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Status Replies posted by Shadowed

  1. By golly, I do believe this trombone player has fainted. Do you see flute players fainting like this? No.

    648693c674361_Screenshot2023-06-1110_40_28PM.png.4bf93289ab36b22b964a7abace2bab0d.png I love how his band mates just keep playing. That's real professionalism there. 

    1. Shadowed


      flute player here, i did *almost* faint while i was on this workshop day thingy, because we were playing this really weird contemporary piece where i had to make windy/rainy sounds on the flute. i rolled out my headjoint really really far, so i wasn’t making a sound, and proceeded to play continuous high C’s for about fifteen minutes. 

      flute players in bands never ever faint though. think of the damage to the keywork if you fell on top of it! *flautist cringing*

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Where you wear your cropped shirts and jean shorts and tank tops, I’ll wear my t-shirts and one day the mark of my covenants.

    Where you keep your money and pictures in your phone case, I’ll keep my temple recommend.

    Where you say ****, I’ll say fridge.

    You tell me I dress weird.

    You tell me I talk weird.

    You tell me I’m naive, overzealous. 

    You tell me I’m a fool, tell me I’m wasting my time. 

    You tell me a lot of things.

    Where you gorge yourself on food, I fast.

    And you tell me it’s a meaningless sacrifice.

    You tell me my prayers go up to an empty sky.

    You tell me my rock is actually just flimsy paper mache. 

    But in the end, I don’t care.

    Because when you are sobbing and broken on the floor, when you have lost all hope because you tell yourself that you are completely alone and worthless, I will be there.

    When you find yourself wondering if life is even worth it anymore, I will be there.

    And I will lift you, life you with a strength I don’t have.

    I will lift you because He is lifting me.

    You will not fall, because no matter what you tell me, world, I know. And you will not, you cannot, take my knowing away from me. 

    So tell me I’m wrong.

    Tell me my scriptures are meaningless weight.

    Tell me I’ll always be weaker, always be an outsider, always be worth less.

    Because one day, your shoes and clothes and beautiful illusions will fall through. 

    One day, you won’t be okay.

    And that, my dear friend, is okay. Because when you can’t keep going, I will find you, and I will carry you until you have the strength to stand. 

    You cannot outrun my love.

    Your lies cannot overwhelm my truth.

    And your pain is not more than my peace. 


    Today’s been an adventure, if you can’t tell. I wish you all luck and love wherever your road takes you. If you ever need anything, anything at all, let me help you. You don’t have to cry alone. You are loved and you are cared for. Whether you’re religious or not, whether you’re black or white, whether you’re male or female or somewhere in between, whether you’re poor or rich. Whether you’re ready for life or can’t stand to take another breath. I know. I will stand with you through anything you need, because two souls in a blizzard will fare better than one. 

    I probably need more sleep. 

    1. Shadowed


      thank you <33

      i don’t know if you saw my post in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Corner thread a while back, but i’ve been trying to explore religion recently (having been raised atheist) and have had a few comments like these from my friends who think i’m wasting my time and ‘just doing it for attention’. and sometimes i’m not even sure if i believe in God or Jesus or any of it, but then i remember that He is there, He is listening and He understands everything i am thinking and going through.

      you write beautifully as well <3

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. I Will Sing No Requiem Tonight

    1. Shadowed


      ahhh i love that song!! and the whole musical although i’ve never seen it!!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Well, today is my Shardiversary. It's hard to believe that it's been a year, but at the same time it's hard to believe it's only been a year. It's been an adventure, for sure!

    Recently, I've found myself increasingly reflective as I prepare to graduate high school and depart from my home. It's a melancholy time, but it's also filled with hope. And the memories I've made on the Shard, and the friends, connections, stories, jokes, adventures...they've changed me. I'm a different person than I was before. This year has been really tough for me, but having people here to give me advice and guide me through it, and honestly just having an outlet for the pain has really made a difference in my life. This is a special community, one that I'll always remember.

    I think the people here are what makes this place so unique.

    @The Wandering Wizard, the wonderful Wiz! You were one of the first people to help me feel like I belonged, and you've been a true friend to me, an amazing source of laughter and fun. Thank you for everything. @Robin Sedai, your sharing of Calvin and Hobbes and other comics when I first joined is one of my favorite memories on the Shard. I admire your voice of reason whenever things get a little unhinged.

    @CalanoCorvus, you always bring optimism to conversations and give great advice. You and @DoomslugLuna are adorable. @SymphonianBookworm our conversations here will always make me smile. I know you haven't been as active recently (I miss you!), but I know you're going to do great things! #Phantom #Jasnahoid 

    @Telrao, come backkkkkkkk soon! I miss having someone to nerd out about jazz with. Your muffins and cats are iconic here on the shard. And your playlists are fantastic. Thank you for the wonderful art. @The Bookwyrm, your passion for space and astronomy really shines through. You're thoughtful and insightful, and our conversations keep me thinking for a long time after we're done. I'm looking forward to seeing where you'll end up!@Kajsa :), thank you for being a wonderful human being. You care about us, and you're just amazing. Your art is also out of this world! @That1Cellist, you are worth more than you could ever comprehend. You deserve the world. Thank you for sharing your love of cello with the world. @The Halcyon Girl, you are an amazing person. We miss you on the Shard. I'm so glad you commissioned that throne from me.

    @InfiniteInsanity, you are kind and you have wonderful ideas to cheer people up. Your mission was such a sweet idea. When you're on sugar, now I know to runnnnn @The Aspiring Archivist, I'm glad I know you. Thank you for putting up with me and for being there for anyone who needs it. You have a nice voice, too. @Ranryu, your energy, and sense of humor make the world a better place. Best of luck to you with your piano and compositional career! @TheGreatSnail, aren't filters funny?? In all seriousness, those SU replys were fun. That was where it was at! @Wittles of Shinovar, WITTLESS Skittles, I admire the way you bring a positive attitude towards problems. It's not easy the way that life works out, but you're an amazing helping hand. @The Last Fæ, you often have something very interesting to share. I like the way that you think. @Potato's Wit, you're really funny. The things you share make me laugh a lot 

    @Morningtide, you're always so nice. I still can't believe there's an Idaho Potato Museum! @S. Stormy, diggin' the new branding. I love how you're always up for shenanigans and helping everyone here have a good time. @Cinnamon, you're down-to-earth and friendly, EVEN THOUGH you live life upside-down. That makes it even more special. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood, you're funny! And you always have quality things to share. @Sequence, you're always full of good vibes. It's always so interesting when you share the coolest info on planes and the like.

    @Cruciatus_heart, Elfffffff! Your interest in a certain type of brooding slightly insane sociopath is very funny to me. You have excellent taste in media. Congrats on everything you've accomplished this year! @TheAlpha929, you're very chill, and just fun to be around. @Eluvianii, you have chill pfps and you have cool answers on the forum games.

    @Matrim's Dice, thank you for all your help in SE and for putting up with me that one conversion game. No thank you for betraying me, but I know that's how it goes. :P and :P. for life. @The Known Novel, Thank you for the chaos. It is the way. *fist bump*. Kasimir, Archer, Aman, Stick, Illwei-- you guys are all really cool. I'm happy to have gotten to play with all of you this year.

    @Channelknight Fadran, you've always been the cool, experienced, cultured guy here. Ever since I joined, I've looked up to you and your RPing and worldbuilding prowess. @dannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnex, I never know what to expect from your SUs! I always know it'll be a fun time when I open that notif up. Man, those nnnnnns really keep growing. @DramaQueen, you really are a queen of drama. I know we haven't talked much but can't we just agree that theatre kids are the coolest! @Trutharchivist, thank you for sharing your culture with the shard. It's been very eye-opening. @Nathrangking, you write beautiful poems, and you have a wonderful perspective on the world.

    @Cash67 I never can remember if you're young but really wise for your age, or older but still really wise for your age. You are Perry the Platypus incarnate in the best way possible. SPEAKING OF PLATYPI, @Being of Cacophony, you are ALSO a pretty cool platypus. I like checking out TLT and seeing your chaos there. Cacophony is also a really fun word. @Edema Ruh, you'll remain an Aes Sedai in my mind for a very long time. Also, spontaneity is the best! And you're great at that. @Lotus Blossom, I'm so happy Symph got you to join the shard! You're a cool person

    @The Storming Stormfather, your messages on peoples' profiles are really funny. Thanks for being the storming The Storming Stormfather. @Justice_Magician, your art is incredible! Thank you for sharing it with the shard! @HOID WANTS INSTANT NOODLES, bro we gotta make that board game happen. You had so many great ideas. @Lord Gregorio, you have cool pfps. Also, interesting thoughts to share!

    @Nameless*, it's truly a shame that Nameless stole your name. Your contributions to TLT are immense, and not to be questioned. @Szeth's Facepalm, your cute froggie dudes make my day. Where they at??? @Shadowed you're always great fun and it's always so cool to find fellow musicians here. Flute rules! @solarcat can we just take a minute to appreciate how awesome your username is??

    @2EmLee2, @Enter a username, @PyroPhile, you guys are all super cool. Thanks for being iconic.

    It's been an amazing year. Here's to many more

    Thank you everyone <3

    1. Shadowed


      happy shardiversary!! keep being an amazing musician and an amazing person!!


      flute rules :P


    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  5. I completely forgot, yesterday was my shardiversary.

    Geez, i’m sorry, i was so busy yesterday, I had an eight and a half hour shift at work.

    People to thank!!!

    @The Wandering Wizard You, sir, are an incredible human being. The past year of RPing on Insanity Clinic with you has  been simply incredible, and our conversations are always a joy to have.

    @Morningtide You never fail to come through with a good comment on my writing page. Thank you for that, it brings me more joy than you know to recieve positive comments on my writing.

    @Szeth's Facepalm We’re just kind of friends by default… Excited to meet you in person at Dragonsteel, mi amigo!!

    @InfiniteInsanity and @The Bookwyrm You two are a package deal, though you both have your own separate praises. You’re both a wonderful addition to the Clinic, and you’re both wonderful, wonderful people. You and the other Nebraskans talk about me in real life, and it for some reason I feel honored, I don’t know why.

    @Potato's Wit @Ranryu You two are also a package deal to me, and I think you’re both very fun. :D

    @Kajsa :) Kajsa you’re just awesome. We’ve been talking more the past couple months, and I view you as a very close friend. (And I am still patiently waiting for updates on my commission. Of course, no pressure, I understand there’s uncontrollable factors you’re facing.)

    @Edema Ruh Another Clinic person!!! I like you, Edema, you’re pretty chill.

    @Channelknight Fadran You’re 3 am science essays are both interesting to read and existentially terrifying. You’re a veteran here in my eyes, and it’s fun to talk to you.

    @Nathrangking Your romantic advice and boosting words have been inspirationally helpful in my romantic endeavors. Thanks to you, and your wonderful advice and thoughts, I was able to promise Luna some wonderful things.

    @Sequence You absolute gay romantic, I love you you’re incredible, thanks for letting me help you with your relationship woes.

    And finally, @DoomslugLuna, you wonderful, beautiful, radiant person. I love you the most, you’re incredible, thank you for the past year, and here’s to more and more even better ones.

    And to anyone I missed, thank you and I love you!!!

    Heres to another great year on the Shard!!!!

  6. Here’s a ton of content from tonight! (Also I guess you could think of it as a face reveal too :P) all the ones during the show are from Full Disclosure. I might also be able to upload a video of mine and Mal’s section of Crazier Than You.




    1. Shadowed


      oh, i’m sorry you had to go through that but super well done for doing it anyway!! the photos look amazing and i haven’t watched the video in your other SU but i’m going to when i have time lol. i’m thinking of auditioning for this variety show thingy in my area, it’s like lots of sketches and dances and some people sing solos and it’s always amazing. but this year is the first year i’d be old enough to audition for seniors, and i’d feel really awkward doing seniors having never done juniors, when most people have done it every year since they were like six haha.

      sorry you really didn’t need to know that but here’s some random info for you ig :P

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. Here’s a ton of content from tonight! (Also I guess you could think of it as a face reveal too :P) all the ones during the show are from Full Disclosure. I might also be able to upload a video of mine and Mal’s section of Crazier Than You.




    1. Shadowed


      omg that looks like you had an amazing time!!

      now i wish i was brave enough to audition for performance lol, it looks really really fun but *anxiety*

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)


    Okay so a few things happened yesterday that were super epic.

    First, I FINALLY got highlights in my hair so that's happy, and it's going to be great for the musical. But it also took SIX HOURS. Like.... why did it take that long?? I had to skip lunch, and I was so hungry :( I also was sitting in a chair for five and a half of those hours. The hairstylist said it would take, like, four max, but I guess it depends on how your hair processes the dye. Especially cuz she opted out of using bleach.

    Second, OUR SET LOOKS SO FREAKING COOL IT'S LITERALLY INSANE HEHEHEH. I'll post pictures after rehearsal today (yesterday we had it from 10-7 but I missed most of it so I have to make it up today from 10-7 lol). The set should be nearly finished, if not done, by then. I can't wait :D 

    Third, my little sister had her last swing choir performance. It was cute.

    Also, now I have to finish a history project worth 40 points that was due on Friday... whoopsies. Wish me luck!


    1. Shadowed


      *english brain is confused*

      end of the year? we break up in july lol

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)



    This is my accomplishment of which I am most proud. I am having a little dance party with myself right now!!!!!!!

    In other news I saw the Mary Poppins musical again, this time with school and it was just as awesome. I also have gotten my motivation back for music and I'm performing a song called Lullaby of Birdland at a soiree next week, I'm slowly digging my way out of my reading slump and I've started drawing again so prepare for my art thread to actually have stuff in it. 

    Now... back to the member title:


    Thank you guys so much :), and one aghain, just for good measure: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  10. I had a story idea and asked people to make characters for it.

    But I had the idea to turn it into an RP.

    This is an interest gauge. If I made an RP out of the idea presented in my previous SU, would you join? Would it go well?

  11. Okay four things. Two of them are poems (one's a slam and another's just a free verse), another is a complaint, and the third one is something I'm struggling with that I'm going to be rather obscure about.

    We'll start with the complaint. My gym teacher is So. Scudding. Creepy.

    I walked into gym class today to check in so I could flee to the library. He stood even closer to me than regular and said, "How's it going, Hon?"

    GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT'S SO WEEIRDDDDDDDDDD. Is that the thing that should be reported? I feel like I should report it. For context, he's probably 50 or 60 years old and should probably not be a PE teacher anyway. I feel harassed.

    Here are my poems:

    Slam poem--35




    It’s a new day.

    That means it’s a fresh start— or so they say.


    But what about that overdue project that marks my worth down by thirty-five points?

    What about the fact that I’m behind on my homework and still can’t solve for x in the world’s unforgiving equations?

    Every single day I come here, thirty five hours a week, 35 weeks a year, and I give it everything I have.

    All I’ve got left is a hard line where a smile used to be, an uneven heartbeat broken to the school’s pleasure, and a fifteen pound bag of burdens because my dark green locker is still broken and nobody cares to fix it. 


    It’s just one kid. She’ll be fine.


    Every single day I come here and take notes until my wrists groan, until my fingers bruise. I listen until my head aches and I can hardly think straight. 


    Every single day I come here and see thirty-five angry red slashes on her arms and legs–and today, three are fresh. It startles me and instills a fear I’ve never felt before. What has changed my hate into worry? Am I more human than I thought? 



    Or am I less?



    I should help her, but in a way that’s quiet and won’t draw any attention. I’ll have to do it later, because every day I come here hoping it will be better, hoping against hope against hope that something has changed. 

    Every day I kindle that hope just so it can be drowned again. 

    They control everything. Their word is final, and you’d best not argue. 

    Don’t make noise.

    Don’t make a mess.

    Don’t turn in your green sheet late.

    Oh, and if you do?

    Thirty-five extra minutes tacked onto the back of eight bloody hours.

    They summarize my day on a singular slip of bright white paper, strip away my choices until the only one I have left is what to put on my lunch tray. 



    Will I eat it? 



    Probably not, because I’ve only got thirty-five minutes to make as many choices as I possibly can before I’m shoved back into the mold. 

    I can’t waste a precious minute feeding a body and mind that aren’t mine to control.

    I wait for that thirty-five minute lunch break every day, every eight hour day of sitting in a chair and being talked at, waiting for those four hollow, monotonous tones to tell us we’re free to go home. 



    I wait for those thirty-five minutes so I can be free from the chains that bind me to somebody else’s agenda. 

    And every day I hope that maybe that thirty-five minutes can stretch into forty. I hope that maybe something, anything, will change.

    It turns out that’s impossible, because there are now thirty slashes on her wrist and five deep slashes in my heart. 


    Thirty-five is the number that haunts me every single day. 


    It must be the number of Hell. 

    Poem #2 (school assignment--"I Am From" Poem)


    I am from wind and its tales of fjords and icy seas, 

    from the extreme hot and cold that occasionally meet for tea and become something quite pleasant.

    I am from the chimes that sing along with the birds,

    adding their melody to the beautiful cacophony of spring.


    I am from books that I have read,

    from hearing Mom’s voice at 8:00 sharp that it is time for read-aloud.

    I am from bursting with excitement when Dad steps in through the door

    and dropping whatever I am doing to envelop him in the tightest hug possible.


    I am from pencils and crayons

    melted wax and puzzle presses

    from glow in the dark liquids in little plastic tubes

    from finger paint and popsicles and bubble baths.


    I am from Lines,

    from black dresses with glittering, shimmering skyline sequins

    from five victories back to back 

    and nothing yet to tarnish our fame.


    I am from the pictures on my wall,

    the ones I drew and put up to bring out the yellow curtains on the window that’s always open in the spring.

    I am from the keyboard set up near the far wall, the one with light and bouncy keys

    that adds an artificial click to a once natural, classical melody.


    I am from the pink hair iron in my bathroom, 

    from the mosaic hairbrush that keeps my hair soft.

    I am from the bright blue sky that spills in to meet me each morning,

    from “I am worthy” stuck dazzlingly upon the mirror.


    I am from strong bark

    From more branches than most and even more leaves

    From roots that stretch toward the core of the earth

    And could never be chopped down.

    Fourth thing... struggle.


    "It sucks to have an ex best friend
    You hurt me worse than any break up did
    I hear your name and I'm 13 again
    Cryin' in my bed
    Thinkin' how did I get here again?"


    "So to my ex-best friend
    I thought I'd know til the end
    Sorry I know things aren't going as we planned
    To my once ride or die
    The one who always knew me right
    We would swear it'd always end up you and I
    We really messed up this time"


    "Oh oh
    Now you don't know me at all
    You left without warning
    Always thought that it'd be love
    That was gonna mess me up
    Didn't think it'd hurt this much
    When best friends break up

    You don't even seem upset about it
    Guess I'm the one who lost the things you had all the time
    You seem like you're cool though without it
    Cause you put me through hell
    Just to have someone else
    I hope he always makes you happy
    But why did it have to be without me?"

    So yup. 

    1. Shadowed


      ahhh it’s lauren spencer smith again! i love that song it’s too relatable 

      sending hugs and strength <3

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  12. It's a new day, people. I'm trying my best to be positive, but...

    I feel sick. Inside and outside. Maybe it's because a kid accidentally sneezed in my face yesterday... 

    I'm less anxious though, and just more... empty. Better to feel numb than overwhelmed?

    My grades are also slipping again, so I'm not excited about that. 

    I made it to school 45 minutes late which means I already have stuff to do for homework, which I have no motivation to do except to keep straight As and avoid lecture. *sigh*

    These last six weeks of school are going to be mostly testing, so I don't feel like it's reasonable for classes to be giving out mountains of homework... like, who does that?? 

    I also got selected for a history extension on the Emancipation Proclamation, which normally I'd be happy to get out of my regular classroom and learn some more, but I'm just done, you know? I'm sick of school and I'm sick of learning and I'm sick of life. 

    I want to go home. 

    At least math is easy right now. We skipped over Unit 6 earlier this year so we could come back to it towards the end of the year since it's easier and we could kind of just coast through it. We're doing probability. Easy peasy. 

    It's weird. I feel like school is my safe place, but I hate BEING here. I hate what we do here. Over and over and over we let them control our lives, what we learn... they strip our choices away until before you know it the only choice you make each day is what to get on your lunch tray.

    You have 35 minutes to eat. Don't be late back to class. 

    One 35 minute break in an 8 hour day of sitting in a chair and being talked at. One 35 minute break in 11 hours of being away from home if you have musical practice that day. One 35 minute break in 13 hours away if you have choreography.

    35 minutes.

    Take notes until your wrists hurt and fingers bruise. Listen until you get a headache, and don't make any noise. Don't make a mess. Don't eat a snack right now, it's not third period. You already used your two bathroom passes today, go during passing period. But if you're late, it's detention. And you can't use go during passing period, because that's when the kids rush to the bathrooms and sneak in their hourly two minutes of vaping. It's when they trade answers on the homework and send inappropriate Snaps to each other. You can't go because you'll get stuck with the wrong crowd. And you can't use your hall pass for a walk in the halls when your anxiety hits you, because it's "against the rules". 

    When did this happen?

    You know what, I'm going to write a slam poem about this. Excuse me while I go do that. I'll be back later.

    1. Shadowed


      Wow. I knew the American education system was bad, but… wow. That’s messed up.

      We have a 6.5 hour school day, and we get half an hour morning break and half an hour lunch. 5 hour-long lessons and 30mins of form time after lunch. And the extra-curriculars only ever go on 1.5hrs after school ends. 

      That’s overwhelming enough, but… storms. Have some hugs. *hugs*

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. IT IS DONE!

    Please enjoy, Shatter Me!


    Shatter me

    Tear me down

    Shove me to the brink

    Toss me over 

    Send me careening into the depths of






    Take my fear

    Rip it

    Twist it

    Grow it into vines

    Strangle me in the fear of





    The Light



    Take my bridges

    Shatter them

    Rip them

    Set them on fire

    Leave me stranded when the storms come





    Send the storms

    Hide me from sight in their embrace 

    The smothering blackness

    Let it seep inside

    Choke out the light

    Let the rain freeze, me

    The lightning strike, me

    I don't care





    Take me to the eye of the storm

    Show the bleakness before

    The utter darkness to come

    Shove me into the darkness

    Show me there is no other choice

    No other way

    There never was any light, only darkness

    That this is the only option, to end it on my terms

    It’s time to say goodbye

    There never was another way







    Shatter Me, God

    Grind my bones under pestle and mortar

    Flay me past death

    Send me into the Abyss

    So that I can truly









    Break this tainted glass

    Rip out the blinders

    Obliterate my perfect little world

    Crumple me with pain

    O how did I not see it before

    Cries my soul

    As I truly see for the first time

    Their fear 

    Their pain 

    Their struggles


    Send me their pain

    Make me their rock

    Dump it all on me

    Watch it shatter me

    Overwhelm me to paralysis

    Bring back my demons

    Start to drag me under once more

    How do you help





    Send me deeper

    Shatter me some more

    Set the world upon my shoulders

    Keep a steadying hand nearby as I fall

    Catch the world and put it back

    Show me that I can 






    Shatter me

    So that I can help

    Tear me down

    So I can grow back stronger

    Shove me to the brink

    So I can see them

    Toss me over 

    To save them

    Send me careening into the depths

    To bring them back


    Open your eyes


    You are never alone


    I am here


    Give a hug

    There is light





    @That1Cellist @Telrao @Being of Cacophony @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Morningtide @Cinnamon @Spark of Hope @The Bookwyrm @InfiniteInsanity @Kajsa :) @CalanoCorvus @Aes Sedai

    1. Shadowed


      how do you english so well :o

      seriously, that perfectly captures the moment when everything shifts. It’s incredible how much power words have sometimes, especially ones so carefully crafted as those.

    2. (See 33 other replies to this status update)

  14. Double lucky :P 512E672C-855B-4B85-93E5-6C3E2EDDD02C.thumb.jpeg.6053ac86c7d388bac3c65de905cc373f.jpeg

    1. Shadowed


      (if it’s unclear, i’m referring to my content count and rep)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. "Now I remember when you'd call me late at night
    And I gave you my hours and advice
    Just tryna fix you and all your daddy issues
    But now I don't even miss you anymore
    So I, I want all the tears back that I cried
    All the hours spent giving advice on how to write your songs
    All you did was prove me wrong
    When you said you love me
    Well, you must've had your fingers crossed.
    "Wish you said you loved me
    When you didn't have your fingers crossed..."
    I'm moving on, Tree Rat.
    1. Shadowed


      ahh i love that songggg

      congratulations on moving on with your life, that can be really hard sometimes :))

      i realise this could come across as weird or out of the blue since i don’t really interact with you, or anyone really, but i’m trying to crawl out from under my proverbial rock and meet some nice peoples :P so i’m sorry if this seems weird or rude

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. I hath been swallowed by the great Shard of Inactivity.

    I need saving from the other great Shard of Schoolwork (the Vessel of which is named Biology), who has been encouraging Inactivity and preventing Activity from rising victorious once more.


    … what the flip did i just write :ph34r:


    1. Shadowed


      Oh, and the Shard of Youtube. Lots and lots of Youtube. shhhhhhh

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. Happy π day!!


    1. Shadowed


      me being the kid in the background who learnt the Asap Science ‘100 digits of pi’ song when they were bored in lockdown

      happy pi day! if only it was the year 1592 :P 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  18. It’s march 1st! You ready :D

  19. 3BCBA2AF-9B7D-4D06-A486-76598CF52E63.jpeg.0b80c8028068cc0e8f5858677bc74519.jpeg

    Consider my brain officially fried.

    1. Shadowed


      As a complimentary gift for frying my brain, have some brain fries.


      @Robin Sedai I have no idea, except I only have 12 followers so it’s always gonna be those 12 that show up on my profile :P 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)




    all the other schools around us got the day off but you take what you can get





    1. Shadowed



      in almost March…

      America is very different to where I live.

    2. (See 80 other replies to this status update)

  21. I'm starting to get hit with a very intense case of senioritis now that I've gotten into college. But hear me out—this is what a typical school day for me is like

    Period 1: 10 minute Gov activity then free time
    Period 2: Free reading period
    Period 3: Spanish (AKA movie-watching period)
    Period 4: Meditation in Gym
    Period 5: Study Hall
    Period 6: Lunch
    Period 7: Strings
    Period 8: Psych (aka throw stuffed elephants at each other)

    But the thing is, I'm not even taking the easy classes! Like, this is the hard version of senior year! What?

    I'm not complaining about the lack of work (the first half of this year was like the hardest time of my life), but it is making me question the point of these few months in the first place.

    Also who wants to join the profile picture chaos

    1. Shadowed



      so I have Witless’s, Witless has Telrao’s and Silhouette has mine??

      *brain hurt noises*

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  22. I'm starting to get hit with a very intense case of senioritis now that I've gotten into college. But hear me out—this is what a typical school day for me is like

    Period 1: 10 minute Gov activity then free time
    Period 2: Free reading period
    Period 3: Spanish (AKA movie-watching period)
    Period 4: Meditation in Gym
    Period 5: Study Hall
    Period 6: Lunch
    Period 7: Strings
    Period 8: Psych (aka throw stuffed elephants at each other)

    But the thing is, I'm not even taking the easy classes! Like, this is the hard version of senior year! What?

    I'm not complaining about the lack of work (the first half of this year was like the hardest time of my life), but it is making me question the point of these few months in the first place.

    Also who wants to join the profile picture chaos

    1. Shadowed


      I can find it on your art thread :]

      Let the chaos ensue.

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  23. I'm starting to get hit with a very intense case of senioritis now that I've gotten into college. But hear me out—this is what a typical school day for me is like

    Period 1: 10 minute Gov activity then free time
    Period 2: Free reading period
    Period 3: Spanish (AKA movie-watching period)
    Period 4: Meditation in Gym
    Period 5: Study Hall
    Period 6: Lunch
    Period 7: Strings
    Period 8: Psych (aka throw stuffed elephants at each other)

    But the thing is, I'm not even taking the easy classes! Like, this is the hard version of senior year! What?

    I'm not complaining about the lack of work (the first half of this year was like the hardest time of my life), but it is making me question the point of these few months in the first place.

    Also who wants to join the profile picture chaos

    1. Shadowed


      Of course! It would be an honour to carry your awesome Ati art!

      Here’s the pic




    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  24. I'm starting to get hit with a very intense case of senioritis now that I've gotten into college. But hear me out—this is what a typical school day for me is like

    Period 1: 10 minute Gov activity then free time
    Period 2: Free reading period
    Period 3: Spanish (AKA movie-watching period)
    Period 4: Meditation in Gym
    Period 5: Study Hall
    Period 6: Lunch
    Period 7: Strings
    Period 8: Psych (aka throw stuffed elephants at each other)

    But the thing is, I'm not even taking the easy classes! Like, this is the hard version of senior year! What?

    I'm not complaining about the lack of work (the first half of this year was like the hardest time of my life), but it is making me question the point of these few months in the first place.

    Also who wants to join the profile picture chaos

    1. Shadowed


      I will happily join in with the chaos, if anyone else is willing to swap with me, if only because it’s funny to confuse myself :P

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  25. I'm starting to get hit with a very intense case of senioritis now that I've gotten into college. But hear me out—this is what a typical school day for me is like

    Period 1: 10 minute Gov activity then free time
    Period 2: Free reading period
    Period 3: Spanish (AKA movie-watching period)
    Period 4: Meditation in Gym
    Period 5: Study Hall
    Period 6: Lunch
    Period 7: Strings
    Period 8: Psych (aka throw stuffed elephants at each other)

    But the thing is, I'm not even taking the easy classes! Like, this is the hard version of senior year! What?

    I'm not complaining about the lack of work (the first half of this year was like the hardest time of my life), but it is making me question the point of these few months in the first place.

    Also who wants to join the profile picture chaos

    1. Shadowed



      *confused help noises*

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

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