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Everything posted by Shadowed

  1. “Good, since mine are useless in a fight and I’m basically useless with this sword as well. Try using them on me, to see if they work.”
  2. Matra nodded. “Come on. Let’s go fight those, um, things in the Lobby.” Summoning her Blade, it occurred to her that X might not have a weapon. “Do you have a sword, or something? Or any magical abilities?”
  3. “Well, Telrao told us to stay here, safe and sound.” A mischievous grin spread over her face despite it all. “So… we go help fight against Kaos?” @xinoehp512
  4. The Clinic: Calano’s Office Matra sighed in pure relief. “Telrao! I think you’re just who we need. X has had a… realisation… and, well, I think we could all use some therapy right now. Do you think you can help?”
  5. The Clinic Matra stood outside Calano’s office, waiting for X. She didn’t want to invade privacy, which she sensed X might need, but she wanted to be there for him if Calano told him things he didn’t want to hear. With her back to the wall, she could feel it when a body slumped down against the other side of that wall. It was followed by a whispered, choked “No.” Seems like things have gone badly. Great. Now there are two of us who are grieving for corrupted loved ones. Pulling out a notepad and paper, she scribbled a note and pushed it under the door to Calano’s office. It gave a reassurance - an empty reassurance - that Emma and X’s family would one day return. She didn’t sign it. What else can I do? She did the only thing she could think of. She brought them muffins. @CalanoCorvus @xinoehp512
  6. I do appreciate it. Very much. Have some rep. I read the books and I want SO BADLY to watch it but my family doesn’t have Netflix or any other paid streaming service. I’m working on persuading my friend to invite me to their house to watch it, but they have kinda homophobic parents sooo it’s a work in progress.
  7. “Just down that corridor.” Matra pointed. “Do you want me to come with you, or would you rather go on your own?”
  8. Okay.

    I’m reading the Hero of Ages for the first time (yes, I haven’t read it before, I started with Stormlight okay) I’m a little over halfway through.




    Vin’s earring is a spike thingy that her mother killed her Allomancer of a baby sister with, then kept in her ear and started hearing voices. now vin wears that earring and she hears reen’s voice BUT IT’S RUIN BECAUSE HEMALURGY

    Also, in that scene where Vin’s trapped in the obligator’s house and she sees Reen, I went from “It’s TenSoon in disguise!” to “It’s Spook!” to “Reen never died!” and then to “OHHHH!!!!”

    I’m very happy.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      I screamed a lot when I read Hero of Ages.


    2. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Yes that reveal is masterful!

    3. Sequence


      I read Hero of Ages when I was much more naive than I am now, and I literally predicted nothing. Everything was a surprise to me. At the time, I didn't even theorize because I had no ideas.

      You are smart, my friend!

  9. “Yeah, he’s the one who told me everything about it. He’s in his office, I think, but… his wife was recently corrupted. He’s grieving, and I’m not sure if he’ll be able to answer your questions, but he might be able to offer some… comfort?” Matra hedged, noting the pleading look in his eye and his reaction at her words on corruption. ”Wizard knows a lot about it as well, but he is, uh…” She shrugged. “We don’t know where he is.”
  10. I tried to play jazz flute for a bit, but I got tired of all the flats I like to listen to jazz, but I can’t wrap my head around all the syncopation and changes of time signature and the weird irregular time signatures. My brain doesn’t work like that, although I wish it did.
  11. “Are you… okay?” Matra peered over at him, concerned. “If you want to go home, no one’s going to stop you. We can find someone who can make a portal, if you like.”
  12. “It would be quite obvious, if you knew them well. They would be… unlike themselves. The very opposite.” She eyed X, but said nothing.
  13. “Kaos is… chaos, given form. It’s a dark, evil god that can corrupt and destroy. For years and years, it’s been trapped in a prison that prevents it from doing that, but now it’s able to wreak havoc on… well, all the multiverses. It’s corrupted some of our closest allies, including Calano’s wife, and has destroyed numerous planets. Currently, we’re searching for Archives of information that could tell us how to stop it.” She laughed softly. “It sounds mad, but it’s real. Those are the basics, but if you want more details then you should ask Calano. Though… I’m not sure if he’s in any state of mind to see you right now.”
  14. Of course not! Have you never seen a cheese tree?! The colour pink is a shade of red.
  15. Matra shook her head. “Of course, you’re new, you wouldn’t know about Kaos.” She took a deep breath. “Well, it’s like this…” @xinoehp512
  16. “Well… Nice to meet you, X,” she replied, clearly not thinking for a second that that was his real name. We all have our reasons for not sharing everything with everyone. “We’re stretched a little thin at the moment, everyone’s on different missions, so we’re very glad to have someone else on board. I wonder if there’s anything we can be doing to help in the fight against Kaos…” Zarya, her Forbidden Entity, whispered deep inside of her. It corrupts, they hissed. I feel its tendrils, reaching out to those of pure minds, seeking to dominate, to destroy. You must stop it. Matra sighed. This would be a lot easier if Zarya would consent to taking a physical form. To X, she added, “We have to stop it. So much is at stake; too many lives, too many entire universes.”
  17. Wandering the hallways of the Clinic pondering what she could do to help Calano, Matra spotted a man she hadn’t seen before in the distance. She ran up to him. “What’s your name? I don’t think we’ve met.” @xinoehp512
  18. Haven’t done one of these yet since I didn’t really have the time, but it seems fun so imma give it a go. *deep breath* This is written in a format that I’ve written a few of now. It’s very fun to write. Trying
  19. Sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest that I wanted everyone else here to play by those rules, I was just initially confused because it’s a different version of the game here. I get it now, thank you
  20. See, my family plays The Game where you don’t lose if someone else loses it in front of you, or explicitly mentions it in any way. So I would argue that under those rules, this thread is basically redundant.
  21. She sighed. No amount of forced platitudes would help, she could tell. His hurt was too deep, too raw. “You can cry. It’s okay.”
  22. Clinic: Calano's Room Matra shook her head sadly at the past tense. “You haven’t lost her, you know. Not really. “The day you lose her is the day you can’t tell me about her. The day you can look at that photo and feel nothing. The day… the day you forget her.” Matra looked Calano in the eyes. “Until that day, the real Emma lives on.”
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