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Posts posted by Shadowed

  1. Fellow musicians I need some advice.

    So I’m building a music-based magic system where everyone plays an instrument, the instruments grant things like speed, strength etc depending on the family of instrument (strings, brass etc). But the instrument you play is defined by your personality, and I’ve tried to fit the personality traits of each instrument with their sound/common repertoire style/role in the orchestra. 

    BUT, I’d like some input on the accuracy of these personality traits, and whether there’s something that fits better. And I can’t think of anything for trombone or cello!

    DISCLAIMER: This is in no way meant to offend anyone, and is not what I actually think of the instruments - obviously anyone can play any instrument. I just relied on over-generalised stereotypes for the purposes of the magic system only. Please don’t take offence if your instrument is given a quality you don’t agree with!

    The list so far:



    - Tuba: Reliable, holds everything up

    - Euphonium: Best friends with tuba, ‘second in command’ of the friend group

    - Trombone: 

    - French horn: Warm, gentle, loving

    - Trumpet: Loud and sometimes aggressive but can also be the kindest soul


    - Bassoon: Quirky and perceived as ‘different’ but is actually integral to the whole friend group

    - Clarinet: Quiet, unnoticed, but vital to the sound of the section

    - Saxophone: Weird one that doesn’t quite ‘fit’ 

    - Oboe: Vital for the whole group to be good together (‘tunes’ them to each other)

    - Flute: Delicate, quiet, sweet but has an adventurous heart


    - Violin: Popular, lots of friends that split into cliques but work as a large group overall

    - Viola: Often the younger sibling of a violin, seen as inferior but is super nice when you get them on their own without a violin

    - Cello:

    - Double Bass: Clumsy and socially awkward but has the kindest heart

    - Harp: Glamorous and fashionable


    - Percussion: Versatile, can adapt to any situation

    (sorry for the long post lol)

  2. On 17/02/2023 at 6:18 PM, xinoehp512 said:

    X closed his eyes, pouring power into his shields, holding them firm as they expanded.

    @The Wandering Wizard

    Matra nodded to herself. This is good.


    No posts for almost 2 days? Are y’all feeling okay? :P 

    I’m joking obviously it’s totally fine, I know you’re busy people and have lives outside of the shard, I was just commenting on it because it’s highly unusual :P 



    Kay Witless I’m just going to dump some advice here, based on my experiences. Don’t know if it will be good advice or not, feel free to take it or leave it. But I hope at least some of it helps.

    Firstly, congrats on figuring out your sexuality! That can be very scary, especially if you’re doing it on your own, but you did it. Yay! You’ve already done half the battle. Now, onto the next part.


    Gender sucks sometimes. Like, really sucks. I can’t just sit here and tell you you’re going to figure it out straight away, because that would be lying. And I can’t say there won’t be days when you feel really down about it, or when you wish you didn’t have this extra pressure weighing you down all the scudding time. It can be very easy to get sucked into the cycle of stressing over the fact that you haven’t worked it out, finding something that *might* fit you, worrying that it isn’t perfect, and then thinking ‘what if I’m worrying about nothing and I’m actually just cis’. I would know. But, and I emphasise this very strongly, this is normal. 99/100 questioning people will do it, and thinking you’re the only one will get you precisely nowhere. 

    That being said, sometimes it is the case that people question their gender and then realise they are comfortable with the gender they were assigned at birth. They might come to this realisation because they try out a different name/pronouns/haircut/clothing style and feel uncomfortable with it, or maybe they just decide that their original label makes them feel the happiest. This is equally as valid, and it might take someone a while to realise it, but that is absolutely okay.

    Which brings me onto my next point. Only you can say what you feel most comfortable identifying as. There’s no definitive ‘list’ of things you have to be in order to identify as cis, trans, nonbinary or anything else - usually, the best way to work this out is to try out different labels and see if they make you happier. It’s also totally okay to use a label with a definition that doesn’t exactly match how you feel - as long as you feel comfortable with it, that’s all that really matters. (I know I went down a rabbit hole of researching obscure Tumblr identities and trying to find one with an exact definition that matched me and… I do not recommend.) 

    There are a load more things I could talk about here, but I’ve probably already confused/bored you enough :P so ima stop now. I hope it helps in some way, and good luck on your questioning quest! i did not just type that

    @Witless of Shinovar @anyone else who needs it


    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    Edit: Storms. That has to be the longest post I’ve ever made *phew*

  4. On 16/02/2023 at 6:45 AM, Telrao said:

    The Clinic: The Roof

    Telrao and The Second appeared on the roof, thrumming with power, both glowing with Light. Telrao immediately spotted X and Matra's predicament and growled softly.

    "How do you feel about fighting dragons, Second?" Telrao asked, pointing. She squinted and saw X inside the dragon's mouth, shields around him and preventing its mouth from closing. The Second's lips curled back.

    "Enthusiastic, with a side of trepidation." He replied, a small shimmering field of energy forming around his lithe feline form. "Shall we?"

    Telrao nodded and scribbled another Aon Tia on the ground. "Absolutely." She replied as they both placed their paws on the Aon, disappearing and reappearing in a flash of light nearby the dragon-kaos-thing.

    Telrao began to scribble some Aon Ehes in the air, but the Second quickly stopped her. "You will kill them if you do that." He said. Then, he reached out with his senses and touched their Connection. Telrao's eyes widened. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He asked, baring his teeth at some nearby Kaos tigers.

    "Probably." Telrao replied. She drew a large Aon Edo on the ground, adding multiple modifiers as the Second used his Connection to touch the Aon spiritually, bracing it. When Telrao finished, he picked up the Aon with his spirit and shoved it towards X and Matra. The shield of pure white light meshed with X's shields, bracing it and pushing back against the dragon's jaws.

    @The Wandering Wizard @xinoehp512 @Shadowed

    Matra rushed out of the dragon’s open mouth, beckoning for X to do the same. She ran up to where a feline figure was drawing Aons on the ground. “Telrao?”

    @Telrao @xinoehp512

  5. Just now, xinoehp512 said:

    X extended his hands out, encircling himself in a shield of silence. 

    In the darkened stillness of the dragon's mouth, the lines on his skin cast a soft illumination. He hardened his shields, extending them upwards into the dragon's throat to lock it in place.

    @The Wandering Wizard

    Matra screamed. “X!”

    There’s no point, a voice whispered to her.  He’s gone.

    ”No. I refuse to believe that. He is not gone!

    She made a wild dive for the dragon’s head, attempting to get inside its mouth, where X was.

    @The Wandering Wizard 

  6. 1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

    X blinked. That... that didn't seem right.

    Slowly, resolutely, his arms fell to his sides. Had someone strapped lead weights to them when he wasn't looking?

    The lines on his skin burned, but the pain seemed further away than ever. "Matra," he tried to say, but his voice was still gone.

    “What’s going on?” 

    She forced her mouth to shape the words, but her sluggish lips barely formed them and it came out as barely a whisper.

  7. Matra from the Insanity Clinic - my first completed art piece that isn’t just a doodle and looks vaguely decent :P 



    sorry about the weird shadow in the corner lol

    Wren and Rai, twins from my book project thing, in a different style I tried (I think it looks cute but it’s soo hard :/





  8. 12 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    X raised his hand, deflecting the Kaos to the side.

    "Now," he said- or tried to say. Right, he couldn't speak while in this state.

    @Shadowed @The Wandering Wizard

    Still blazing with the strange power, Matra jumped behind X as he deflected the smoke. With the transformation had come an onslaught of memories and training from a past life - training including swordplay. 

    Using X’s shield for cover, she darted forward and slashed repeatedly at the legs of the dragon. ‘Come on,’ she grunted. ‘This has to work.’

    @xinoehp512 @The Wandering Wizard

  9. 30 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

    Favourite breed of cat?

    The smol floofy ones. (that’s a technical term)

    31 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

    Favourite breed of dog?

    Hmm, I think I’d have to go border collie. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

    X felt a surge of muted triumph and smiled. It had worked! He was being useful.


    Matra nodded to X. “Nice one.”

    A whisper floated up to the very edge of her consciousness. A whisper, light as a feather, of a past life, lived by a different person. That person couldn’t be her.

    The Golden Ones.

    It’s no use hiding it, Zarya said from deep inside of her. Be who you are. Who you always were. 

    Matra took a deep, steadying breath. Be who you are, Matra.

    Something fell into place, and suddenly she burst alight with an intense golden glow. “Let’s take this thing down.”

  11. 13 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

    A pile of nearby bones erupts as a massive skeletal dragon crawls out. Slithering across the floor, its spectral tongue flickers, reaching towards X and Matra.

    @xinoehp512 @Shadowed


    Matra screamed, wildly slashing her sword from side to side, to little effect. Why had she thought this was a good idea? She couldn’t even fight, let alone fight some demonic being of Kaos!

    Breathe, Matra. Remember the Golden Ones. Remember your training. A voice whispered from the depths of her being.

    Hav ran up to her, yelling at her, but she ploughed on. She could fix this. She could do this.

    ”Hav, cover my back. You, soldiers, help him with those tigers. As for X,” She grinned slightly maniacally. “Let’s go and fight a skeleton-dragon thing.”

    @xinoehp512 @Telrao @The Wandering Wizard

  12. The Clinic: The Roof

    Matra walked up to the man who Lyna had left in charge. “Um, excuse me, Mister Big Super Scary Soldier Man. I don’t mean to be rude, but me and X came here to help, not just to sit here and watch people die around us. Is there anything— That is to say, well, we’re going to help, whether you like it or not. Isn’t that right, X?”

    Without waiting for a response, she summoned her Blade and charged into the fray.

    @xinoehp512 @Telrao

  13. 8 hours ago, Telrao said:

    The Clinic: The Roof

    Lyna studied their faces, then glanced towards the fight with the skeleton tigers. Her fingers itched for her gun, but she stayed them. "You both have the look of special powers about you," She said, turning back towards them. "What can you do?"

    @Shadowed @xinoehp512

    The Clinic: The Roof

    Matra shrugged. “I can translate or interpret anything, but that’s not going to be much use in a fight. I can summon a Blade, but I don’t know how to use it.”

    She gestured to X, who was frozen in one of his episodes. “He probably has more magic than me, even if he can’t use it yet.”

    @xinoehp512 @Telrao

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