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Kajsa last won the day on September 15

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About Kajsa

  • Birthday June 22

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  • Member Title
    yummy 😋
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  • Location
    Nowhere? Everywhere? The void? All the places in between?
  • Interests
    ......*i am a mature human being/urmom/I AM A MATURE HUMAN BEING*
    i like drawing
    and eating
    and making up random phrases because why not
    oh i also write (kinda)
    and i read too (sometimes)
    i like to roleplay :3

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  1. I threw myself under the bus to friendzone this kid. I don’t know what else to do, and now that I think about it it was probably a crappy way to do it. But this is so hard and awkward and idk what I’m doing and how to get myself out of this mess. Like… he’s not even happy! I’m not happy! It’s not going to work for him to keep thinking maybe he has a chance. I’m really sorry to say it, but he doesn’t. He deserves someone better than me, someone who can really appreciate him. 

    will I ever find my person? Who knows. I might not even HAVE a person. I could be bi (this is something I’ve thought a lot about lately actually because I genuinely think I could be bisexual. The idea scares me a little though because it’s not so widely accepted and my parents don’t really support it and it’s all new stuff and I have no idea if I actually am just that I think I possibly could be) and maybe I’m looking for the wrong kind of person entirely. 

    I feel lost. Correction: I AM lost. I am so lost. I’m also sunburnt but happily because I’m a little more tan than I was before :D 

    anyways enjoy this:33527FBE-121D-47AB-97CF-47E4D4BAD07B.jpeg.cf36a0a526f5e21d5be59454c7ee6589.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Medium


      Happier Than Ever is an absolute banger.

      and honestly yeah, preach sista, tell him to screw off.

    3. Kajsa


      I will (nicely), if he ever texts me back xD

    4. Kajsa


      Also I’m actually wearing a Billie Eilish shirt today hehehe

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