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Everything posted by Shadowed

  1. Okay I’m back here again. My friend tried to teach me how to do realism and… this happened?? idk if i like it or not haha (ignore the unshaded neck/shoulders lol) Also - i think people sometimes put writing in their art/creative threads? So i’m going to dump an idea i had here, if anyone’s interested. It’s very tentatively titled Quicksilver Flame, and is a novel written all in verse.
  2. Matra almost screamed as Thaidakar collapsed next to Platypus. “Not you as well!” She turned desperately to X, her eyes brimming with frantic, almost hysterical concern. “What do we do now? What if they’re both dead and we’re on our own and we just let one of Calano’s most trusted advisors get killed? What then?!” She was shouting now, hands gesticulating agitatedly. @xinoehp512
  3. guyssss after a 3-year-long questioning crisis i finally figured myself out *deep breath* i am: nonbinary female-presenting lesbian homoromantic demiromantic asexual who goes by they/she/xe … that’s a mouthful lol y’all didn’t really need to know that but i’m happy because yay no more panic attacks and anxiety and nightmares and depression about not knowing who the scud you are (questioning amirite) so yea lol
  4. Double lucky :P 512E672C-855B-4B85-93E5-6C3E2EDDD02C.thumb.jpeg.6053ac86c7d388bac3c65de905cc373f.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      That’s too many two’s to comprehend right now. Bravo!

    3. Wittles


      That's awesome. 

    4. Cinnamon


      Triple lucky! (There’s three twos in 2022, ik it doesn’t really count because of that pesky 0 but whatever :P)

  5. “Do we… contact the places that house them? Can they help? Or all they all evil, corrupted, like the Clinic?” @xinoehp512 Matra ran over to Platypus. “Are you okay? Can you hear me?” @Being of Cacophony
  6. nooo not another rp that i’m gonna start then abandonnnn Oh well, I had a character lying around anyways. Now watch me do like three posts in here and forget all about it…
  7. “I think there’s food and sleeping supplies that should go round all of us, but only for a few days at most.” She grimaced at the reality of their situation. “We have to make a plan, and fast, to save the Clinic.” Matra picked up a stone off the floor and began to draw with it on the wall. In big letters in the centre she wrote “Saving the Clinic” and underlined it, and then drew several arrows arching off from the words. Under one of them she scribbled Emma, one of them Korrupted People, and the other one Cracks in Universe. She then drew bubbles around those headings and added more arrows, then lowered her arm and looked around. “Any ideas?” @xinoehp512 @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Being of Cacophony
  8. I hath been swallowed by the great Shard of Inactivity.

    I need saving from the other great Shard of Schoolwork (the Vessel of which is named Biology), who has been encouraging Inactivity and preventing Activity from rising victorious once more.


    … what the flip did i just write :ph34r:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sequence


      Might I suggest tricking yourself into working? As in:

      "Okay, I'm going to do just FIVE MINUTES of work!"

      And then don't set an alarm or a timer or anything, and you'll get into the work mindset and end up working longer. Usually. 

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I've been trying to obey the Shard of Schoolwork all day. Nothing seems to work. I am beginning to think that this shard can't be bested.

    4. xinoehp512
  9. “I… um…” That was a good point, actually. Were there? Suddenly, every shadow in the long corridor beneath the trapdoor seemed to loom ominously, every pile of rubble morphing into the shape of a monster. ”I don’t know. Best keep our wits about us, just in case.” @xinoehp512
  10. Matra looked uncomfortable, glancing at Thaidakar. “Well… Calano did leave Thaidakar in charge of the clinic, so maybe he should lead? I’ll just be a sort of tour guide.” She nodded vigorously. Realising this may have come across ungrateful, she smiled at Platypus. It wasn’t that she wasn’t thankful for his assumption that she should be in charge, it was just… responsibility terrified her at the best of times, and the world was literally ending. Now was not the time for her haphazard leadership. She shook her head, plastering on her best bright grin. “Come on, guys! Just a little more to go!” It occurred to her that she might be overdoing it, but she dismissed the thought. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @xinoehp512 @Being of Cacophony
  11. “Yeah, it was destroyed by Kaos monsters a while back and me, Bookwyrm, Insa and a few others helped the survivors.” She pointed to a spot a few hundred metres away, where a rusty trapdoor was barely visible among the rubble. “There’s an underground bunker over there. It should still have all the stuff from the last time we were here, and we can camp out there while we sort out a plan.” Beckoning to X, Thaidakar and Platypus, she set off in the direction she had indicated. @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @xinoehp512 @Being of Cacophony
  12. Matra nodded at X. She took a deep breath - she still wasn’t used to this portal-jumping business - and stepped gingerly through, into Tal’rin where Platypus waited. “Come on X, it’s completely safe.”
  13. YESYESYES i love this!!! To repeat Cinnamon, I have school so i’ll probably go through and put my thoughts as i go along this evening. it’s still so good tho!!
  14. thanks, it probably wouldn’t have worked out anyway since she’s in a completely different social circle and we only talk when we have classes together, but… still. i’m happy that she trusts me enough to come out to me tho :3
  15. I had my flute lesson today and my teacher thinks I can take my grade 7 exam after easter holiday! and I only did grade 6 at christmas- (and yes i know that’s kinda low levelled but i’m definitely on the younger side of the shard so cut me some slack ) (for peoples not familiar with the music exam system, there are 8 grades and you take the grade exams once you’ve prepared a bunch of repertoire, scales, sightreading, aural etc. and the system is devised on the basis that it takes a year for you to go from complete beginner to grade 1, then another year from grade 1-2 etc, but most people take longer than that. so the thing i’m happy about is doing it in 2/3 of an academic year :DD) so, yay! more intense practice, stress, mock exams, recordings, rehearsals, and fun! (but in all seriousness i’m super excited cause then I can say ‘i’m grade 7’ and I won’t always be the lowest graded person in every orchestra ever lol) (sorry this is kinda lowkey for the things people share in here and i don’t want to detract from cruciatus_heart’s super super cool achievement (well done by the way!!) but i’m happy ) (storms that was a lot of parentheses!)
  16. Something in Matra chafed at abandoning the Clinic - the very establishment they had promised Calano they would protect - but, on a certain level, she agreed that they were more use to the Clinic away from it and alive than in it and dead - or worse. ”What about that place Bookwyrm and a few of us were in a while back? Tal’rin? The people there seemed friendly to us, and it’s not too far if we need to get back here quickly.” @xinoehp512 @Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  17. Matra’s body autopiloted through the motions of battle, subconsciously fighting the thing that had been Emma. Really, she was a little preoccupied with those strange cracks, seemingly out of nothing. She had seen them once before. When the very universe had seemed to shatter. But before, only she had seen them. She supposed it was because it was only her world that had been completely and irrevocably broken. She could tell from X’s expression that he could see them as well. So what did that mean for the universe… No. Task at hand, Matra. Channeling a Burst of pure Light, she sent a beam of energy right through the centre of where Emma’s and X’s beams of darkness collided.
  18. Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no… Matra raced to cover X’s back, sword swishing wildly. “X, come back! What happened to your eyes? Are you okay?” Okay. What a silly thing to say, when their home and their friends were slowly being corrupted. She might never see some of them as… themselves again. There was no point waiting, saving. Everyone was in danger. Moving to stand side by side with X, she Burst alight with golden energy, sending a beam of Light to match X’s.
  19. yes, the cats have completely defeated their foe. meanwhile, where the trees and the flowers grow wild
  20. ok i don’t really have time to write a proper response how i’d like to, but i’m so so grateful for all of those responses. they all really helped me, and there’s something about reading the wholehearted writing of someone who truly believes every word of what they’re saying… it’s very very difficult not to believe it as well. I tried praying, about 30 mins ago, and i don’t know if it’s just me believing what i want to believe but i felt so… relaxed. like i could fall asleep right there. and considering i’ve been so stressed and burnt out lately… logically, that couldn’t have come from just me, because then why haven’t i felt it before? something stuck with me, in what Bookwyrm said. he said that Jesus is my older brother. and for some reason that really resonated with me - as an eldest sister, i’ve always wanted an older sibling, someone to look up to and ask for advice. and to find out that i’ve always had one… it’s just nice, i guess. it makes me happy. again, thank you so much for all of your responses, they were all really appreciated i may have copied them into a note on my phone to read when i’m feeling down because they’re all so nice
  21. idk if this is the right place to come but i’ve been thinking a lot about religion lately. I was raised atheist by firmly atheist parents who were/are very dismissive of ‘spiritual nonsense’ etc. And I always thought ‘yeah, I have a super logical analytical skeptical brain, I can never be religious’. And especially since I’ve been struggling with anxiety/stress and other things, I thought there couldn’t be a God who would let this happen. But recently… idk, I just feel like something, somewhere was watching over me, guiding me, loving me when no one else was. and I only just realised that I might be able to put the name Jesus to that feeling. so, any of you wise experienced LDS peoples - if you have any advice, or help, or general words to the effect of ‘it’s not just in your head’ - it would be greatly appreciated. thank you for reading :))
  22. could you maybe pretty please tag me as well in future because this is so good and i want to read moreeee
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