy black hiking boots. His small pouch of infinite space was tied to his belt. He seemed to be reading something projected onto his glasses' lenses.

    Once everyone had arrived, he stood up and addressed them.

    "Thank you for accepting the offer to join me in this mission. Calano has tasked me with assembling a specialist force that will track down the locations of the other Archives. For those of you not aware, the archives are vast collections of information created by an ancient Worldseer." Bookwyrm paused. "I can't really explain what the Worldseers are right now, but suffice it to say, I am...a very important member of their organization."

    He continued. "The Archive I discovered was titled The Fourth Archiveand was unfortunately destroyed by Kaos soon after I discovered it. Luckily, I was able to create a complete copy of the Archive's entire collection of information, so none of it was lost. A copy of all that information now resides in this Clinic's own library.

    "We have reason to speculate that there are other Archives scattered across the Clinic's multiverse. Our mission, then, is to find those archives, copy their information, and use the information within them to aid in our fight against Kaos."

    He smiled to the group. "Any questions or concerns?"

    Matra raised her hand. “Do we have any clues or information on where the other Archives might be?” She paused, the erudite curiosity in her eyes giving way to a childish light. “Ooh… is there a riddle? Like in the stories? Or a cryptic map?” She pulled out a notebook and starts scribbling furiously and completely illegibly. “I’m very good at codes and riddles, you see. One might even say it’s like magic.” She abruptly glanced down, realising she might have given away too much about her abilities.


    Matra basically has the powers of an envoyform Regal - she can understand/translate any kind of communication (she isn’t a regal, it was just a convenient comparison). Is that okay/does that fit with the sort of magic other people can do?


  13. I belong here.

    I’m in what I think is the equivalent of the first year of high school in America (idk how the American school system works lol so sorry if I get it wrong) and it’s a freaking nightmare. Why are people so savage, can’t they understand that some people like their personal space and don’t want to talk literally every second of every day???

    Happy to give advice for other people as well :D

  14. more doodle things for you : )


    Me and my friends are making this queer rp story thingy and this is Sami, one of my friends’ characters.


    And this is my character Lillianna: (She kinda looks unfinished on the shading but she’s a Silence Whisperer [basically ghosts of dead people who act as emissaries between the living and the fully dead] so she’s meant to be translucent)


    And then a random thing that I tried to draw in my friend’s style that I actually kind of like:



  15. Tried some digital art and it looks… alright? I think???



    Syl (yeah, she has no face. I tried doing a face and completely ruined it, although i think i did a pretty good job of the rest of it considering I did it on a phone screen with my finger…)

    And here’s a pencil drawing:



    Syl again, this time with a face :D if you can’t read it, it says life before death. Don’t mention the hands :ph34r:


  16. Um, so I might have drawn two people that I imagined as twin sisters, given them names and lengthy backstories, and now I want to put them in a story but I’m already writing one that I really like and I’m trying not to get sidetracked on other projects and… yeah lol.


    Here’s one, she’s called Arela:


    And the other one, named Varli:

    (if you can’t tell, she’s got a side part/hair flipped over her head thingy going on, I tried to emphasise it but i don’t think it really worked lol.)



    And here’s a few randoms:



    Rebae Aranet 


    A random magical creature I made up when I tried to draw a horse and then realised I had no idea how to


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