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Everything posted by Shadowed

  1. can i have a small rant about something real quick?

    today was the first day back at school. so, of course, we had to have an assembly.

    the teacher who was leading it talked a lot about failures and how it’s okay to fail and it helps us grow and learn, which i agree with in principle.

    BUT THEN he went on to show us pictures of people opening the envelopes with their exam results (idk what the american equivalent is but there are two sets of important exams you do when you’re 16 and 18 in my country) and he basically said ‘failure is okay but if you fail to get the grades you need for what you want to do in life then that’s not good enough and you should have tried harder.’ He also literally used the words ‘probably deserve it’. 

    like i’m sorry WHAT

    what a great way to encourage people taking those very exams in the not so distant future!


    how’s everyone’s life been since I last went on here? i’m going to try and be more active :D 

    1. Wittles


      Happy to see you back! You're totally fine for ranting sometimes, or more than sometimes. Ranting is just totally fine.

      Good ol' school systems being school systems :rolleyes:<_<

    2. Shadowed


      they’re consistent if nothing else :P

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      School assemblies never seem to say what people intend them to. 

  2. I wrote some more things! idk if they’re good but enjoy ig? The Mask Running
  3. as an english person and english history/lore enthusiast this makes me happy not to mention the great writing in there! if you’re interested in learning more about those kinds of stories, i really recommend Storyland by Amy Jeffs, it explains british lore really well (but if you don’t want to/aren’t interested that’s also fine, i just thought i’d mention it)
  4. Haven’t posted anything here (or anywhere lol) for a while sooo… have an art : )
  5. i’m in the process of trying to join, i’m not really clear on what goes on but i’ll just do some art and have fun i guess haha
  6. guess what

    so i’m in paris on a school trip and we’re meant to be coming back today.  we were meant to be in calais to get our ferry at 6pm local time, except we had a car/coach accident (everyone is fine and safe, don’t worry) so we were sat in an overheating, un-ventilated coach on the side of a roundabout for an hour and a half while they sorted out insurance and stuff. they had police as well since we were a coach full of 35 kids which got crashed into by an old man, and 3 people (me included) were freaking out/having panic attacks. so that was fun.

    but anyway that led to us missing our ferry…

    so currently it’s 8.30 pm and we’re about to get on a ferry that leaves at 9. we’re gonna get back home at 3am and i cannot wait.

    idk why i’m posting this, i’m just scudding frustrated at the whole day and how we’ve been late for literally everything for the past four days.

    1. Sequence


      Paris: Yipee!!

      Crash: That sucks and I am so sorry. I would say something about European drivers but that’s unfairly discriminatory :P.

    2. Shadowed


      we got back at 2:30am, we beat our ETA! woo! (although i am in extreme sleep-deprivation-and-ate-way-too-much-sugar-yesterday mode haha)

  7. ok, this is very unedited so bear with, but have a prologue to something I might carry on with: (it’s the same thing as the most recent drawing in my art thread) edit: storms, i just read it back. when i said unedited, i meant it lol.
  8. TW suicide



    what do you do when one of your besties starts texting things like

    ”see you in another life”

    ”i guess i’ll move on”

    ”i’ll miss you when i’m- *changes subject*”

    ”thank you for everything but i can’t do this anymore”

    (and some other stuff which i’m not gonna put cause it might make some people uncomfortable)

    context: me and a few of my friends are in paris on a school trip (!!) but not the person texting those things. their boyfriend broke up with them because apparently they were forcing their suicidal thoughts on everyone and it was making him uncomfortable. meanwhile, me and two of our friends are literally hundreds of miles away trying to figure out what the scud is going on back home, and then we start getting the suicide texts.

    um ok i’m rambling now so i’m gonna just shut up and post this but any advice would be much appreciated.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I honestly feel really inadequate about this stuff. I have a friend who I've known forever, and suddenly she's cutting herself and so lost and confused, and all I can do is care. I don't really know what else there is to do. Being there to listen and try to show them that we care is sometimes all that we can do, especially when you're so far away. I'll keep your friend in my prayers, if that helps at all.

    2. Shadowed


      sorry this is late, but thank you so much, and i’m really sorry you and your friend have to go through that <3

  9. thank you! i feel like you’re referencing something here… the actual reason i picked that name is because it’s very close to my own orchestra conductor’s, but i would be intrigued to know what i have accidentally alluded to
  10. guys i need your help

    i’ve been asked to do a solo in the concert of one of my windband director’s choirs, 2 solo pieces plus basic accompaniments for some of theirs. 

    what do i wear???????

    i have like a month and a half so it’s not urgent (oh scud i only have a month and a half to prepare helppp) but i have no idea since i hate all dresses and want something interesting but formal without being too ‘out there’ or brightly coloured. (i’m kinda picky with what i wear lol)

    any advice would be appreciated much thank yous

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadowed


      i don’t think so (admittedly i haven’t asked but i’ve watched the concert before because he does it every year and usually the soloist just wears any formal clothes)

    3. InfiniteInsanity


      You could do like a jumpsuit. If you have one. Or a nice pair of pants and a blouse.

      None of those are super "out there" but they are different.

    4. Shadowed


      thank you for the ideas! my mum has this navy blue jumpsuit so i might ask to borrow that, or i have a pretty white blouse that could go with my school trousers.

  11. i haven’t posted here in ages, but since it’s gay month, have a cute lil lesbian couple from my stuffs *gay sparkles* maybe i’ll even post some of their scenes in that writing place i made a while back. maybe. if you’re lucky
  12. this was me last year haha. i ended coming out to my parents in july tho because that was when my school had a “wear something rainbow for pride” day (in JULY) and my mum was going to buy me an ally pin and i was like ‘uhhhhhh……’ good luck if you do come out, but if you don’t want to that’s totally cool as well!
  13. happy pride everyone!!! *throws gay sparkles* like everyone else said - if you’re not feeling supported by the people around you, i’m always happy to support/advise/be ranted to if you ever need it.
  14. Matra stood to the side, watching her friends declare allegiance to Calano in the upcoming battle. She would have loved to do the same - it was Calano, after all - but deep down, she knew her allegiance lay elsewhere. In the hands of the Golden Ones. Her sword flashed in the sunlight, a reminder of where she came from. Perhaps there was a way to compromise…? No, she decided, there was not. The war was going to turn the whole worlds upside down, and Calano had enough competent fighters in his corner. No, Matra was needed where there was a distinct lack of those. A once-familiar warmth began to well up inside her, suffusing her whole body with a golden Light. It burst out of her, shimmering in the air around her for a split second, forming the iridescent shape of a dolphin leaping through the air, before enveloping Matra in its shining rays. She knew she had made the right decision. A few seconds later, the light had vanished and Matra was gone.
  15. does anyone know if there’s a 2023 pride month calendar? like, the ones that say june 1st is gay day, june 2nd is lesbian day etc?? i’ve looked on google and pinterest but i can only find old ones :[ edit: my friend found one! here it is if anyone needs it: (happy bisexual day!)
  16. … we’re ignoring how inactive i’ve been recently …



    *happy nonbinary lesbian noises*

    to anyone who might be reading this who is gay, lesbian, bi, pan, omni, poly, ace, aroace, trans, enby, demigirl, demiboy, genderfluid or ANY other queer identity, out or not - i love you, i support you and i’m proud of you for being your true self. if you’re questioning, or still struggling with self-acceptance or acceptance from others, you will get there. it might take weeks, it might take years, but i believe in you. you deserve nothing but absolute support and acceptance from yourself and others around you. and if you’re not getting that, then i’m really sorry. but, and i can promise this, it will get better. you got this :))

    i also think i should take this opportunity to mention all the brave, strong queer people who came before us. without them, we would not have a month where we are free to be ourselves. we would not have civil rights laws protecting against homophobic discrimination. we would not have the incredible community that we have now. i will always be so, so grateful for every sacrifice they made so that i could be writing this post freely and without judgement.

    also - i’m not saying the system is perfect now. unfortunately, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and general discrimination against the queer community still happens, and i’m sure most LGBTQIA+ people on the Shard will have experienced it from someone, at some point in their lives. but we’re making progress, and we’re changing the way people view us, one glittery rainbow at a time. ✨  

    you are amazing, you are beautiful, you are valid as you are.

    *throws gay frogs*




    i’m loving the pfps everyone




    have a nb dinosaur :P 





  17. “It might have something to do with that… thing he does sometimes. Where his eyes go grey, and he stops talking. I was worried about him before, I didn’t think it was normal, but now -“ Matra cast her eyes around desperately, as if their surroundings could offer them any clues. “I’m ready to find him. We have to.”
  18. AHH YESSS :applauseapplause: this was epicccc!! i loved it ahhhhhh you should be so proud of it because it’s awesomeeeee
  19. i completely forgot i made this thank you for the kind words! i’ll probably put everything in the other thread i made from now on tho because this thread is ancient lol
  20. Echo runs over, desperate to get out of the crowds. The interior of the elevator is like nothing they have ever seen before, but they take it all in with an awestruck light in their eyes. ”Should we go and find whoever’s in charge? I want to ask about this elevator. The mechanics must be so fascinating…” They had abandoned all signs of introversion and looked like they could chatter on about mechanics for hours if Nable didn’t stop them.
  21. thank you! i live in england, sometimes there are poetry events but they’re not specifically slam poetry. (i had to google what that meant lol) thank you for the offer <3
  22. okay i’ve been debating doing this for a while. so these are just some writingy stuffs that i made over the past month or so when i was in a funky headspace. i don’t know if they’re good or not, i just kind of wrote them, because writing can be such an amazing cathartic form of self-expression and i love it. oh also i should probably mention that the first one contains implicit references to suicide and they all reference general mental health struggles, so keep that in mind, i don’t want to trigger anyone by accident. um, enjoy i guess? If I Left Silent Snap Lost, Alone, Cold, Empty, Scared
  23. …woah …WOAH *cue incomprehensible rambling* me very likey lots and lots of yes somehow you managed to dump a load of lore and flashbacks on us at once without confusing me (and i am confused very easily lol) so have lots of kudos points *throws all the rep*
  24. Echo stumbles after Nable, uncertain. Did he say “new people”? That sounded suspiciously like they were going to have to socialise. Well, it was going to happen eventually. “Coming, coming,” they mutter.
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