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Everything posted by Shadowed

  1. WHAT HOW HAVE I MISSED THIS I- WHAT- *ahem* Facepalm, would you be so kind as to enlighten me to the location of these two characters? I do not believe I have come across them in my Cosmerish ramblings. Many thankyous.
  2. Azra suddenly noticed where she was. The noticeboard behind her had two new sheets - a research project and a cleanup operation. Both sound dull. She thought she must be one of the last people left in the inn - which was just fine. Honestly. It was. She decided to find herself a room for her and Iyin to sleep in for the night. It must be late by now. Perhaps sleep would banish the Golden Ones from her mind. Perhaps, in the morning, she would awake a new person, unbowed by life’s experiences, free of the whispers of an insane mother and an insane street gang with insane magical abilities. It was a futile hope, but a hope all the same.
  3. Azra nearly jumped out of her skin. In her addled state, she was half convinced he was some sort of monster coming to get her, but her focus cleared and she realised it was that boy. “Why are you here?” she whispered, unable to summon her usual animated countenance.
  4. Azra sank down against a wall. Suddenly, with no one around, her cheery, enthusiastic persona deserted her. It was, of course, a fabrication. It was all a fabrication. A lie. The street children had told her that the Fellowship welcomed anyone, from any background, and she had begun to hope for a new start - with new people. That part of her act, the ‘new friends’ part, was real. But she should have known that everyone would leave on a mission and leave her here at the inn, practically alone. She didn’t begrudge them the rescue mission - that would be putting her own stupid feelings above the life of a young, traumatised boy, and she wasn’t that morally corrupt. And she wasn’t upset that she hadn’t gone. She understood that she didn’t have anything useful to add to the group besides a stream of chatter that no one wanted to hear. But she did wish she had something; some magic, or incredible knowledge, or anything really. You do have something. You remember, the Golden Ones? No. She wasn’t going to think about that. She curled up into a ball in the hallway, hands over eyes, and tried to forget the unforgettable. She stayed there for a long, long time.
  5. Defenestration. /noun/ The act of throwing a person out of a window
  6. I walk up to Keys and politely ask for the sandwich whilst walking towards them, forcing them backwards into their own pit.
  7. Hard agree. Gender sucks. Know this: You might work out your gender and be really happy with it, and that’s great. Or you might never truly find a label that you feel fits perfectly, and that’s equally okay. Surround yourself with people who accept you as you are, be your unfiltered self, and just carry on being amazing because you are so much more than just a label. holy scud I’m a therapist now whatttt
  8. Azra sighed, looking at the group gathering to leave to rescue that boy. She considered asking to go, but something itched at her, something that told her she’d be more useful inside the inn than out of it. She turned away from the window and set off in the direction that Iyin was leading her.
  9. Azra walked into the inn. So many rooms… Well, I might as well do a little exploring. She pushed open the nearest door and found a little boy inside, talking to the owner of the inn and some other people. “Hello,” she said. “What’s your name?”
  10. Playing Bransles from Capriol Suite (arranged for orchestra) in orchestra and my tongue is actually falling off. Anyone had a similar experience? I know fast tonguing only applied to wind/brass, but has anyone got any pieces that feel like they’re physically impossible to play? violinists: paganini
  11. Azra wandered up to the group, which had formed a large crowd. Slinging her arm around the shoulder of the nearest person, she asked, “So, what’s up? What’s going on?” Leaning in conspiratorially, she added, “What’s going dooooown?” Az, you’ve got worse since we last talked, Iyin’s voice complained in her head. You used to at least feign normality. Now you don’t even try. I do try! Azra had forgotten how downright sensible her monkey could be. Ash’ta only knew how she had landed such a creature.
  12. Um, this is slightly random, but I’m curious.

    How old do you all think I am?

    the other day someone thought I was 10 years older than I actually am, that’s why I ask :ph34r: 


    I’m not gonna say the answer at the end because my birthday’s on here and I don’t want people knowing my date of birth, sorry



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Between -4, 3.14159265358979323, and 900 years js my guess. 

    3. Shadowed


      @Sequence how did you guess :ph34r:

    4. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Hmm, I don't know you all that well. I'd guess fifteen?

  13. Dreamscape: Sixth Archive pathway - Hallway Matra fell. It was the oddest sensation, and yet she didn’t feel unsafe, if only for Bookwyrm’s hand on her arm steering her in the right direction. “How long… is this… hallway?” she shouted over the rushing wind in her ears. @The Bookwyrm @CalanoCorvus
  14. Azra turns to the nearest person and strikes up a conversation. “So, what’s your name? I’m Azra, this is Iyin, my monkey. Pleased to meet you. Aren’t you excited by all these new people? I definitely am. Can you tell?” She let out a high-pitched giggle. “I think I’m super excellent at controlling my emotions.” Uh, that’s a blatant lie and you know it. A voice spoke in her head, faint, yet recognisable. So you finally decided to start talking again, Iyin.
  15. “Hi! I’m Azra, this is Iyin. Um, nice to meet you…” Her torrent of conversation was slightly stilted by the knife gleaming in the girl’s hand. “What’s your name? And your knife? Does the knife have a name? All good weapons have names, I think.”
  16. I read Stormlight when I was 12… but I’ve always read stuff I probably shouldn’t have and only recently realised it was aimed at adults
  17. Azra spun round, Iyin nearly flying off her shoulder as she did so. “Hey, this is going to be sooo much fun! I haven’t had this many people to be friends with since -“ She blinked, then resumed her air of bubbly enthusiasm. Addressing the smart-looking man, she asked, “So what brings you here?” @The Bookwyrm
  18. Azra jumped at the stranger, but swiftly recovered her composure. “Hi, nice to meet you! I’m Azra; this is Iyin. What’s your name? I’m sure we’ll be the best of friends!” She wondered whether she had perhaps overdone it a little in the face of such a disconcerting method of arrival, but quickly dismissed the thought.
  19. A girl of around 15 with a spider monkey perched atop her shoulder strode up to the inn. “Hi,” she said brightly, proffering her hand. “I’m Azra, nice to meet you, and all that. I don’t suppose you have a room going spare? Everywhere else is full, you see. Oh, this is Iyin, my monkey, I hope you don’t mind him. He’s very well behaved, I promise.”
  20. Purely hypothetically, what does one do when one finds oneself in a friendship group full of super loud outgoing and unashamed people and all you want to do is read and quietly chat to someone but the rest of the friend group are loud and boisterous and get you kicked out of the cafeteria every other lunchtime for being too rowdy? The simple solution to this is to talk to them about it, but most of them (bar one) are completely oblivious to my attempts and seem to find it easier to just pretend I don’t exist at all. Okay, that turned into more of a rant than I expected. Sorry if that’s not how this thread was intended, but here it is anyway
  21. Happy 2023 everyone!! That means:

    - only 1 more year to SA5 (eeeeeeee)

    - loads of the activities and things I signed up for in 2022 happen this year which I’m super excited about!

    - the secret projects!! 

    - another year of complete insanity and craziness :D

    Happy new year!!

    1. Shadowed


      My gosh, that’s a lot of exclamation marks…

      Here’s some more, for good measure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



      I’ll stop now…



  22. It’s not so much of an actual orchestra and more of a programme that you get signed up to and then they invite you on different orchestra days - there’s not that many people all in a room at once. That being said, there’s 600 people on it
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