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Posts posted by Shadowed

  1. Matra followed after X. She noted with shock that the markings on his skin had started to glow, but he seemed cagey about his past, so she wasn’t about to ask. 

    Suddenly, a deep tremor shot through her, permeating her body, her very core; shaking her down to the roots of her being. “What’s… what’s going on? X, I don’t like this.”

    It was then that she saw the tigers again - and they were protecting something. Someone.


    She grabbed X and dived to the side, behind a cupboard. “Listen,” she whispered. “She’s corrupted, I think she’s corrupted the Clinic. We’re in serious danger. Do we fight, or find someone to fight for us?”


  2. Matra, who stood behind X, stepped forward. “Me too,” she said quietly. “I need to do something. This standing around, letting the important people do the work, is killing me. How can I help?”

    She sighed. “I know I’m basically redundant in this mess of gods and magic, and I know there won’t be any translations or messages to decipher, but at least let me try.”


    The reason she says about translations is because that’s her only magic - that, and summoning a sword. She basically has the powers of an envoyform singer.


  3. The Clinic: Lobby

    Matra swung her sword left and right, desperately hoping to catch a skeleton with the unwieldy thing. At the other emd of the lobby, strange tiger-like creatures were approaching. She turned and ran as fast as she could in the other direction. Have to… get away…

    A flash of clothing disappeared round the corner. X. Racing after him, she soon found herself at Calano’s office, where many people stood, including some she didn’t recognise. She nestled herself in at the back of the group and looked up to where X had just made his dramatic entry.

  4. 26 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

    Clinic: Lobby

    Calano fell to his knees in front of the cloak.

    He knew people were gathering around him.

    He knew he should do something.

    But he couldn't.

    He dropped his swords, and they vanished in a puff of Light.

    Then he screamed. Again. Loudly. Powerfully.

    It seemed he'd done too much screaming lately, as this scream hurt. Physically and emotionally.

    But gods be damned... he'd just had to do the unthinkable.

    @Telrao @xinoehp512 @Shadowed @The Aspiring Archivist

    Clinic: Lobby

    Matra ran over to Calano, who was on the floor screaming. It was a powerful sound, filled with worlds of pain and anguish. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what was going through his head.

    “What… what happened?” she wondered aloud softly.

  5. 3 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:


    X dashed out of the hallway and skidded to a halt, taking in the scene. Even from his perspective, knowing nothing that had transpired, he could feel the grief in the room. He stood there, uncertain, not knowing what to say.


    Matra rushed after X, skidding to a halt beside him. “Uh, guys? What’s going on?”


    I don’t know who’s in the room with us, so anyone who’s there can answer.


  6. 1 hour ago, xinoehp512 said:

    X hesitated for a moment, then pressed his lips together and nodded. "Alright." He stood up, a determined expression on his face. "Let's do it."

    Matra nodded. “Come on. Let’s go fight those, um, things in the Lobby.”

    Summoning her Blade, it occurred to her that X might not have a weapon. “Do you have a sword, or something? Or any magical abilities?”

  7. 3 hours ago, Telrao said:

    The Clinic: A Hallway

    Listlessly, Telrao wandered about in a hallway, feeling useless. 

    I don't just feel useless. I am useless. She thought, turning down another hall, passing yet another series of doors. I'm not worthy of being the next in line for the Guardian. I've failed so much...

    She paused, cocking her head. Though she could sense plenty of dejected emotions around the clinic (including her own) she felt the impression of new grief. She frowned and tugged on that thread. There.

    She made her way to Calano's office, opening the door with an Aon, then padded through. She noted Matra nearby X and gave her a slow-blink. Then, Telrao trotted over to X and settled into his lap, purring and drawing a small Aon Omi - the Aon for Love. It released a small wave of calming emotion, like a warm hug.


    The Clinic: Calano’s Office

    Matra sighed in pure relief. “Telrao! I think you’re just who we need. X has had a… realisation… and, well, I think we could all use some therapy right now. Do you think you can help?”

  8. The Clinic

    Matra stood outside Calano’s office, waiting for X. She didn’t want to invade privacy, which she sensed X might need, but she wanted to be there for him if Calano told him things he didn’t want to hear.

    With her back to the wall, she could feel it when a body slumped down against the other side of that wall. It was followed by a whispered, choked “No.” Seems like things have gone badly.

    Great. Now there are two of us who are grieving for corrupted loved ones. 

    Pulling out a notepad and paper, she scribbled a note and pushed it under the door to Calano’s office. It gave a reassurance - an empty reassurance - that Emma and X’s family would one day return. She didn’t sign it. 
    What else can I do?

    She did the only thing she could think of. She brought them muffins.


    I hope you guys don’t mind me tagging along with your plotline.

    @CalanoCorvus @xinoehp512

  9. 21 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

    hey no one appreciated my heartstopper gif


    I do appreciate it. Very much. Have some rep.

    I read the books and I want SO BADLY to watch it but my family doesn’t have Netflix or any other paid streaming service. I’m working on persuading my friend to invite me to their house to watch it, but they have kinda homophobic parents sooo it’s a work in progress.

  10. 8 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    "Calano," X said abruptly. "You said he knows more about this... Kaos?" He looked at Matra desperately.

    “Yeah, he’s the one who told me everything about it. He’s in his office, I think, but… his wife was recently corrupted. He’s grieving, and I’m not sure if he’ll be able to answer your questions, but he might be able to offer some… comfort?” Matra hedged, noting the pleading look in his eye and his reaction at her words on corruption.

    ”Wizard knows a lot about it as well, but he is, uh…” She shrugged. “We don’t know where he is.”

  11. 9 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    X closed his eyes. He remembered his family, staring at him silently, black teardrops under their eyes. Asking him to join them in their transformation. He felt sick.

    "I need to get back," he found himself saying. "I need to go home."

    “Are you… okay?” Matra peered over at him, concerned. “If you want to go home, no one’s going to stop you. We can find someone who can make a portal, if you like.”

  12. 21 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

    "So a corrupting evil that is spreading?" A cold feeling entered X's stomach. "How would one tell, theoretically, if someone else had been corrupted?"

    “It would be quite obvious, if you knew them well. They would be… unlike themselves. The very opposite.”

    She eyed X, but said nothing. 


    Ngl I don’t know very much about it so… just pretend Matra said something less vague I guess.


  13. 37 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

    That is correct! ^_^
    I do want to go through the whole discussion anyways, though, because X doesn't actually realize that his world has been overrun by Kaos yet, and that's a critical character moment. Perhaps your character could call someone else over if they aren't able to explain fully?



    Okay, I’ll explain the basics but direct him to Calano for details.

    “Kaos is… chaos, given form. It’s a dark, evil god that can corrupt and destroy. For years and years, it’s been trapped in a prison that prevents it from doing that, but  now it’s able to wreak havoc on… well, all the multiverses. It’s corrupted some of our closest allies, including Calano’s wife, and has destroyed numerous planets. Currently, we’re searching for Archives of information that could tell us how to stop it.”

    She laughed softly. “It sounds mad, but it’s real. Those are the basics, but if you want more details then you should ask Calano. Though… I’m not sure if he’s in any state of mind to see you right now.”

  14. Matra shook her head. “Of course, you’re new, you wouldn’t know about Kaos.”

    She took a deep breath. “Well, it’s like this…”


    Am I right in thinking that you know all the Kaos lore, but X is asking about it for character continuity?

    If that’s not the case, I’m probably not the best person to explain - ask Calano or Wizard.


  15. 2 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    The young man blinked. "I..." He looked at his hands again, and the crossed lines burned into his palms. "I'm X."

    “Well… Nice to meet you, X,” she replied, clearly not thinking for a second that that was his real name. We all have our reasons for not sharing everything with everyone. “We’re stretched a little thin at the moment, everyone’s on different missions, so we’re very glad to have someone else on board. I wonder if there’s anything we can be doing to help in the fight against Kaos…” 

    Zarya, her Forbidden Entity, whispered deep inside of her. It corrupts, they hissed. I feel its tendrils, reaching out to those of pure minds, seeking to dominate, to destroy. You must stop it.

    Matra sighed. This would be a lot easier if Zarya would consent to taking a physical form. To X, she added, “We have to stop it. So much is at stake; too many lives, too many entire universes.”

  16. 4 hours ago, xinoehp512 said:

    "Oh. Okay."

    The young man awkwardly stood there for a moment before following the receptionist's directions. It was only once he was in the hallway that he realized he had no idea where to go. So he just started walking.



    Yes, me.

    Wandering the hallways of the Clinic pondering what she could do to help Calano, Matra spotted a man she hadn’t seen before in the distance. She ran up to him. “What’s your name? I don’t think we’ve met.”


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