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Posts posted by Shadowed

  1. ok, this is very unedited so bear with, but have a prologue to something I might carry on with: (it’s the same thing as the most recent drawing in my art thread)


    Power is a double-edged sword.

    Those who wield it are blessed with a Privilege and a Duty. 

    Those who disrespect this disrespect the Messenger, and in doing so, disrespect the Deity.

    Those who respect this shall prosper.

    Whether they light or dark, Blaze or Shadow, rich or poor, old or young.

    All have a Duty to mirror their Privilege.

    Never forget this.


    The Messenger set down her quill with reverence. She had no memory of writing on the scroll before her, yet it was overflowing with messages from the good Deity within. Her visions were becoming more and more frequent lately, to the point that her shelves were filled with scrolls like the one on her desk, all bearing vital instruction from the Holy One. Perhaps one day she would collate them into a single volume, so that the whole world might read them and benefit from the holy words.

    But not today. It was getting dark outside, so the Messenger reached for a lamp before remembering her newfound abilities, granted by the gracious Deity just decades before.  She replaced the lamp, instead summoning a small ball of glowing orange flame to dance on her fingertips. Taking the flame with her, she carefully filed the new scroll, locked the door to her Message Room behind her and made her way to her bedroom.

    A book was sitting on her bed.

    She had never seen it before in her life. It was a beautiful volume, just like the Messenger - and now she looked more closely, it had obviously been made to resemble her. The spine was edged with the same luscious golden as her hair, flecked with bronze for her eyes, and bound in the most elegant red leather that matched perfectly her favourite dress. In spiralling, curving letters, the cover bore the words “Shadows Ablaze.” The inside was completely blank, save for her name. Her real name, which she hadn’t used in centuries.

    Tiada Starflame.


    You’ll see why the name is important in the rest of it


    edit: storms, i just read it back. when i said unedited, i meant it lol.

  2. 2 hours ago, Bondsmith-Edgedancer said:

    I'm showing up here pretty late, but these are all pretty interesting. I think you did a great job with these. (I do wonder [for absolutely no suspicious reasons]: Mr. Howden is an... interesting choice of name. Any reason that was the name you used? ;))

    thank you!

    i feel like you’re referencing something here… the actual reason i picked that name is because it’s very close to my own orchestra conductor’s, but i would be intrigued to know what i have accidentally alluded to :P 

  3. i haven’t posted here in ages, but since it’s gay month, have a cute lil lesbian couple from my stuffs *gay sparkles*


    Vixi + Ena (ship names anyone??)

    also why are mouths so hard in side profile —__— vixi’s kinda worked but ena is… interesting lol


    maybe i’ll even post some of their scenes in that writing place i made a while back. maybe. if you’re lucky :P

  4. this was me last year haha. i ended coming out to my parents in july tho because that was when my school had a “wear something rainbow for pride” day (in JULY) and my mum was going to buy me an ally pin and i was like ‘uhhhhhh……’

    good luck if you do come out, but if you don’t want to that’s totally cool as well! 

  5. Quote

    Sorry, but I think I’m gonna sit this one out. I would love to join in but I have a lot of important stuff going on irl and would probably never find the time to properly respond. Matra will definitely be back for Season 2 tho ;)

    Matra stood to the side, watching her friends declare allegiance to Calano in the upcoming battle. She would have loved to do the same - it was Calano, after all - but deep down, she knew her allegiance lay elsewhere.

    In the hands of the Golden Ones.

    Her sword flashed in the sunlight, a reminder of where she came from. Perhaps there was a way to compromise…? No, she decided, there was not. The war was going to turn the whole worlds upside down, and Calano had enough competent fighters in his corner. No, Matra was needed where there was a distinct lack of those.

    A once-familiar warmth began to well up inside her, suffusing her whole body with a golden Light. It burst out of her, shimmering in the air around her for a split second, forming the iridescent shape of a dolphin leaping through the air, before enveloping Matra in its shining rays. She knew she had made the right decision.

    A few seconds later, the light had vanished and Matra was gone.

  6. does anyone know if there’s a 2023 pride month calendar? like, the ones that say june 1st is gay day, june 2nd is lesbian day etc?? i’ve looked on google and pinterest but i can only find old ones :[

    edit: my friend found one! here it is if anyone needs it:



    (happy bisexual day!)

  7. On 17/05/2023 at 11:37 PM, Being of Cacophony said:

    "He was with me and Matra. Rue and Insa were with us too. Speaking of which, where is Matra?"



    On 18/05/2023 at 0:09 AM, CalanoCorvus said:

    “I honestly have no idea. If he is, we’ll find him there. We ready?”

    “It might have something to do with that… thing he does sometimes. Where his eyes go grey, and he stops talking. I was worried about him before, I didn’t think it was normal, but now -“ Matra cast her eyes around desperately, as if their surroundings could offer them any clues. “I’m ready to find him. We have to.”


    um ahaha i um kinda forgot to post on here for a bit so ima post something now so i don’t turn completely inactive lol


  8. 2 hours ago, ExoticAlmond said:

    As Nable walks into the elevator he chooses a seat near the glass to watch the ground get smaller. "Over here!" he calls over to Echo .

    Echo runs over, desperate to get out of the crowds. The interior of the elevator is like nothing they have ever seen before, but they take it all in with an awestruck light in their eyes.

    ”Should we go and find whoever’s in charge? I want to ask about this elevator. The mechanics must be so fascinating…” They had abandoned all signs of introversion and looked like they could chatter on about mechanics for hours if Nable didn’t stop them.


  9. 10 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

    These are beautiful. 

    I can't remember where you live but do you do slam poetry things there?

    thank you!

    i live in england, sometimes there are poetry events but they’re not specifically slam poetry. (i had to google what that meant lol)

    10 hours ago, Edema Ruh said:

    Those are beautiful, and accurate. Do you need to talk about anything? My PM's are always open. 

    thank you for the offer <3 

  10. okay i’ve been debating doing this for a while. so these are just some writingy stuffs that i made over the past month or so when i was in a funky headspace. i don’t know if they’re good or not, i just kind of wrote them, because writing can be such an amazing cathartic form of self-expression and i love it.

    oh also i should probably mention that the first one contains implicit references to suicide and they all reference general mental health struggles, so keep that in mind, i don’t want to trigger anyone by accident.

    um, enjoy i guess?

    If I Left


    If I left

    Would you notice?

    If I vanished

    Would you care?

    If you never saw me again

    Would it affect you?


    Or would you move on?

    Would you be okay?

    Would you shed a few tears, grieve for a day,


    then forget about me?


    Would you remember me, three months from now?

    Would you do the things we used to do?

    Would you go the places we used to go?

    Would you see my face, hear my voice, everywhere you looked?


    Or would you move on?

    Would you be okay?

    Would you shed a few tears, grieve for a day,









    Why is everyone silent?

    Why is everything silent?


    All the sounds I used to hear,



    by Silence



    Not silent like a library, calm and still

    Silent like a summer’s day turned stormy

    Heavy clouds settling over the horizon

    Weighing you 





    Until I want to




    Like a roaring in your ears

    Building to a crescendo

    A chaotic cacophony of terror and anguish

    Of horror, and pain, and hatred


    And yet

    Everything is



    So I stay






    When something inside of you 







    The sound of an elastic band

    Stretched to breaking point

    Until it finally

    Gives in.




    A matching pair

    When two things fit together perfectly

    But you can’t share the pain

    In case you ruin everything.




    A camera shutter, a flash

    A photo on the internet

    That can never be taken back

    And that causes more harm

    Than they ever intended.



    Out of it



    Back into the real world



    Yourself in the process





    Lost, Alone, Cold, Empty, Scared









    Wandering an unknown path

    That could lead 




    No one is there to catch you

    When you inevitably 




    Trapped in the frigid confines

    Of my own




    Devoid of emotion

    Of feeling




    Don’t know how to go on

    But you can’t 

    Turn back








    They said

    You’d be








    They said

    A lot of things


    They lied.


  11. …woah


    *cue incomprehensible rambling*

    me very likey lots and lots of yes

    somehow you managed to dump a load of lore and flashbacks on us at once without confusing me (and i am confused very easily lol) so have lots of kudos points

    *throws all the rep*

  12. 56 minutes ago, ExoticAlmond said:

    "Oh!" Nable exclaims "It's time to get onto the elevator. That's a great place to meet new people! Come on!!"



    Echo stumbles after Nable, uncertain. Did he say “new people”? That sounded suspiciously like they were going to have to socialise. Well, it was going to happen eventually.

    “Coming, coming,” they mutter.


    Don’t worry about it, it’s probably good for them anyways :P


  13. 20 hours ago, ExoticAlmond said:

    Nable walks into the beanstalk and almost immediately notices the strange person in the corner. Deciding to try to make some friends he approaches.

    "Hi, I'm Nable! What's your name!"

    Echo panics for a second and then regains composure. It’s just another colonist, being friendly. You should try talk to them.

    Echo. I mean, Echo is called - my name. That is to say, my name is called - Echo is name - “ 

    They take a deep breath. “My name is Echo Lopez. Nice to meet you, Nable.” They decide they should probably get to know a few of their fellow crew members a bit, and, on the spur of the moment, add, “So what job do you do?” They immediately shrink back into the corner, cringing at their forwardness.

  14. Echo Lopez looked furtively around before darting quietly into a shadowed corner, behind the chairs of the waiting area. A small, private smile graced their face as they considered the prospect of what was about to happen. They could soar among the stars, find freedom away from a place that only served as a constant reminder of…

    The smile vanished.

    Look what you’ve done. You’ve gone and ruined the moment for yourself, already.


    By the way, Echo’s probably not going to approach anyone (yay for introversion) so someone might have to talk to them first.


  15. Quote

    ooo exciting! i’m not sure how far i’ll actually get with this if it starts, but here’s a character sheet anyways.


    Name: Echo Lopez

    Gender / Pronouns: Nonbinary, pronouns they/them

    Age: 17

    Physical characteristics: 5’1 AFAB with short, brown, curly hair and glasses. They present androgynously (think oversized t-shirts, ripped jeans and jewellery) and tend to look forgettable in most circumstances.

    Homeworld / Homeland / Ethnicity: Born in mainland America but have lived in Hawaii for most of their life; their parents are from Central America.

    Backstory: Echo, born Emma Lopez, grew up surrounded by politics. Their parents were important members of the United Government and it was generally expected that they follow in their mother and father’s footsteps. They were brought up to believe that Starshaper powers were dangerous if left unchecked and that they were a thing to be harnessed, controlled. This quickly grew in Echo’s mind to the toxic belief that Starshapers were wrong, different and bad. However, aged 14 their house was broken into by a Starshaper gang. Echo, alone in the house, tried their best but were clearly no match for an experienced magic-wielder. As the intruder made their escape through an open window, Echo manipulated the gravity around them, leading the would-be burglar to fall extremely fast out of the window and into the lake outside. The intruder was killed on impact, and Echo has never forgiven themselves for ending the life of another human being. Over the next three years, they realised they had to get away from the planet that had caused them so much emotional hardship, that had trapped them in a suffocating prison. They wanted nothing more than to soar among the stars, free from all the politics and hurt of Earth, and when the opportunity arose for this mission, they jumped at the chance.

    Powers: They discovered their nature as a Starshaper aged 14 and have been practising in secret since then. However, their powers are still underdeveloped and they are limited to basic manipulations of gravity (although this might evolve over the course of the roleplay??)

    Woah, I kinda got carried away on the backstory part :P


  16. This is so, so important.

    I’m not going to be able to say anything that people haven’t said already. I’m probably just going to sound like a malfunctioning cliché-machine. But, as someone who is currently in a pretty bad place with a lot of undiagnosed stuff and as someone who has a lot of friends in similar positions to mine, I can honestly say that no one, no one, deserves to go through any sort of mental health condition. There is no one on the planet that does not deserve the utmost happiness, joy and peace, all of the time. If you feel like this, amazing. Congratulations on building a great lifestyle. But if you don’t, that’s okay. That’s completely okay, because you will get there. I know it.

    I love you, and I believe in you. 

    “I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth. I promise you Kaladin, you will be warm again.”

  17. 14 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:


    Insa looked around. "Hello? Matra?"

    @Shadowed (I don't remember who else is here...)


    “I’m going to go and see if I can spot Insa and Rue when they arrive.” Matra told the others, and tentatively stuck her head out of the trapdoor. Squinting, she could just make out two silhouetted figures on the horizon. Climbing out of the bunker and onto the surface, she waved madly to try and get their attention. “Insa, Rue! We’re over here!”


    The others that are here are X, Platypus and Thaidakar.

    @InfiniteInsanity @Edema Ruh

  18. 1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:


    A lot has happened. How about you tell me where you are and I'll find some way get there. Rue too. And then... we'll just tell you and go from there. Sound good?

    Alright. We’re in Tal’rin - you know that ruined place that you, me and Bookwyrm were in a while back? The place with the Ember? We’re camped in an underground bunker, so you two can work on getting here and I’ll explain to X, Platypus and Thaidakar what’s going on. Stay safe.

    Matra cut off the mental link and opened her eyes, turning to the others. “Insa and Rue are heading here. They should be able to help us go for the bind point, as well as update us on everything that’s happened.”

    @xinoehp512 @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Being of Cacophony @InfiniteInsanity

  19. 8 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:


    Insa sat down on the ground. She reached out mentally looking for anyone she knew. 

    There might not be anyone...

    Shut. Up.

    No. I don't think so. I don't want to.

    I need to focus.

    I need you to stay safe through all this so I can take you back to your home.

    My home? What home? Right now this is what I need to focus on. It's more important.

    Fine, whatever.

    Thank you. Insa focused back on trying to find anyone. After a bit of searching, she found Matra.

    "I found someone!"

    Matra? Are you safe?


    Matra jumped as she felt a mental connection reaching out to her. Insa.

    Holding up her hand to the others, she closed her eyes and concentrated. She hadn’t done this for a while.

    I’m not sure if ‘safe’ is the right word… but we’re not in immediate danger, no. We were actually planning to meet up with you and the others to try and go for the next bind point - but none of us know where you are.

    How’s your end going?


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