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Everything posted by Shadowed

  1. Yeah… about that… Edit: Sorry, that does not view well on mobile. Here‘s the image: Feel free to take it or leave it, it was just a bit of fun
  2. To strike down those humans with their silver-tongued lies And to bestow a fate on them so terrible
  3. Matra’s very soul stung with the corruption and death that permeated the air. Following X, protected by his shields, she slunk closer to the being that had been Emma. Her power reserves were stoked high inside her, and if she could just find an opening… She could Burst. @xinoehp512
  4. 3BCBA2AF-9B7D-4D06-A486-76598CF52E63.jpeg.0b80c8028068cc0e8f5858677bc74519.jpeg

    Consider my brain officially fried.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shadowed


      As a complimentary gift for frying my brain, have some brain fries.


      @Robin Sedai I have no idea, except I only have 12 followers so it’s always gonna be those 12 that show up on my profile :P 

    3. Shining Silhouette
    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Ah rust I just spotted my typo, still bothers me that we can't edit these.

  5. at a height from which they shall never drop the gentle mewing as I stroke her fur
  6. *strikes dramatic pose* We must save our dear comrade Lord Greg from a terrible fate at the hands of the evil life-leeching owl! What say you, fellows of the DUOLINGO SQUAD, to a rescue party to liberate our brave linguistmate?
  7. Help Because of this thread, as of yesterday I am now learning Korean on duolingo and I skipped to unit 15 on French because I do it at school. If the memes are anything to go by, I’m in for a wild ride of emotional damage from a fictional green owl.
  8. These are so nice to read. It makes me happy seeing all these beautiful descriptions of things that make you happy I guess I’ll do one then. My happy place would be in the woods with my best friend. After an exhilarating day of chasing each other through the trees, laughing together, and getting lost among the greenery, we set up our tent by a hidden lake, which glitters in the soft moonlight. We are hot, sweaty and out of breath from a day of adventuring, but we find time to sit down together under a blanket beside the lake. They put their arm around me and I hand them a mug of steaming hot chocolate. We sit like that for a long time, neither breaking the serene calm that settles over both of us as we watch the stars dance over the water. Alternatively, my happy place is on top of a lonely forgotten hill. It is raining, the wind whipping a gale round me, but I can barely feel it. I pull out my flute and, caught up in the moment, begin to play. At first, I do not know what I am playing - a torrent of discordant harmonies rush out, and I wince. But gradually, I find my groove. The music fills me up as I play note after note, piece after piece, vibrant dance after mournful lament. I forget about the rain, the wind, the rest of the world, and simply play. It is just me and the music. (NOT that I am recommending taking a fragile metal object out in the rain, obviously. But that is my fantasy.)
  9. “Let’s do it.” Matra set her jaw. “It will be dangerous… but we have your shields, and I think Telrao’s Light might have given me enough power for another Burst of energy, if we need.” A grim smile graced her face. “Let’s go beat the scud out of those K-demons and rescue the clinic! Coming, X, Telrao?” @xinoehp512 @Telrao
  10. True, violinists do tend to be a bit… less popular with other musicians I just put it because theres so many of them in an orchestra and the thing about separate cliques was referring to 1st and 2nd violins.
  11. Shadowed

    Vivenna and Siri

    From the album: Shadowed’s Warbreaker Art :)

    “But surely we can bend the rules a little bit” - Siri, to Treledees (is that how you spell it haha) Painting of Siri and Vivenna for you :3
  12. Shadowed

    Shadowed’s Warbreaker Art :)

    just some bad arts for you to enjoy (or not lol)
  13. Okay I’m actually so proud of this one :3
  14. Noted I put that because most non-musicians (at least in my experience) think saxophone is a brass instrument, and it’s not your ‘typical’ classical-centric woodwind instrument, but that was mostly because I didn’t know what else to put. I’ve changed it to ‘Has many different sides to their character, all of them interesting and cool to explore’
  15. Fellow musicians I need some advice. So I’m building a music-based magic system where everyone plays an instrument, the instruments grant things like speed, strength etc depending on the family of instrument (strings, brass etc). But the instrument you play is defined by your personality, and I’ve tried to fit the personality traits of each instrument with their sound/common repertoire style/role in the orchestra. BUT, I’d like some input on the accuracy of these personality traits, and whether there’s something that fits better. And I can’t think of anything for trombone or cello! DISCLAIMER: This is in no way meant to offend anyone, and is not what I actually think of the instruments - obviously anyone can play any instrument. I just relied on over-generalised stereotypes for the purposes of the magic system only. Please don’t take offence if your instrument is given a quality you don’t agree with! The list so far: (sorry for the long post lol)
  16. Shadowed

    Spensa Sketch

    oh my gosh this is exactly how I imagined Spensa! it’s so cool :3
  17. Um… Oliver Twist wrote A Christmas Carol. (sorry if this comes across rude) I had a substitute teacher in English once who legit said this xD Cake contains eggs.
  18. Gingerbread men live inside houses made of themselves. That’s like humans living in houses made of flesh and bones
  19. 26414CE7-DD53-4070-A351-48E6A5403A98.jpeg.7bd555ef476849f2932f4183d6737356.jpeg

    No one is allowed to start a new topic in this forum. Ever.

    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      If someone does, people need to make more and more topics until we get it 500

  20. Kay Witless I’m just going to dump some advice here, based on my experiences. Don’t know if it will be good advice or not, feel free to take it or leave it. But I hope at least some of it helps. Firstly, congrats on figuring out your sexuality! That can be very scary, especially if you’re doing it on your own, but you did it. Yay! You’ve already done half the battle. Now, onto the next part. Gender. Gender sucks sometimes. Like, really sucks. I can’t just sit here and tell you you’re going to figure it out straight away, because that would be lying. And I can’t say there won’t be days when you feel really down about it, or when you wish you didn’t have this extra pressure weighing you down all the scudding time. It can be very easy to get sucked into the cycle of stressing over the fact that you haven’t worked it out, finding something that *might* fit you, worrying that it isn’t perfect, and then thinking ‘what if I’m worrying about nothing and I’m actually just cis’. I would know. But, and I emphasise this very strongly, this is normal. 99/100 questioning people will do it, and thinking you’re the only one will get you precisely nowhere. That being said, sometimes it is the case that people question their gender and then realise they are comfortable with the gender they were assigned at birth. They might come to this realisation because they try out a different name/pronouns/haircut/clothing style and feel uncomfortable with it, or maybe they just decide that their original label makes them feel the happiest. This is equally as valid, and it might take someone a while to realise it, but that is absolutely okay. Which brings me onto my next point. Only you can say what you feel most comfortable identifying as. There’s no definitive ‘list’ of things you have to be in order to identify as cis, trans, nonbinary or anything else - usually, the best way to work this out is to try out different labels and see if they make you happier. It’s also totally okay to use a label with a definition that doesn’t exactly match how you feel - as long as you feel comfortable with it, that’s all that really matters. (I know I went down a rabbit hole of researching obscure Tumblr identities and trying to find one with an exact definition that matched me and… I do not recommend.) There are a load more things I could talk about here, but I’ve probably already confused/bored you enough so ima stop now. I hope it helps in some way, and good luck on your questioning quest! i did not just type that @Witless of Shinovar @anyone else who needs it Edit: Storms. That has to be the longest post I’ve ever made *phew*
  21. Matra rushed out of the dragon’s open mouth, beckoning for X to do the same. She ran up to where a feline figure was drawing Aons on the ground. “Telrao?” @Telrao @xinoehp512
  22. Matra screamed. “X!” There’s no point, a voice whispered to her. He’s gone. ”No. I refuse to believe that. He is not gone!” She made a wild dive for the dragon’s head, attempting to get inside its mouth, where X was. @The Wandering Wizard
  23. X’s eyes were going grey again. No. Not now. We’re so close… Summoning her sword, Matra thrashed around, hoping for a lucky hit. @The Wandering Wizard
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