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Kajsa last won the day on September 15

Kajsa had the most liked content!

About Kajsa

  • Birthday June 22

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    yummy 😋
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  • Location
    Nowhere? Everywhere? The void? All the places in between?
  • Interests
    ......*i am a mature human being/urmom/I AM A MATURE HUMAN BEING*
    i like drawing
    and eating
    and making up random phrases because why not
    oh i also write (kinda)
    and i read too (sometimes)
    i like to roleplay :3

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  1. Here’s a ton of content from tonight! (Also I guess you could think of it as a face reveal too :P) all the ones during the show are from Full Disclosure. I might also be able to upload a video of mine and Mal’s section of Crazier Than You.




    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kajsa


      It was SO MUCH FUN.

      @Shadowed, I get that. I wasn't going to try out until day of auditions (my friend pushed me into it haha). But I'm very glad she did, otherwise I wouldn't get to be in this incredible production, let alone as Alice. And also, before we started and while we Beinekes were waiting to go onstage, I was dying of stress and anxiety, like, I almost cried. Luckily Lucas and Mal were able to calm me down before I wrecked my makeup with any of that. :P  And I don't usually get nervous before performances! But that all goes to say that I get what you mean. 

    3. Shadowed


      oh, i’m sorry you had to go through that but super well done for doing it anyway!! the photos look amazing and i haven’t watched the video in your other SU but i’m going to when i have time lol. i’m thinking of auditioning for this variety show thingy in my area, it’s like lots of sketches and dances and some people sing solos and it’s always amazing. but this year is the first year i’d be old enough to audition for seniors, and i’d feel really awkward doing seniors having never done juniors, when most people have done it every year since they were like six haha.

      sorry you really didn’t need to know that but here’s some random info for you ig :P

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      In my experience, it’s always better to try it than not, even if it’s awkward.

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