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Everything posted by Shadowed

  1. “What’s going on?” She forced her mouth to shape the words, but her sluggish lips barely formed them and it came out as barely a whisper.
  2. Matra grunted as she was swept up in the talons of the dragon. Her sword wasn’t doing anything and the burst of power had run out. She didn’t know what to do… she was just… exhausted.
  3. Literally all the time. It’s depressing. there may or may not be a big red stain on the carpet of my old history classroom from 2 years ago TPBM plays a musical instrument and loves to annoy everyone by playing the highest note they can, 24/7.
  4. Alright, unpopular opinion time: Shallan is my favourite character in Stormlight.
  5. Matra from the Insanity Clinic - my first completed art piece that isn’t just a doodle and looks vaguely decent Wren and Rai, twins from my book project thing, in a different style I tried (I think it looks cute but it’s soo hard :/
  6. Alright, time to murder some weather phenomena that impede visibility (although I’ve been a hazekiller for agesss because I barely ever post stuff that isn’t RP lol)
  7. Still blazing with the strange power, Matra jumped behind X as he deflected the smoke. With the transformation had come an onslaught of memories and training from a past life - training including swordplay. Using X’s shield for cover, she darted forward and slashed repeatedly at the legs of the dragon. ‘Come on,’ she grunted. ‘This has to work.’ @xinoehp512 @The Wandering Wizard
  8. As an English person, I would bring sausages and mash. Lots and lots of sausages and mash. *sausage-and-mash daydreams*
  9. The smol floofy ones. (that’s a technical term) Hmm, I think I’d have to go border collie.
  10. Matra nodded to X. “Nice one.” A whisper floated up to the very edge of her consciousness. A whisper, light as a feather, of a past life, lived by a different person. That person couldn’t be her. The Golden Ones. It’s no use hiding it, Zarya said from deep inside of her. Be who you are. Who you always were. Matra took a deep, steadying breath. Be who you are, Matra. Something fell into place, and suddenly she burst alight with an intense golden glow. “Let’s take this thing down.”
  11. Literally what it says in the title. Y’all know the drill.
  12. Okay, um.

    I wrote a song. It’s called Let Me In.

    And it’s really bad, and I haven’t recorded anything, and I know the melody in my head but I cannot sing for the life of me so I’m trying to persuade my friend who can sing to do it, but she insists she can’t sing even though she can sooooo it’s a work in progress.

    Against my better judgement, I’m posting it here. Could y’all maybe… y’know… tell me where the storming awful bits and the slightly less storming awful bits are? Maybe? Thanks!!

    *deep breath*


    Let Me In

    [verse 1]

    Saw you crying on your own today

    Walked up and asked ‘are you alright’

    I wish it didn’t have to be this way

    The tears, the reassurances you’re fine

    [verse 2]

    Looked at my phone today

    One unread message from you

    ‘Can’t meet up, but I swear I’m okay’

    Don’t believe you for a second, but what can I do, what can I do?


    You say you’re trying to stop me from worrying

    Its not working

    I swear there’s nothing worse than not knowing

    When I could be helping


    Your fake smiles make me cry

    So I wish upon a star

    Tomorrow you’ll tell me everything

    And I’ll help heal your scars

    We all need secrets, but I see

    How bad you’re struggling

    All I want is to hold you and say it’s okay

    If you’ll only let me in.

    [verse 3]

    Knocked on your door this morning

    Asked ‘do you want to go and hang out’

    Just like the old days, but there’s a new day dawning

    A day where all you do is shut me out, out, out




    The anxiety is building and I’m walking on a thin sheet of ice

    But I can’t stop the empty promises that its gonna be alright

    And the stress, and the problems, they’re crushing me, crushing us

    [chorus x2]

    I swear there’s nothing worse than this not knowing

    Why won’t you let me in?

    What do you think? *nervously pushes forward*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kajsa



      And it’s really bad, and I haven’t recorded anything, and I know the melody in my head but I cannot sing for the life of me so I’m trying to persuade my friend who can sing to do it, but she insists she can’t sing even though she can sooooo it’s a work in progress.

      If your friend is being too stubborn, I could maybe give it a shot *supershy shruggie*

    3. Shadowed



      if you’re sure it’s okay, and you have time, and you’re happy to and everything…

      I would love that :D

      I can record me playing the melody on flute and post it somewhere, probably my art thread since music is art right(?), but realistically that’s probably not going to happen until Monday. (yay homework. everyone’s favourite. and the fact that I have to learn 2 entire symphonies in a week but that’s a different story entirely.)

      So ya, thank you so scudding much for offering :DD

    4. Kajsa




      if you’re sure it’s okay, and you have time, and you’re happy to and everything…

      I would love that :D

      I can record me playing the melody on flute and post it somewhere, probably my art thread since music is art right(?), but realistically that’s probably not going to happen until Monday. (yay homework. everyone’s favourite. and the fact that I have to learn 2 entire symphonies in a week but that’s a different story entirely.)

      So ya, thank you so scudding much for offering :DD

      Wow that sounds fun xD We do all love homework 


      Of course! You can also PM me it if you like. 

  13. Matra screamed, wildly slashing her sword from side to side, to little effect. Why had she thought this was a good idea? She couldn’t even fight, let alone fight some demonic being of Kaos! Breathe, Matra. Remember the Golden Ones. Remember your training. A voice whispered from the depths of her being. Hav ran up to her, yelling at her, but she ploughed on. She could fix this. She could do this. ”Hav, cover my back. You, soldiers, help him with those tigers. As for X,” She grinned slightly maniacally. “Let’s go and fight a skeleton-dragon thing.” @xinoehp512 @Telrao @The Wandering Wizard
  14. The Clinic: The Roof Matra walked up to the man who Lyna had left in charge. “Um, excuse me, Mister Big Super Scary Soldier Man. I don’t mean to be rude, but me and X came here to help, not just to sit here and watch people die around us. Is there anything— That is to say, well, we’re going to help, whether you like it or not. Isn’t that right, X?” Without waiting for a response, she summoned her Blade and charged into the fray. @xinoehp512 @Telrao
  15. The Clinic: The Roof Matra shrugged. “I can translate or interpret anything, but that’s not going to be much use in a fight. I can summon a Blade, but I don’t know how to use it.” She gestured to X, who was frozen in one of his episodes. “He probably has more magic than me, even if he can’t use it yet.” @xinoehp512 @Telrao
  16. “No, X.” Matra placed her hands on his shoulders, looking into his eyes. Disconcertingly grey eyes. “You’re okay. We can fight them. We have a new helper. Just… breathe.”
  17. Matra followed after X. She noted with shock that the markings on his skin had started to glow, but he seemed cagey about his past, so she wasn’t about to ask. Suddenly, a deep tremor shot through her, permeating her body, her very core; shaking her down to the roots of her being. “What’s… what’s going on? X, I don’t like this.” It was then that she saw the tigers again - and they were protecting something. Someone. Insa. She grabbed X and dived to the side, behind a cupboard. “Listen,” she whispered. “She’s corrupted, I think she’s corrupted the Clinic. We’re in serious danger. Do we fight, or find someone to fight for us?” @xinoehp512
  18. Matra, who stood behind X, stepped forward. “Me too,” she said quietly. “I need to do something. This standing around, letting the important people do the work, is killing me. How can I help?” She sighed. “I know I’m basically redundant in this mess of gods and magic, and I know there won’t be any translations or messages to decipher, but at least let me try.”
  19. The Clinic: Lobby Matra swung her sword left and right, desperately hoping to catch a skeleton with the unwieldy thing. At the other emd of the lobby, strange tiger-like creatures were approaching. She turned and ran as fast as she could in the other direction. Have to… get away… A flash of clothing disappeared round the corner. X. Racing after him, she soon found herself at Calano’s office, where many people stood, including some she didn’t recognise. She nestled herself in at the back of the group and looked up to where X had just made his dramatic entry.
  20. Clinic: Lobby Matra ran over to Calano, who was on the floor screaming. It was a powerful sound, filled with worlds of pain and anguish. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what was going through his head. “What… what happened?” she wondered aloud softly.
  21. Sooo, I might have embarrassed myself in front of all the popular girls by crying because I finished Hero of Ages.



    elendddddddddd he was my favourite character!!!!!

    and then vin… :cries:

    I was legit losing it by the time I’d finished the book.


    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      It's a good reason to embarrass yourself. 


      That ending! Gah!! I loved Elend so much. 

      Now you need to read the secret history.


    2. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      That ending is a masterpiece!

      Hey, maybe the popular girls will be intrigued and want to read it! :P

  22. Matra rushed after X, skidding to a halt beside him. “Uh, guys? What’s going on?”
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