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Kajsa last won the day on September 15

Kajsa had the most liked content!

About Kajsa

  • Birthday June 22

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    yummy 😋
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    Nowhere? Everywhere? The void? All the places in between?
  • Interests
    ......*i am a mature human being/urmom/I AM A MATURE HUMAN BEING*
    i like drawing
    and eating
    and making up random phrases because why not
    oh i also write (kinda)
    and i read too (sometimes)
    i like to roleplay :3

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  1. Hello, world. I should be drawing a picture for English, but I decided to talk to you wonderful people instead. :)

    1. Show previous comments  63 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Indeed! Many more moths shall pass! But Hinderstap shall not!

    3. Kajsa


      LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I love that Cinny actually did it xD

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Moths are pretty cool, but I like butterflies better :D


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