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Posts posted by Shadowed

  1. Haven’t done one of these yet since I didn’t really have the time, but it seems fun so imma give it a go. *deep breath*

    This is written in a format that I’ve written a few of now. It’s very fun to write.



    Dr Clarke’s Diary

    26/01/23. Patient: Milly Watts, age 15. Diagnosis: Severe anxiety and panic disorder.

    Transcript of therapy session, commencing at 6:00 PM:

    Dr. Clarke: Hi Milly,  take a seat.


    Dr. Clarke: So, what would you like to start with?

    Milly: (shrugs) I had a panic attack yesterday.

    Dr. Clarke: Okay, thank you for telling me that. Do you have any ideas why?

    Milly: I don’t really know… I was in this super loud shop in town and it just made me really stressed. 

    Dr. Clarke: That’s great, Milly. Do you know what happened next?

    Milly: Not really. Everything just went fuzzy and I started crying. I remember I was breathing really quickly, and I felt like… it sounds silly.

    Dr. Clarke: Go on, you’re doing really well.

    Milly: Well, I felt like something was crushing me, like the air had suddenly got heavier, you know? And… like I was in an ocean.

    Dr. Clarke: An ocean?

    Milly: It felt like there were these waves of anxiety that kept washing over me. I felt one wave, and then I thought it was over, and then another one would come, you know what I mean? Is that… normal? Is there something wrong with me for feeling that?

    Dr. Clarke: No, that’s actually more common than you’d think. You’d probably be surprised by how many of your classmates experience similar things, but are too scared to get help.

    Milly: Yeah, like my friend Rebekah. She gets them sometimes, as well. She doesn’t want to tell anyone, though. Thinks it’ll make her look weak, and make her boyfriend leave her. I asked her if I could help her, and she said no. And then I asked if maybe she could try to help herself, and she said one thing. The same thing she always says. 

    Dr. Clarke: And what’s that?

    Milly: She says… ‘I’m trying.’


    NOTES: Milly then went on to tell me how similar her friend Rebekah’s situation was to the one she had been in before she reached out. She told me that she had always used the phrase ‘I’m trying’ to her friends and family, to reassure them.

    The therapist in me screams that it’s unhealthy and mentally straining to do that, but another part of me would do the same, if it could.

    Therapists need therapy too, and Lord knows I’m trying just as hard as anyone. 
    We all are.

    [END LOG]


  2. 7 hours ago, DramaQueen said:


    ...those rules literally ruin all the fun of the game. It's only fun cuz you get to lose with other people, either making them lose or teasingly getting mad at them for making you lose.

    The whole point of the game is that you can leave an imprint on someone's day just by saying "I lost the game" and making them lose it with you.

    If you're playing with those rules, you're playing a different game. Which means you're still playing this one and have to follow our rules :P.

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest that I wanted everyone else here to play by those rules, I was just initially confused because it’s a different version of the game here. I get it now, thank you :D 

  3. See, my family plays The Game where you don’t lose if someone else loses it in front of you, or explicitly mentions it in any way. So I would argue that under those rules, this thread is basically redundant.


    This is me just trying to save my own skin here okay :P i’m not trying to change the rules here or anything







  4. 1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

    "And for as long as that is," Calano said, "The only thing I'll feel when I see her, or when I think of her, will be pain. I don't want to fight her. I don't want to have to do anything to her that I would hate myself for."

    He sighed, on the edge of tears. "I just want my wife back." He whispered.

    She sighed. No amount of forced platitudes would help, she could tell. His hurt was too deep, too raw. 

    “You can cry. It’s okay.”


    This is where you begin to tell that irl-me is really bad at comforting people :P 


  5. 8 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:


    Clinic: Calano's Room

    "She was..." Calano started, and wondered where to go from there. Not because he had nothing to say, but because there was so much to say, "She was perfect. She was one of my closest friends when we were kids, and when we came here, the whole situation with the Nethergrim happened."

    He smiles sadly. "Somehow she still forgave me for that. I didn't deserve it, and I tried hard to earn that forgiveness. I don't think I ever did earn it, but I don't think she cared."

    "She was everything I wasn't," He continued, "What gaps were in my soul, she filled in. And the same goes from me to her. We both helped each other through so much. She literally brought me back to life."

    Clinic: Calano's Room

    Matra shook her head sadly at the past tense. “You haven’t lost her, you know. Not really. 

    “The day you lose her is the day you can’t tell me about her. The day you can look at that photo and feel nothing. The day… the day you forget her.”

    Matra looked Calano in the eyes. “Until that day, the real Emma lives on.”

  6. 15 hours ago, Aes Sedai said:

    can always do a completely choreographed dance number if someone says the right words.

    :music notes: you will be foundddddd

    The best musical theatre song. Fight me.

    Edit: For clarification, I wouldn’t class myself as a ‘theatre kid’ since I’m more into the music than the acting and dancing. But I looove doing musical theatre songs. A lot.

  7. 21 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

    Clinic: Calano's Room

    Calano turned over on his bed.

    He stared at the picture on his nightstand. It was of Emma.

    A picture of her, taken candidly by Calano a week or two before their wedding. She was caught off guard, and the picture was perfect.

    He smiled sadly.

    He rolled over again, and began to think.

    Where to start on the long journey ahead?

    Clinic: Calano's Room

    Matra peeked into Calano’s room. He had vanished after Wizard’s story and abrupt disappearance, and she hadn’t been able to find him anywhere.

    A figure lay prone on the bed. Calano. Approaching carefully, to give him time to tell her to go away, she sat down on a chair beside the bed. ‘Are… are you okay?’

    Such an inadequate question. None of them were.

    ’You don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to, but I’m willing to listen if you do.’


    I hope you don’t mind Matra visiting, since she is desperately in need of a purpose right now.


  8. 57 minutes ago, Witless of Shinovar said:

    Emerik noticed a figure in the corner he didn't recognize. He walked over to introduce himself. "Hi, I'm Emerik. This must be a strange thing to wake up to." He gestured vaguely to the room behind him

    “Hey.” Isa nodded distractedly in Emerik’s direction. She didn’t mean to be rude, but was rather preoccupied with the scene before her. There looked to have been… something of a scuffle.

    ”Strange indeed.”

  9. 2 hours ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

    The Clinic

    "Of yes, of course!"

    Wizard shakes his head, dispelling the rest of what he saw.

    "On that date the gods were preparing to combine, they saw the one god who had refused. He was standing in the place where they were to ascend and he was called Kaos. Desperately the gods fought against him, yet even though they were supposed to be of equal strength. Kaos surpassed them all. All wondered how and why all was going to be lost.

    'You see, I made a deal with the darkness. And now it's mine, you see!'

    The other gods despaired, because there was no chance, not anymore. Each of them was bleeding light, the last light of the world. For in their arrogance they had combined and it had seemed such a wonderful idea. A way to spread the light, yet it had failed and now the darkness would consume all.

    @CalanoCorvus @Telrao @Thaidakar the Ghostblood @Shadowed

    The Clinic

    “So you’re saying… everything is hopeless. If a bunch of storming gods couldn’t defeat Kaos, then why are we even trying?”

  10. 18 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

    The Clinic

    By the forgotten gods NOT ANOTHER ONE! 

    Growling slightly Wizard bends down and lightly licks Matra's forehead, granting her a temporary power to push back the darkness.

    A pawprint blazes to life, emblazoned on her forehead.

    Exhausted Wizard sits back on his haunches, leaning against the wall to prevent himself from collapsing.

    Croaking words creep out, "there...you now will have some relief from you affliction. But...it is temporary only."


    The Clinic

    Matra’s eyes flutter open. “What…”

    Zarya, her Forbidden Entity, cowered deep inside of her. “Not the Kaos…”

    Thank you Wizard.” She sat up straight. “I have a lot of things to figure out.”


    Alright, I’ll keep her uncorrupted. For now.


  11. The Clinic

    Matra stood up and walked towards Wizard, raising her chin. “I want to fight, in any way I can. Please. I have to help.”

    A strange force urged her to say those words. A buried power, deep inside her, wanted out. It seemed to be pushing, harder and harder against her mind, more insistent by the second, until-

    A flash of clarity.

    A moment of peace, infinitesimally short.

    Then, a scene of terror, death and destruction, that went on and on and on…

    It - whatever “it” was - spoke. I WILL BE FREE!

     The golden wyverns on her sword began to glow.

    All went black as she fainted at Wizard’s feet.


    Matra has an entity living inside her, a little like a spren, that grants her her translating powers and her Blade. It sensed Kaos, its people’s oppressor, becoming more powerful, and urged Matra to fight it. However, it has also exposed itself (and her) to corruption by coming out of its slumber. Matra doesn’t have to be corrupted if there are already too many corrupted people and we still want at least some good people left, but it is a possibility. (Or there could be a close call where someone saves her from Kaos/she saves herself etc.)


  12. Quote

    Wow. Looks like I missed… a LOT.

    The Sixth Archive 

    We made it.

    Matra took a deep breath and woke up from the dreamscape.


    She looked around, taking everything in. So much fighting… And of course that ever-present oppressive darkness that numbed her senses and preyed on her mind.

    She wondered if there was anything she could do to help - she still had her sword summoned. I need to do something.


    Is there anywhere Matra can conveniently slot herself in?


  13. 9 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    The Sixth Archive

    Bookwyrm ran down into the center of the Archive, where the apparatus stood. A pedestal stood in the very center, surrounded by four strange pieces of metal that gathered over the top of the pedestal.

    Bookwyrm took out his tome - or at least, the dream version of his tome; he was sure the effect would translate - and placed it on the pedestal.

    The apparatus began to glow. Light filled the Archive, each of the shelves glowing with a white light. That light began to take shape, like threads that slowly wove through the air. They flew from every piece of information in the Archive and into the four pieces of metal. Frankly, it was beautiful.

    The four metal pieces glowed brightly, then channeled their light into a beam that struck Bookwyrm's tome resting on the pedestal below. The book glowed for a moment, then the room fell dark again, leaving no indication that nothing had changed.

    But when Bookwyrm opened the magic book, countless pages worth of information had been added.

    He tucked the book away in his infinite pouch and turned to Matra. A sword appeared in his hand, forged with black and blue metal in with a strange design.

    "Come!" he said. "We have to help Thaidakar!"

    @Shadowed @Thaidakar the Ghostblood

    The Sixth Archive

    Eyes still squinting from that golden light, Matra looked at Bookwyrm nervously. “I can’t fight. My only magical abilities are those of a scholar. I don’t even have a weapon, for goodness’ sake! How am I meant to stand against a crazy magical metal being that can probably kill me with one finger?”

    You do have a sword, a voice deep inside of her whispered. Your Blade. An image drifted into her head of a shining longsword, engraved with lilac and gold wyverns up and down the blade, pulling into a wicked point at the top. No.

    But before she could react, that sword began to coalesce in her outstretched hand. Her Blade. She took a deep breath.

    ”Maybe I do have a weapon.” She spun and followed Bookwyrm towards the monster.

  14. Isa watched the scene unfolding with a smirk on her face. If those two were going to be at each other’s throats the entire time they were here, then this could be very entertaining.

    Strolling up to the group, she chirpily nodded to them all in turn. “So, you guys are all here because you got that envelope thing, right?”

    She shot a look at the two boys asking about love lives. “And yes, I’m taken, so don’t even bother asking.”

  15. 12 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

    The Sixth Archive

    Bookwyrm nodded and turned to Matra. "Let's go."

    As he turned to run, he heard the scrape of metal on the floor.

    That isn't good...

    But he didn't look back.


    The Sixth Archive

    Matra followed Bookwyrm through the maze of shelves that made up the Archive. She increased her pace as another scratching noise sounded from behind them; closer this time.

    It can’t reach us. Not when we’re this close…

    She didn’t dare take so much as a glance over her shoulder. I hope that other man is fighting the… thing making that noise.

    Otherwise, we’re dead.

  16. Okay, I’m actually really proud of this one. The anatomy is… i n t e r e s t i n g… but I love the shading :D

    Also: I DID A HAND AND IT LOOKS VAGUELY DECENT!!! Uh, kind of. It’s decent for me. I also dodged drawing both hands by having one behind her back.


    Isadora from a book I’m writing. (yes, another one…) not sure why the image is sideways or why the image is such bad quality but here you are I guess *nervous smile*



  17. Quote

    Alright, I know I’ll probably drop out of this in like two days. But here goes anyway.


    Name: Isadora “Isa” Maer

    Age: 17

    Gender(or lack of): Female, but tomboy. Also she’s lesbian.

    Skills: Skilled with sharp things (knives, daggers, swords etc.)

    Weaknesses: Is a really, really bad loser, so she basically has things she’s good at and will never improve on anything else.

    General personality: Extroverted, competitive, sees the world as a game

    Other info: Preferred animal (to turn into) is a greyhound.



  18. The Archive

    Matra raced after Bookwyrm, suddenly knowing that now, more than ever, their mission was vital to the preservation of the worlds. A million questions chased themselves through her head, mirroring the speed she was sprinting at.

    Calano woke up? How is that even possible? And… what’s that darkness at the very edges of my consciousness, that pulsating black mass that whispers of terror and chaos?

    A thought occurred to her. Or maybe… terror and Kaos?


    I’m assuming Matra can feel Kaos’ influence because she knows Calano and Emma, but it’s not very strong because she hasn’t known them for a comparatively long time and doesn’t have a deep relationship with either of them.


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