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Kajsa last won the day on September 15

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About Kajsa

  • Birthday June 22

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    yummy 😋
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  • Location
    Nowhere? Everywhere? The void? All the places in between?
  • Interests
    ......*i am a mature human being/urmom/I AM A MATURE HUMAN BEING*
    i like drawing
    and eating
    and making up random phrases because why not
    oh i also write (kinda)
    and i read too (sometimes)
    i like to roleplay :3

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  1. guys

    im single and lonely

    i need advice

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Experience


      I will let you know that one of the most attractive things to a guy is a girl straight up telling him that she likes him. If the feelings are mutual, it's so good. If not, the guy will be flattered and will almost always gracefully let you know he's not interested (unless he's a bum). But yes HoCo is so good do ittttt

    3. Kajsa


      @Experience i guess one crush i had a few years ago was on a bum then 😂😂😂 he like

      when i told him he was just like weird and rude 😭 

      but noted! i’ll update y’all if i end up asking him lol

    4. WhyEverNot_8


      This is true. I think the on- wait no both of those failed horribly… scud, I can’t give relationship advice 😅

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