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Everything posted by Shadowed

  1. Matra followed his gaze to the photo of Emma on his bedside table. It hurt for her, and she had barely known her. What must Calano, who had married her, be feeling? ”Tell me about Emma. What was she like?”
  2. :music notes: you will be foundddddd The best musical theatre song. Fight me. Edit: For clarification, I wouldn’t class myself as a ‘theatre kid’ since I’m more into the music than the acting and dancing. But I looove doing musical theatre songs. A lot.
  3. Clinic: Calano's Room Matra peeked into Calano’s room. He had vanished after Wizard’s story and abrupt disappearance, and she hadn’t been able to find him anywhere. A figure lay prone on the bed. Calano. Approaching carefully, to give him time to tell her to go away, she sat down on a chair beside the bed. ‘Are… are you okay?’ Such an inadequate question. None of them were. ’You don’t have to talk to me if you don’t want to, but I’m willing to listen if you do.’
  4. What? No! of course not! Could never be me… TPBM has read Tress.
  5. “Hey.” Isa nodded distractedly in Emerik’s direction. She didn’t mean to be rude, but was rather preoccupied with the scene before her. There looked to have been… something of a scuffle. ”Strange indeed.”
  6. Isa awoke in the corner she had chosen as a bed that night. Looking at everyone’s frazzled faces, she wondered what exactly she had missed. Looks like something bad.
  7. The Clinic “So you’re saying… everything is hopeless. If a bunch of storming gods couldn’t defeat Kaos, then why are we even trying?”
  8. The Clinic Matra’s eyes flutter open. “What…” Zarya, her Forbidden Entity, cowered deep inside of her. “Not the Kaos…” ”Thank you Wizard.” She sat up straight. “I have a lot of things to figure out.”
  9. The Clinic Matra stood up and walked towards Wizard, raising her chin. “I want to fight, in any way I can. Please. I have to help.” A strange force urged her to say those words. A buried power, deep inside her, wanted out. It seemed to be pushing, harder and harder against her mind, more insistent by the second, until- A flash of clarity. A moment of peace, infinitesimally short. Then, a scene of terror, death and destruction, that went on and on and on… It - whatever “it” was - spoke. I WILL BE FREE! The golden wyverns on her sword began to glow. All went black as she fainted at Wizard’s feet.
  10. Isa reeled from the death and violence. “Woah, guys, can we just… chill out for a second over here?” she began weakly, but she didn’t expect anyone to be listening. Maybe this isn’t as much of a game as I first thought.
  11. The Sixth Archive We made it. Matra took a deep breath and woke up from the dreamscape. Ravelast She looked around, taking everything in. So much fighting… And of course that ever-present oppressive darkness that numbed her senses and preyed on her mind. She wondered if there was anything she could do to help - she still had her sword summoned. I need to do something.
  12. The Sixth Archive Eyes still squinting from that golden light, Matra looked at Bookwyrm nervously. “I can’t fight. My only magical abilities are those of a scholar. I don’t even have a weapon, for goodness’ sake! How am I meant to stand against a crazy magical metal being that can probably kill me with one finger?” You do have a sword, a voice deep inside of her whispered. Your Blade. An image drifted into her head of a shining longsword, engraved with lilac and gold wyverns up and down the blade, pulling into a wicked point at the top. No. But before she could react, that sword began to coalesce in her outstretched hand. Her Blade. She took a deep breath. ”Maybe I do have a weapon.” She spun and followed Bookwyrm towards the monster.
  13. Isa watched the scene unfolding with a smirk on her face. If those two were going to be at each other’s throats the entire time they were here, then this could be very entertaining. Strolling up to the group, she chirpily nodded to them all in turn. “So, you guys are all here because you got that envelope thing, right?” She shot a look at the two boys asking about love lives. “And yes, I’m taken, so don’t even bother asking.”
  14. The Sixth Archive Matra followed Bookwyrm through the maze of shelves that made up the Archive. She increased her pace as another scratching noise sounded from behind them; closer this time. It can’t reach us. Not when we’re this close… She didn’t dare take so much as a glance over her shoulder. I hope that other man is fighting the… thing making that noise. Otherwise, we’re dead.
  15. Okay, I’m actually really proud of this one. The anatomy is… i n t e r e s t i n g… but I love the shading Also: I DID A HAND AND IT LOOKS VAGUELY DECENT!!! Uh, kind of. It’s decent for me. I also dodged drawing both hands by having one behind her back.
  16. *hides under table moaning* … too many goaaaats… help meeeeeee… ruining goa- I mean stormlight… Also that wasn’t a quote it was just me in distress over the inordinate amount of goats apparently present in all books/films/franchises of any kind that I failed to notice.
  17. The Archive Matra raced after Bookwyrm, suddenly knowing that now, more than ever, their mission was vital to the preservation of the worlds. A million questions chased themselves through her head, mirroring the speed she was sprinting at. Calano woke up? How is that even possible? And… what’s that darkness at the very edges of my consciousness, that pulsating black mass that whispers of terror and chaos? A thought occurred to her. Or maybe… terror and Kaos?
  18. Dreamscape: Archive Matra stood, dumbfounded, watching everything unfold around her. “So… Bookwyrm and this man know each other, and the man knows… that…” She gestured to Gloppy. “But where’s the Archive? And what do we do with it?” @CalanoCorvus@The Bookwyrm@Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  19. So. Um. how do I start??? There’s this boy. For the purposes of this, I’m calling him Jamie. I’ve known him for about two years, and about a year ago we became really really close and I was really happy because I’d never had a proper best friend before. He was struggling because he has a very traumatic past, and I was helping him. And it was all great, up until recently, when Jamie started texting his bf (who I’m also friends with) with suicide notes and saying things like ‘I know you don’t love me and you’re breaking my heart but I don’t care because I love you too much to force our relationship on you’ even though his bf literally never showed any signs of wanting to break up. and then they did break up, and Jamie got really sad and no one knew what to do because we were all terrified that he was going to hurt himself. Fast forward to like a week ago, and Jamie and his ex got into loads and loads of trouble for drinking beer in the school bathrooms. (They’re most definitely underage.) But the thing is, after that, ex finally felt comfortable to tell us how horrible and controlling and abusive Jamie had been in their relationship, and when Jamie asked him whether he wanted to drink with him, he was too scared to say no (I’m pretty sure there was also a lot of pressuring into it since ex is sensible and wouldn’t do a thing like that under normal circumstances). Meanwhile, all Jamie’s friends deserted him for the things he did when he was dating his ex, but I didn’t because I’m too nice for my own good sometimes and plus I’m scared of him. So now I’m one of the only ones left and I really don’t want to be friends with him for the things he’s done but I’m so worried that if I leave him he’ll do something to himself and I really don’t want that to be on me… Oh my gosh, that’s looong and way more rant-y than I intended. But if anyone cares, there you are.
  20. So I have a rant that I really need to tell someone

    but the content might make some people uncomfortable (references to suicide/self harm (not me, someone else, I’m fine I promise))

    and I’m not really comfortable using PMs (sorry) (I don’t mind group chats like the RP ones I’m in)

    where should I put it?

    (if there’s nowhere I’ll find someone irl because if I tell no one I’m going to burst :[ )

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I’m always happy to listen and help in any way I can if you need it.

    3. Cinnamon


      You could put it in the bad day get ’yer  hugs here thread. 

      everyone is really understanding and there are other people with problems really similar to yours that you could ask for advice from or just be comforted in the knowledge that other people understand and it has been okay for their friends.

    4. Shadowed
  21. Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Pathway - Hallway Matra resisted the urge to run forward. They were so close… But Calano was right, they should be cautious. They didn’t know the things that could be down through that archway. ”Are there likely to be… obstacles? Magic? Sentient guards? Does anyone know?”
  22. Ah, that explains it (I’m restraining myself to only getting TLM when it comes out in paperback so I can have a satisfying set of mistborn books without any pesky hardcovers to break the pattern, so I will have to wait for that particular relationship sadly)
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