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Posts posted by Shadowed

  1. 15 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    X glanced over at Matra, nodding at the portal. "You first."


    15 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

    Thaidakar looked relieved as he turned to the others, "Alright, who's next?"

    @xinoehp512 @Shadowed

    Matra nodded at X. She took a deep breath - she still wasn’t used to this portal-jumping business - and stepped gingerly through, into Tal’rin where Platypus waited. “Come on X, it’s completely safe.”


    Scudding timezones :P 


  2. I had my flute lesson today and my teacher thinks I can take my grade 7 exam after easter holiday!

    and I only did grade 6 at christmas-

    (and yes i know that’s kinda low levelled but i’m definitely on the younger side of the shard so cut me some slack :P)

    (for peoples not familiar with the music exam system, there are 8 grades and you take the grade exams once you’ve prepared a bunch of repertoire, scales, sightreading, aural etc. and the system is devised on the basis that it takes a year for you to go from complete beginner to grade 1, then another year from grade 1-2 etc, but most people take longer than that. so the thing i’m happy about is doing it in 2/3 of an academic year :DD)

    so, yay! more intense practice, stress, mock exams, recordings, rehearsals, and fun! (but in all seriousness i’m super excited cause then I can say ‘i’m grade 7’ and I won’t always be the lowest graded person in every orchestra ever lol)

    (sorry this is kinda lowkey for the things people share in here and i don’t want to detract from cruciatus_heart’s super super cool achievement (well done by the way!!) but i’m happy :P)

    (storms that was a lot of parentheses!)

  3. 6 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

    "I can take us to anywhere we'd like."

    Something in Matra chafed at abandoning the Clinic - the very establishment they had promised Calano they would protect - but, on a certain level, she agreed that they were more use to the Clinic away from it and alive than in it and dead - or worse.

    ”What about that place Bookwyrm and a few of us were in a while back? Tal’rin? The people there seemed friendly to us, and it’s not too far if we need to get back here quickly.”

    @xinoehp512 @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

  4. 35 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

    X's mouth curled into a snarl as his fire exploded outwards. Even as he maintained his beam, however, thin cracks began to appear in thin air. The universe was starting to decay.


    Matra’s body autopiloted through the motions of battle, subconsciously fighting the thing that had been Emma. Really, she was a little preoccupied with those strange cracks, seemingly out of nothing.

    She had seen them once before. When the very universe had seemed to shatter. But before, only she had seen them. She supposed it was because it was only her world that had been completely and irrevocably broken.

    She could tell from X’s expression that he could see them as well. So what did that mean for the universe…

    No. Task at hand, Matra.

    Channeling a Burst of pure Light, she sent a beam of energy right through the centre of where Emma’s and X’s beams of darkness collided.


    I hope the thing about the cracks is all okay.

    Also, I’ve no idea what that last thing would do, but I hope it involves some explosions at least :P 


  5. 2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    X felt the pillar shatter.

    For a moment, the world hung, frozen, each splinter of black suspended in a field of grey. And then the silence was gone, and the noises of the battle flooded in- people screaming, running, dying...

    I failed, he thought numbly. I failed...

    He stared at his hands. Both of them bore jagged crosses across the palm now. They burned.

    His gaze lifted up to stare at Kaos's messenger of destruction, and something stirred within him. He stood up. The sounds of the battle still raged all around, but he couldn't hear them anymore. There was a new sound in his mind drowning it out.


    X's eyes faded to pure black as he raised a trembling hand. With a shriek of rage, a beam of pure black fire ripped from his hand. It burned the air to void as it streaked towards Emma.

    @The Wandering Wizard

    Oh no. 

    Oh no, oh no, oh no

    Matra raced to cover X’s back, sword swishing wildly. “X, come back! What happened to your eyes? Are you okay?”

    Okay. What a silly thing to say, when their home and their friends were slowly being corrupted.

    She might never see some of them as… themselves again.

    There was no point waiting, saving. Everyone was in danger.

    Moving to stand side by side with X, she Burst alight with golden energy, sending a beam of Light to match X’s.

  6. ok i don’t really have time to write a proper response how i’d like to, but i’m so so grateful for all of those responses. they all really helped me, and there’s something about reading the wholehearted writing of someone who truly believes every word of what they’re saying… it’s very very difficult not to believe it as well.

    I tried praying, about 30 mins ago, and i don’t know if it’s just me believing what i want to believe but i felt so… relaxed. like i could fall asleep right there. and considering i’ve been so stressed and burnt out lately… logically, that couldn’t have come from just me, because then why haven’t i felt it before?

    something stuck with me, in what Bookwyrm said. he said that Jesus is my older brother. and for some reason that really resonated with me - as an eldest sister, i’ve always wanted an older sibling, someone to look up to and ask for advice. and to find out that i’ve always had one… it’s just nice, i guess. it makes me happy.

    again, thank you so much for all of your responses, they were all really appreciated i may have copied them into a note on my phone to read when i’m feeling down because they’re all so nice

  7. idk if this is the right place to come but

    i’ve been thinking a lot about religion lately.

    I was raised atheist by firmly atheist parents who were/are very dismissive of ‘spiritual nonsense’ etc. And I always thought ‘yeah, I have a super logical analytical skeptical brain, I can never be religious’. And especially since I’ve been struggling with anxiety/stress and other things, I thought there couldn’t be a God who would let this happen. But recently… idk, I just feel like something, somewhere was watching over me, guiding me, loving me when no one else was.

    and I only just realised that I might be able to put the name Jesus to that feeling.

    so, any of you wise experienced LDS peoples - if you have any advice, or help, or general words to the effect of ‘it’s not just in your head’ - it would be greatly appreciated.

    thank you for reading :))

  8. 18 minutes ago, Ati16 said:

    I joined.

    Literally half the shard is either The Halcyon Girl or Brandon facepalm.

    Yeah… about that…


    I might have made a mashup of the two into one photo.




















    Edit: Sorry, that does not view well on mobile. Here‘s the image:



    Feel free to take it or leave it, it was just a bit of fun :P 

  9. 7 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    X followed close behind in his shield-tunnel, defending the attackers as best as he could. The battle was so loud- but he had to stay focused. He could almost hear the pillar screaming out in pain, feel it in the depths of his soul.

    He moved ever closer.

    Matra’s very soul stung with the corruption and death that permeated the air. Following X, protected by his shields, she slunk closer to the being that had been Emma. Her power reserves were stoked high inside her, and if she could just find an opening…

    She could Burst.


  10. These are so nice to read. It makes me happy seeing all these beautiful descriptions of things that make you happy ^_^

    I guess I’ll do one then.

    My happy place would be in the woods with my best friend. After an exhilarating day of chasing each other through the trees, laughing together, and getting lost among the greenery, we set up our tent by a hidden lake, which glitters in the soft moonlight. We are hot, sweaty and out of breath from a day of adventuring, but we find time to sit down together under a blanket beside the lake. They put their arm around me and I hand them a mug of steaming hot chocolate. We sit like that for a long time, neither breaking the serene calm that settles over both of us as we watch the stars dance over the water.

    Alternatively, my happy place is on top of a lonely forgotten hill. It is raining, the wind whipping a gale round me, but I can barely feel it. I pull out my flute and, caught up in the moment, begin to play.

    At first, I do not know what I am playing - a torrent of discordant harmonies rush out, and I wince. But gradually, I find my groove. The music fills me up as I play note after note, piece after piece, vibrant dance after mournful lament. I forget about the rain, the wind, the rest of the world, and simply play. It is just me and the music.

    (NOT that I am recommending taking a fragile metal object out in the rain, obviously. But that is my fantasy.)

  11. 7 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    X took a deep breath. "We should get close to the pillar." The lines on his skin pulsed in synchronicity with his words, as if in agreement. "If we shield, we should be able to get there without being stopped."

    @Telrao @Shadowed

    “Let’s do it.” Matra set her jaw. 

    “It will be dangerous… but we have your shields, and I think Telrao’s Light might have given me enough power for another Burst of energy, if we need.”

    A grim smile graced her face. “Let’s go beat the scud out of those K-demons and rescue the clinic! Coming, X, Telrao?”

    @xinoehp512 @Telrao

  12. 4 hours ago, SymphonianBookworm said:

    As a saxophonist I am mortally offended by being called the one that doesn’t quite fit :P Honestly, the saxophone is one of the more interesting, cool instruments, so you could change the description of the person to something more like that.

      Reveal hidden contents

    To be fair, I’m not saying I do fit in…


    Noted :P I put that because most non-musicians (at least in my experience) think saxophone is a brass instrument, and it’s not your ‘typical’ classical-centric woodwind instrument, but that was mostly because I didn’t know what else to put. 

    I’ve changed it to ‘Has many different sides to their character, all of them interesting and cool to explore’

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