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Posts posted by Shadowed

  1. 37 minutes ago, Cinnamon said:

    That is such a coincidence. Guess what book I just bought? 

    ahhh yesss read it because it is the most hilarious book everrrrr and there are so many references in it that you can just say out loud to your friends and they’re like wut and you’re like hehehe lol. there’s 5 of them but imo they get progressively worse so enjoy the first read of the first book because it is a m a z i n g

    okay i’m going to stop going on about it now because i could literally talk all day haha.

  2. 1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:


    Most of the time for me at least the easiest way for me to communicate with people is not by talking. It might be a good idea to write it out or type it and send it or show it to people that way. 

    *more hugs*

    yeah, i find writing much easier than talking. like i would never have been able to say that post out loud. i guess we all have our ways of coping, and they’re all equally valid.

    30 minutes ago, Being of Cacophony said:


    I'm not very good at advice, but if you find something that works, keep doing it. I hope you find something and feel  better!

    *hugs again*

    thank you :] i have music, which is basically the only thing holding me together, and yeah, it is helping. sort of.

    28 minutes ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:


    I've been having a similar thing happen recently. Almost exactly the same thing. It's really hard. I'm so sorry that you have to experience it too.

    Don't feel bad asking for help, you are absolutely worth way more than the extra bit of effort it takes to type this out.

    hey, i’m really sorry you have to go through that :/ and thank you for the advice, the ‘feeling bad about asking for help’ thing basically nailed the thing i’ve been lying to myself about and trying to avoid.

    thank you all again for the hugs :))

  3. may I request some hugs?

    i had a panic attack today. i’ve never had one before. i’ve had spikes of anxiety and panic, but i thought that was normal. i thought everyone had it. 

    i’ve been talking to some of my friends who have diagnosed anxiety disorders and turns out i’m experiencing most of the things that they are, and more. and i thought that was just how i was?? i thought i just had a slightly weird personality and that’s all??

    our society is messed up that it let me think that for so long.

    i fell down a youtube/internet rabbit hole about mental health conditions/mental disorders and i also discovered i have literally all the symptoms of ocd. so that’s fun.

    so all of that has been unfolding for the past week or so, and the advice from my friend has been to talk to someone about it and get therapy or counselling of some sort,

    but what if you’re an introverted, socially phobic mess that physically can’t articulate their emotions, ever? like i swear there’s something wrong with me, i can’t even start to put into words how i’m feeling, even with someone i absolutely trust. like, me and my mother sat down because she wanted to ‘discuss my mental health’ and the most i managed was ‘sometimes i get sad’. that’s it. (i also realised i’m experiencing most of the symptoms of depression but this post is too long already and y’all probably don’t want to read me going on about my problems when you have enough of your own and okay i’m gonna shut up now because this is stressful and i’ve been trying to write this for weeks now)

    so, uhm, yeah. hugs would be appreciated.


    p.s. please don’t feel like you have to reply to this. i know therapists need therapy too, and i know it can be stressful to feel like you have to help all the time so please please don’t feel obliged to do anything you don’t feel comfortable doing <3

  4. 3 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

    "I just feel like we would do better if we had others with us to defend it. But... we could probably go for a bind point if someone can take us there."



    Ah, thanks.

    “Yeah, you’re probably right.” Matra sighed. She wasn’t usually this rash, but recent events were beginning to take their toll. She turned to X. “Do you think you could take us to one? We can pick up some of the survivors on the way - there’s a group that followed me around last time we were here, so they’d probably be loyal.”

    @xinoehp512 @Being of Cacophony @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

  5. 8 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

    "Oh, well I can't really help you then. Thaidakar probably knew him better anyway."

    Platypus resumes pacing.

    "So what's our plan? Do we go for the bind points or try to meet up with the rest of the survivors?"

    @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Shadowed

    “Maybe we should go for the bind points, while we have the chance. We’ve got nothing to lose, right?”


    What exactly is a “bind point”?


  6. Riam was scribbling in her notebook again, but didn’t say anything. Anyone who walked past her would have seen a page titled “The Dor to Sel”, under which was a sprawling mindmap of messy notes. It looked suspiciously like she was formulating a plan - and one that involved the sword concealed in her pack. She thought she had hidden it well, but if one of the others looked closely, they may have seen a tendril of black smoke curling away from a strangely long and thin package, labelled DO NOT OPEN.


    Would Nightblood be able to cut through the Dor? If not, I can change this.


  7. 23 hours ago, Telrao said:

    Hamin glanced up from her sketching. "Hm? Oh, yes." She carefully closed her sketchbook and tucked it and the charcoal away, dusting her fingers on a faded cloth.

    "I am Lady Ruther, of Scadrial." She said, nodding formally. "And you are?"

    Riam began scribbling in her notebook, oblivious to the events taking place approximately three metres from her face.

    ”Scadrial? I don’t believe I have ever heard of that land.”

    She ignored Lady Ruther’s enquiry as to her own identity - she most likely wouldn’t notice.

  8. that made me want to give Dahlien a giant hug because he’s so sweet and kind and i love it :wub:

    I agree with Cinnamon on the storms thing, it makes sense to people on a Cosmere fansite but wouldn’t necessarily be seen as a curse by a wider audience and could come across a bit random.

    Otherwise, this is a m a z i n g as usual :D

  9. “While we are waiting for more who wish to accompany us, would it be possible for me to ask of you some questions around this…” she glanced at Eveni, “Shadesmar. You see, we arrived here unintentionally, but as a Truthwatcher it is my solemn duty to record all unfamiliar experiences in order to properly document the truth.” The words had the ring of having been repeated many times. “I suppose I had better get to know you all, before I interrogate you. What are your names, and which land are you from?” She thought the man in charge had a Veden look about him, and the lady sketching had to be Alethi.


  10. Chanariam Khediv thought she knew what fear was. She knew it was a response in the brain triggered by external or internal stimuli, and that most people experienced it when faced with triggers such as dangerous animals or the prospect of their own mortality. She could describe it; she could quote verbatim from a number of texts written by acclaimed scholars the varying ‘definitions’ they provided on the true meaning of fear. 

    None of them came close to what she was experiencing now.

    A myriad spheres rushed up to meet her. They seemed to be made of some sort of black glass - obsidian, perhaps? Anyhow, they were pressing down on her like a writhing mass of bestial fury, dragging her down, down, down until her head vanished under the surface of the… ocean? It seemed unimportant what she termed it at the present, considering it was moments away from drowning her. She tried to breathe in but the strange spheres rushed up into her nose and mouth, choking her, swallowing her, consuming her until they were her and she was them. A cold ball of something welled up in her chest - she supposed this was what fear was. The knowledge that you were going to die, and could do absolutely nothing about it.

    Just as she had come to that conclusion, Riam felt strong arms round her shoulders, pulling her up and out of the terrible, terrible depths.


    “I am here, Miss Chanariam.” The deep, sonorous tones of her mistspren almost made her collapse in relief.

    “What - what is this place?”

    Eveni’s eyes grew large and concerned. Riam never stuttered unless something was very wrong.

    “This is my home, Miss Chanariam. Shadesmar, or the Cognitive Realm. Land of spren and souls.”

    “Shadesmar? The land from children’s tales?”

    “The very same.” Eveni nodded. “Often, even the wildest stories are based in fact.”

    Riam shook her head, attempting to arrange the facts in her mind. “So, if I am correct, we are in a strange, unknown parallel universe inhabited by living ideas and the non-physical aspects of everything to ever exist?” At Eveni’s solemn nod, she gave a rare smile. “Then we had better document it thoroughly, to present to the other Truthwatchers.”

    “I agree, Miss Chanariam, but perhaps it would be wiser to seek other humans who may be able to serve as guides?”

    That seemed to Riam to be a more prudent course of action. “Do we have any clues as to the location of other humans?”

    “Well, no, but they’re so few and far between here that I am sure we will locate at least one band of humans if we ask around a little.”

    Riam held her head a little higher, pleased to have a purpose. “Then let us do that.”


    After asking at the nearest town, the pair drew closer to a figure on the horizon with distinctly human proportions. Perhaps they could help me? 

    Riam jogged clumsily towards the figure, Eveni striding gracefully at her side. “Excuse me, sir!” she called out in her best Alethi.



    Sorry it’s so long - is this ok for a character introduction?


  11. Okay I’m back here again.

    My friend tried to teach me how to do realism and… this happened?? idk if i like it or not haha



    (ignore the unshaded neck/shoulders lol)

    Also - i think people sometimes put writing in their art/creative threads? So i’m going to dump an idea i had here, if anyone’s interested. It’s very tentatively titled Quicksilver Flame, and is a novel written all in verse. 


    They’re not in any kind of order yet, but here’s a few of the poems from around the start. 



    I stare at the pages of









    and try to make it fit in my head

    but it’s like doing a jigsaw puzzle

    where you can’t see the pieces.



    I raise my flute to my lips

    (straight back, good posture, headjoint rolled out)

    take a deep breath

    (clench the stomach, engage the diaphragm, support support support)



    At first, a jumble of disjointed sounds

    A fumble, a misstep

    and then it clicks

    and the notes tumble out of me

    and they lend me wings

    carrying me high

                                  high above 

    everything else.



                        Sometimes I wonder

    whether humans created music


    the other way round.


    I read

    about something called synaesthesia

    where people see sound as colours.

    I don’t have synaesthesia

    but I like to imagine my flute as a

                               p a i n t b r u s h

    swirling vibrant hues across my




    I’m not a people person.

    People are too

    changeable unreliable hurtful mean nasty angry unpredictable


    These ones are from later, where her best friend Alfie gets hit by a car.


    She needs










    The hospital

    is white and shiny and clean and new and disinfected and polished

    and the whole place is saturated with death.




    the nurse on reception agrees to let me see him. 

                    Five minutes can’t hurt,

    she says,

    then flinches at her choice of words.

    She shows me the room he’s in

    and warns me that he’s in bad shape. Almost unrecognisable.

    Of course I’ll recognise him. I’d know him anywhere,

    even mangled by the underside of a car.



    I step inside his room




    oh my God.


    His face is a contorted mass of bruises and blood and pain and there are things plugged into his arm and his nose and his chest is bare and it’s covered in stitches, and the threads look like

    like veins that could burst at any moment.


    A scream

    wells up inside me

    never bubbling over and out of my mouth,

    just sitting there in my chest

    swelling and swelling 

    until I can’t breathe.

    Moisture is falling down my face

    it tastes salty on my tongue

    but I can’t feel it 

    because Alfie can’t feel anything 

    apart from pain.


    At home

    I pick up my flute

    try to play

    but the case looks too much like a


    and I can’t bring myself to play a dead thing.

    And lastly, from the ending:


    The concert

    I grin at Alfie,

    who is in the front row (obviously)

    and gives me what he thinks is a subtle thumbs up.

    I adjust my hair, which Lola put up in a fancy twist for me,

    take a deep breath,

    raise my flute to my lips,

    signal to Mr Howden







    That’s all I have so far, I hope you like it :3 any feedback/criticism is of course totally welcome!

    should i make a new thread for this? or just put it in here? or put it in SUs? or not share it at all if no one’s interested lol?


  12. Matra almost screamed as Thaidakar collapsed next to Platypus. “Not you as well!”

    She turned desperately to X, her eyes brimming with frantic, almost hysterical concern. “What do we do now? What if they’re both dead and we’re on our own and we just let one of Calano’s most trusted advisors get killed? What then?!” She was shouting now, hands gesticulating agitatedly.


  13. guyssss

    after a 3-year-long questioning crisis

    i finally figured myself out

    *deep breath* i am:

    nonbinary female-presenting lesbian homoromantic demiromantic asexual who goes by they/she/xe


    that’s a mouthful lol

    y’all didn’t really need to know that but i’m happy because yay no more panic attacks and anxiety and nightmares and depression about not knowing who the scud you are (questioning amirite) so yea lol

  14. nooo not another rp that i’m gonna start then abandonnnn

    Oh well, I had a character lying around anyways.


    Name: Chanariam ‘Riam’ 

    Abilities: 2nd Ideal Truthwatcher

    Appearance: Chanariam AI art - short brown hair, brown jumper and skirt, very schoolgirl-ish, straight/sensible

    Personality: Highly analytical and much more thinking than feeling, quiet but can talk for hours about a subject that interests her, can sometimes be hurtful by accident because she tends to think by logic not feelings.

    Other Details: Her mistspren is named Eveni

    Backstory: uhh we’ll figure that one out later

    Now watch me do like three posts in here and forget all about it…

  15. 12 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

    Thaidakar blinked as he followed. Him? In charge? Well, he had been in the clinic. But that had only been for, what, an hour? two hours? And look where that had gotten, the clinic was gone. He shivered, trying to hold himself together. "I..." The voice laughed softly in his head. He gritted his teeth and said, "It would be best if we had someone who's been here before lead us in that respect. Matra, you said this was a bunker? What sort of supplies does it have?" He turned to the others, "If there are creatures we should be worried about down there, I think I should be able to deal with them." Or... would he? Heck, he didn't know. How was he supposed to know? Well, he should just try anyways. "Let's get this over with and open the storming trapdoor."

    “I think there’s food and sleeping supplies that should go round all of us, but only for a few days at most.” She grimaced at the reality of their situation. “We have to make a plan, and fast, to save the Clinic.”

    Matra picked up a stone off the floor and began to draw with it on the wall. In big letters in the centre she wrote “Saving the Clinic” and underlined it, and then drew several arrows arching off from the words. Under one of them she scribbled Emma, one of them Korrupted People, and the other one Cracks in Universe. She then drew bubbles around those headings and added more arrows, then lowered her arm and looked around. “Any ideas?”

    @xinoehp512 @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Being of Cacophony

  16. 18 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

    X followed Matra through the rubble and down the trapdoor, glancing around nervously. "Are there any... er, creatures here that we should be worried about?"


    “I… um…”

    That was a good point, actually. Were there? Suddenly, every shadow in the long corridor beneath the trapdoor seemed to loom ominously, every pile of rubble morphing into the shape of a monster.

    ”I don’t know. Best keep our wits about us, just in case.”


  17. 22 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

    "Well, I've never been here, so I think it's probably you in charge."

    Platypus walks after her.

    Matra looked uncomfortable, glancing at Thaidakar. “Well… Calano did leave Thaidakar in charge of the clinic, so maybe he should lead? I’ll just be a sort of tour guide.” She nodded vigorously. Realising this may have come across ungrateful, she smiled at Platypus. It wasn’t that she wasn’t thankful for his assumption that she should be in charge, it was just… responsibility terrified her at the best of times, and the world was literally ending. Now was not the time for her haphazard leadership.

    She shook her head, plastering on her best bright grin. “Come on, guys! Just a little more to go!” It occurred to her that she might be overdoing it, but she dismissed the thought.


    Matra can lead if she needs to, I just wrote that for character continuity.

    @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @xinoehp512 @Being of Cacophony

  18. 11 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

    X exhaled, taking a look around at his surroundings. "Where are we? You said this place was called... 'Tal-rin'?"


    “Yeah, it was destroyed by Kaos monsters a while back and me, Bookwyrm, Insa and a few others helped the survivors.” She pointed to a spot a few hundred metres away, where a rusty trapdoor was barely visible among the rubble. “There’s an underground bunker over there. It should still have all the stuff from the last time we were here, and we can camp out there while we sort out a plan.”

    Beckoning to X, Thaidakar and Platypus, she set off in the direction she had indicated.

    @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @xinoehp512 @Being of Cacophony

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