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Status Updates posted by Ati16

  1. Well it’s my shardiversary, I hope I spelled that correctly. Hmm… I should say something meaningful now.

    One year in this wonderful place with all these amazing people, has really helped me relax and have fun. I’ve learned so many new things and it still amazes me how many sanderfans there are.

    so uhh… journey before destination and remember those who have been forgotten… oh and read Defiant (it’s really good).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Wait your shardiversary is the start of Ookla season?? That’s awesome! Happy shardiversary!

    3. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Happy shard anniversary 

    4. The Wandering Wizard
  2. So I’m back I guess…

    Greetings people, I’ve been really inactive for the last five months, but I’ve got more time now and I hope to participate in a few RPs and be more active.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    3. Ancient Elantrian

      Ancient Elantrian

      Yesssss join the next hunger games!!!


    4. Aeoryi


      Cytovese, eh?

      I already have the next character ready

  3. This is what happens when you don't visit the shard for a week:



    I am not going to look at all those status updates so I hope nothing huge happened while I was gone.

    1. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      I don't think anything super important happened in SUs as far as I'm aware. 

  4. We had this creative book presentation in school so I made a board game about Tress and it turned out so beautiful that I decided to post it here. (Picture is a bit blurred)



    It is supposed to work like the circus game. I don't know if anyone has played it, but it's a dice game where you have to get to the end and there are obstacles that could set you back like Xisis, the shipwreck, the midnight essence etc.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I love that so much.

  5. Yay! My atlas of middle earth finally arrived and I have wanted it for soooo long. It is just as amazing as I imagined it would be and the maps are so detailed!

    Here it is:



    Cosmere worlds should also have atlases that describe battles and regions. Especially Roshar.

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    2. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      Yes. I want cosmere world atlases for battles

    3. Cinnamon


      That’s so cool! And yes I agree we need some Cosmere atlases. We do have the Roshar interactive map timeline though.

  6. All the Americans are sleeping... I see why they wanted mods from different time-zones, this spambot has been wrecking havoc for over an hour. Nobody's posting anything, since the majority of the shard is sleeping in Utah.

    I'm bored.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ranryu


      I’m American and awake.

      These early mornings are killing me.

    3. Ati16


      Yay, eastern side is waking. It's half past seven in New York.

    4. Ranryu


      I wish I was in that time zone…

  7. So I got covid.

    This is sad, because I thought I had some kind of super strong immune system, because literally everyone I know has had corona, but not me.

    So this could go both ways, either I'm going to have more time so I'll be more on the shard, or I'll be too sick to spend time on the shard. Depends on how strong the fatigue is, but today I've been feeling better even though yesterday was damnation.

    Also I'm celebrating my first SU.


    Why is there no celebration emoticon?


    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      That's awful, get well soon. And yay first SU!


      Why is there no celebration emoticon?

      Idk, maybe the mods just didn't think to make one.

    2. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Aw, I hope you get better soon. And thanks for the follow!

    3. Ati16


      Thanks y'all! Huh, where did the Texan accent come from? That's like halfway across the world.

      Anyway as I've spent more time on the shard I've become more familiar with the people here, so I decided to follow more sharders.

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