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Telrao last won the day on March 12 2023

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About Telrao

  • Birthday June 7

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    May our paths meet again! <3
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  • Location
    Elantris, Arelon, Sel, Cosmere.
  • Interests
    Playing with watercolours
    More sketching
    Patting kitties
    Drawing kitties
    Writing about kitties
    RP'ing as a kitty
    Writing poetry about kitties

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  1. Helooo Humans! I have returned for an extremely short period of time and will soon abandon you all again for the real world!

    I finished Rhythm of War! And wow. I realised a few things.

    One: I hate Moash and I’m going to defenestrate then decapitate him if I ever have the chance.
    Two: I also dislike Tarivangian. Read the Epilogue of Rhythm of War and you’ll know.
    Three: Wit is one of the best characters. Try me. (HOID FOR LIFE YEAH!!!)
    Four: KALADIN. YES KALADIN. (No, there will be no explanation.)
    And Five: I’m going to read SA again. I’ve got a month of freedom and I ain’t gonna waste it on doing useful things! What kind of a monster do you think I am?!

    So, as of today, I have read (almost) three Sanderson series: The Reckoners, The Stormlight Archives, and Mistborn (except for TLM. My library doesn’t have it yet and I’m very sad.)

    I have recently purchased the Skyward series (and yes, this will be the fourth time I’ve read the first book) and will soon re-enter and explore the Cytoverse. I think I need to take a bit of a break from reading *nervous laughter* (no, I definitely won’t take a break)

    Some time in the near future I’ll post some of the art I’ve been making (although, some of its only the design process, as I gave the art away before I took a picture of it) and will put up the next episode of Telrao’s Adventures. I’m currently working on two other books – which are not presentable, although I will definitely give you guys the drafts to beta read (expect those in 1-2 years. Sorry!) and am contemplating my magic systems and thinking of giving them  a rejig

    Also, exciting things happening in the real world!

    We had the Carols yesterday at our church, and I was a backup singer (whoo). It was fun – and surprisingly enjoyable, despite the fact that I was forced into this against my will. I think that years of musicals and being a chorus member in said musicals really helped with stage fright – and plus, nobody’s looking at you. They’re looking at their lyrics, the trees, the birds, or the other members of the band and singing along – they aren’t staring at the small group of backup singers. Did I say something about trees and birds? We were outside our church, and there is a wonderful slope that forms almost a natural amphitheater. The temperature was perfect (I’m in Australia, ye ones in the Northern Hemisphere. So it is summer where I am, and perfectly fine to be outside) and there was a lovely breeze to keep us cool!

    We (the Carols band) are doing another Carols this Friday – this time, a community Carols. So I won’t know many the people in the audience. Dunno if that’ll help with the butterflies or not, but we’ll see. Wish us luck!

    Sorry for the long SU! Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas season, Humans!


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      I didn't know you hadn't read RoW! 

      Also, I thoroughly agree with your KALADIN! YES KALADIN!

      Although I do wonder if you mean just YES to Kaladin in general, or if you mean YAY KALADIN YOU HAVE ACHIEVED!

      Either way, I agree.

      Also. He BETTER get a nice, peaceful book next time. Because ALL of his other books have been painful.

      TWoK: Bridge crews/slavery/everything else

      WoR: Being put in prison and then being betrayed

      O: Forced to watch his friends kill each other then watch his friend kill a man he was sworn to protect.

      RoW: Forced out of fighting, finds that that's okay and maybe he's going to find some peac--NO HE HAS TO FIGHT AGAIN! ALONE(almost)! WHILE BEING SENT AWFUL NIGHTMARES!

      KoWT: Gets a puppy in Shinovar? Makes friends with Szeth? Starts to heal?



    3. Telrao



      Gets a puppy in Shinovar?

      I'm currently making a comic in which Wit shows Kaladin a cat. I feel like Kal's a cat person, or maybe I'm biased.

      I'll put that in my creative corner once it's done :P Could be a while tho haha

    4. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      I'm currently making a comic in which Wit shows Kaladin a cat. I feel like Kal's a cat person, or maybe I'm biased.

      Ooooh, I can't wait!

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