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Kajsa last won the day on June 11

Kajsa had the most liked content!

About Kajsa

  • Birthday June 22

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    yummy 😋
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  • Location
    Nowhere? Everywhere? The void? All the places in between?
  • Interests
    Drawing on paper
    Drawing on iPad
    Drawing on myself
    Pretending I'm British or Australian because they're the coolest people
    Sleeping At Last
    Making people happy
    Literally everything Hygge
    All the things
    Chocolate :))))
    Smiley faces
    Billie Freaking Eilish

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  1. Ouch headache.

    Do y'all have those days where you're like there but you're like not actually THERE? that's me rn 😛 I've lowkey been absent all day. actually it ended up having a funny affect lol imma tell you a story (i'm just gonna copy/paste it)

    I was walking into the spanish hall and i wasn’t rlly paying attention cuz i’ve been kinda off today and anyway that’s not the point so i’m walking into the hall and i try to go around this girl but this guy on the other side of her like ends up slamming into me and I don’t say anything i was just thinking like “okay that was awkward and owww” and then he goes (like ten seconds later) “my bad” and it’s my frickin guy friend xDDDDDD so i punched him. then I walked him to his class and we talked a bit but like so weird and the fact that i didn’t even look at him when he ran into me is even weirder. he does that a lot actually so i shoulda known xD or he tries to. Usually i dodge. anyways.

    Yup. THat's my day so far. i also am lowkey sick and walked home with four metric tons of snow in my shoes in the -8 degree weather, so that totally helped my cold lol. to anyone who's having a rough day, I gotchu and i feel u. 

    for intro to business class we're making hypothetical food trucks for like a business right and  mine is a breakfast truck :D breakfast, bakery, and comfort food. best thing ever. anyways imma go lay down and see if my headache will go away. see y'all later and so sorry for the absolute mess this SU is :) love y'all

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oh yikes Kajsa...

      Heehee that's kinda funny though <33

    3. Kajsa


      No it’s actually hilarious tho 😂 

    4. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I hope you feel better, good luck on the food truck thing as well

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