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Status Replies posted by Shadowed

  1. Oh I forgot to post this in my SU :P

    So here is the Wizardess:

    I drew her yesterday and I think it took around 45 minutes? An hour? Something like that.


    1. Shadowed


      ooooooooooooo *resists urge to keep going*

      Kay imma reel off a list of names and you can use any or none of them if you want lol

      Caera, Glaur, Eri, Preiss, Kuila, Reun, Trae, Juruni

      Those are all I can think of rn

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  2. Y'all. 



    We. Did. It.

    We broke their seven-year streak and crossed the line. 

    WE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





    1. Shadowed


      Congratulations!!! *throws croissants*

      Yes I know I’m like 5 hours late but timezones

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  3. Okay, um.

    I wrote a song. It’s called Let Me In.

    And it’s really bad, and I haven’t recorded anything, and I know the melody in my head but I cannot sing for the life of me so I’m trying to persuade my friend who can sing to do it, but she insists she can’t sing even though she can sooooo it’s a work in progress.

    Against my better judgement, I’m posting it here. Could y’all maybe… y’know… tell me where the storming awful bits and the slightly less storming awful bits are? Maybe? Thanks!!

    *deep breath*


    Let Me In

    [verse 1]

    Saw you crying on your own today

    Walked up and asked ‘are you alright’

    I wish it didn’t have to be this way

    The tears, the reassurances you’re fine

    [verse 2]

    Looked at my phone today

    One unread message from you

    ‘Can’t meet up, but I swear I’m okay’

    Don’t believe you for a second, but what can I do, what can I do?


    You say you’re trying to stop me from worrying

    Its not working

    I swear there’s nothing worse than not knowing

    When I could be helping


    Your fake smiles make me cry

    So I wish upon a star

    Tomorrow you’ll tell me everything

    And I’ll help heal your scars

    We all need secrets, but I see

    How bad you’re struggling

    All I want is to hold you and say it’s okay

    If you’ll only let me in.

    [verse 3]

    Knocked on your door this morning

    Asked ‘do you want to go and hang out’

    Just like the old days, but there’s a new day dawning

    A day where all you do is shut me out, out, out




    The anxiety is building and I’m walking on a thin sheet of ice

    But I can’t stop the empty promises that its gonna be alright

    And the stress, and the problems, they’re crushing me, crushing us

    [chorus x2]

    I swear there’s nothing worse than this not knowing

    Why won’t you let me in?

    What do you think? *nervously pushes forward*

  4. Okay, um.

    I wrote a song. It’s called Let Me In.

    And it’s really bad, and I haven’t recorded anything, and I know the melody in my head but I cannot sing for the life of me so I’m trying to persuade my friend who can sing to do it, but she insists she can’t sing even though she can sooooo it’s a work in progress.

    Against my better judgement, I’m posting it here. Could y’all maybe… y’know… tell me where the storming awful bits and the slightly less storming awful bits are? Maybe? Thanks!!

    *deep breath*


    Let Me In

    [verse 1]

    Saw you crying on your own today

    Walked up and asked ‘are you alright’

    I wish it didn’t have to be this way

    The tears, the reassurances you’re fine

    [verse 2]

    Looked at my phone today

    One unread message from you

    ‘Can’t meet up, but I swear I’m okay’

    Don’t believe you for a second, but what can I do, what can I do?


    You say you’re trying to stop me from worrying

    Its not working

    I swear there’s nothing worse than not knowing

    When I could be helping


    Your fake smiles make me cry

    So I wish upon a star

    Tomorrow you’ll tell me everything

    And I’ll help heal your scars

    We all need secrets, but I see

    How bad you’re struggling

    All I want is to hold you and say it’s okay

    If you’ll only let me in.

    [verse 3]

    Knocked on your door this morning

    Asked ‘do you want to go and hang out’

    Just like the old days, but there’s a new day dawning

    A day where all you do is shut me out, out, out




    The anxiety is building and I’m walking on a thin sheet of ice

    But I can’t stop the empty promises that its gonna be alright

    And the stress, and the problems, they’re crushing me, crushing us

    [chorus x2]

    I swear there’s nothing worse than this not knowing

    Why won’t you let me in?

    What do you think? *nervously pushes forward*

  5. Woooooo first day of school!! 

    I'm not freaking out! You're freaking out!!!

    Also its my birthday. YAY!

    1. Shadowed


      Happy birthday!! (yeah I’m late but I’m like 12 hours behind you so cut me some slack :P

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  6. Okay. Here I’m going to put the best lines from the three songs I’m listening to right now, plus links because they’re great. 

    We Intertwined by The Hush Sound 


    ‘Who wants to live in this place? / I don’t, so I’ll be sleeping in


    Blue Like Jazz by Weezer


    Hat’s off to you / You solved the Rubix Cube


    Wild Child by Enya


    Suddenly you find / Everything’s in kilter


    Those are my three. But also!

    • My drama class is doing a one act. We haven’t finished blocking yet, and… we compete February 3rd. Eek…

    • This week, I tried to type ‘emo’ and autocorrect changed it to ‘EoM’!!! I’m so happy!!!

    • Had an idea for ANOTHER storyline I’m working on. Haha.

    • Celtic Variations by Janice Kapp Perry is THE BEST cd we own. Unfortunately, it and the stereo are monopolized. By me. 

    • I’m playing volleyball in a stake tournament tomorrow!

    • Also, I’m just happy for no reason. 

    • Also, music is the best inspiration. You can quote me on that. 

  7. According to the general rules of the English language, shouldn't "were" be said "weer?" And if you spell "long" with two "g's" it sounds basically the same?

    The English language is broken. Whoooo

    Also, Duolingo is taking over my life. I'm onto a 342 day streak. Do I need help?

    Have a wonderful day, night, evening or morning!

    ~ Telrao :3

  8. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

    Made the choice to watch one of those tiktok compilations of all the really sad really heartwarming ones, you know?

    So now my anxiety is going at it, and I'm writing to get these feelings out, and to make the scenarios stop.

    And it's bringing back some memories, some unpleasant ones, and dammit but I'm really scudding sad now.

    So I uh..

    I wrote something.

    Pretty sad, pretty depressing. Based off my personal experiences, past and current.

    Hope it helps anyone who needs it.


    “Do you have a story?”


    “What’s your story?”

    “My story?”


    “My sister died. Suicide. She was my best friend. And it broke me.”

    “How did you recover from that?”

    “I didn’t.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “I never recovered. I will never recover fully. I was far away when it happened, I saw it coming. I helped as much as I could. I shouldn’t have left, that’s for sure. I vowed, afterwards, that I would never leave again.”

    “Do you miss her?”

    “Every day. Every damn day. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of her.”

    “Do you have friends who’re there for you?”

    “I do.”

    “Do they help?”

    “They do.”

    “Do you know anyone who’s veering towards the path your sister took?”

    “I do.”

    “Are you trying to help them?”


    “Is it working?”

    “I don’t know.”

    “Is there something you wish you could say to them?”

    “Too many.”

    “Try something.”

    “Don’t… don’t think it’s over because the past year has been absolute crap. Don’t think it’s over because no one at school cares to look your way. Don’t think it’s over because there’s only 3 of 8 billion people that care to ask how you’re doing. 3 is better than none.”

    “That’s some good advice.”

    “Don’t think that just because very few people care about you, that no one will miss you. People will miss you. My sister had nobody. Absolutely nobody. Except me. And I did all I could. And it still wasn’t enough. She reached out, she tried, but it wasn’t enough. I don’t blame myself. I don’t blame her. I blame people.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “People are absolute pricks. People will leave you in the dust without a second thought, because you don’t fit their vibe, or you don’t match their beliefs, or they just grow tired of you. I try to not be people. It hurts to call myself a human being, because most of us are absolute assholes.”


    “I vowed never to leave anyone. Not after my sister. I will not be leaving anyone ever again. I will sacrifice my entire life for theirs. To see them succeed. To see them live.”

    “Anything else?”

    “Yeah. Nobody should have to hurt alone. Ever. And I know you’re probably thinking, ‘but I am alone, how can I fix that? I don’t know anyone who can help.’ Well, you’ll have to start somewhere. The path to healing and recovery is long, and hard. But one of the good things about people? They’re strong. Stronger than anything. You’ll get through this. And I’ll be here to guide you and help you every step of the way.”

    “That was beautiful. Thank you.”

    “Thank you for having me.”

    If anyone ever feels like they need to, PM me. I'll try and get back to you ASAP, because I'll be here for you.

    I'll take you under my wings, help you recover. That's why I'm here. To help.

  9. Hello.

    I'm up too late because my brain is on and the Shard does not help me turn it off. 

    I'll crash at some point and just sleep.

    But it's fine, because I get my first snow day in what feels like far too long tomorrow...

    (The last time they cancelled school due to weather here it was a wind day.)


    1. Shadowed


      That’s… that’s a lot of posts.

      Congrats for breaking my mind!!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  11. So I have a rant that I really need to tell someone

    but the content might make some people uncomfortable (references to suicide/self harm (not me, someone else, I’m fine I promise))

    and I’m not really comfortable using PMs (sorry) (I don’t mind group chats like the RP ones I’m in)

    where should I put it?

    (if there’s nowhere I’ll find someone irl because if I tell no one I’m going to burst :[ )

  12. So I have a rant that I really need to tell someone

    but the content might make some people uncomfortable (references to suicide/self harm (not me, someone else, I’m fine I promise))

    and I’m not really comfortable using PMs (sorry) (I don’t mind group chats like the RP ones I’m in)

    where should I put it?

    (if there’s nowhere I’ll find someone irl because if I tell no one I’m going to burst :[ )

    1. Shadowed


      Sorry if that was too forward/blunt/annoying/idk what else would be bad about it but there must be something… :P

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. Um, this is slightly random, but I’m curious.

    How old do you all think I am?

    the other day someone thought I was 10 years older than I actually am, that’s why I ask :ph34r: 


    I’m not gonna say the answer at the end because my birthday’s on here and I don’t want people knowing my date of birth, sorry



  14. Happy 2023 everyone!! That means:

    - only 1 more year to SA5 (eeeeeeee)

    - loads of the activities and things I signed up for in 2022 happen this year which I’m super excited about!

    - the secret projects!! 

    - another year of complete insanity and craziness :D

    Happy new year!!

  15. Behold! The work of three years of Christmas and birthday presents!

    I assembled my shelves shrine this morning


  16. Happy Christmas everybody!

    It’s a bit late for me (8:30pm-ish) but I’ve been busy with family and stuff.

    I know own copies of AoL, SoS and BoM, which I’m very happy about aside from the fact that I’ve only read the Final Empire. (A large hole that I am working to rectify :D.)

    Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope everyone has/has had an amazing day today!! (And if you haven’t, sending hugs your way ^_^)

  17. I changed my display name to Shadowed, after Ookla season!

    I didn’t really like MysticalShadows and wanted something a bit shorter, and Shadow and Shadows were already taken, so here I am as Shadowed :D 

  18. I changed my display name to Shadowed, after Ookla season!

    I didn’t really like MysticalShadows and wanted something a bit shorter, and Shadow and Shadows were already taken, so here I am as Shadowed :D 

  19. Quick question. When does Ookla season end? 

    why do I feel like i’m gonna be that one person who still has their ookla name when everyone else has changed back :ph34r: 

    1. Shadowed


      Ah, thank you! 

      WAIT that’s only 3 days *cries*

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  20. pardon the sequel status update, just wanted to share:

    i'm currently listening to Fix You by Coldplay, the song that has the most, the utmost, the highest amount of emotional and mental importance to me.

    it is the first, the very first song that I slow danced with DoomslugLuna to.

    and for that, it is now my most favorite and amazing song. if it comes on in the car when others are in the car i skip it because that song is for me. it is one of the few things i reserve strictly for myself because of how important it is to me.

    i love it.

  21. Calling all creators/artists/musicians/writers! In making some big life decisions, I've been thinking a lot recently about creative value and the meaning behind it, so I decided to make a survey. I'm curious to see what you guys think. 

    Feel free to answer the questions below in spoiler boxes, but don't read anyone else's answer before you post. Inspired by one of @dannnnnnex's social experiments from a couple months ago.

    Question 1:


    Why do you create?

    Question 2:


    What inspires you?

    Question 3:


    How does your art impact your life?

    Question 4:


    Do you get more meaning from sharing your work or from the personal accomplishment of making the work itself?

    Question 5:


    Question 6:


    What creators have influenced you the most? Why?

    Question 7:


    In what ways do they impact your art?


    Thanks everyone—I look forward to reading your responses.

  22. I… went for it.

    I’m Ookla the Shadowed, nice to meet you! 

    Excited for my first Ookla season :D

  23. Can I ask a question?

    Why is everyone changing their display names to Ookla the (something)? Is it some sort of event? Should I be doing it as well? I’m confused :wacko:

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