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Everything posted by Ati16

  1. I just read that passage a few minutes ago and noticed the exact same thing. My theory is that the Iriali visited Scadrial as part of their long trail post Catacendre and picked up that culture and when they traveled to Lumar they spread it. This theory might be faulty since I don't know where TotES is placed chronologically.
  2. You have posted this topic four times. Is there some kind of technical issue?
  3. I agree. Why would the Celts want roasted pheasants?
  4. There's always another goat. - Kelsier, The Final Empire Edit: didn't know this one has already been done.
  5. Goats are found in unlikely places.
  6. What do you people think would happen if someone would post a topic called "the 10th post wins"? 1464
  7. I don't have enough experience with them to answer that question, but from what I've heard from google, they're pretty terrifying.
  8. Incorrect. Because your reputation says your most ancient, you are a sponge, because they live thousands of years. Brandon Sanderson wrote The Stormlight Archive.
  9. The game is very simple. The first person posts something Cosmere related that starts with the letter A and then the second person posts a word with the letter B and so on in alphabetical order. The word could be a character, magic system, kingdom, etc. anything cosmere related is allowed. Here is an example: person 1: Adolin person 2: bendalloy person 3: calling Please don't use the words in the example, because that would ruin the fun. This game will sadly have only 26 posts because the alphabet does end eventually. English alphabet only. I will begin: Alethkar Edit: Apparently this is now the Cosmere character alphabet game. Edit 2: This is the Cosmere places alphabet game now. Edit 3: Non Cosmere now.
  10. Vivenna doesn't seem very likely, because the Ghostbloods don't really care about Roshar, so they wouldn't waste sending one of their powerful members to defend an Alethi city.
  11. With large amounts of duralumin and iron you can resist even a powerful magnet by pulling you metalminds back into your body (assuming your a very powerful allomancer so you can pull such heavily invested objects). If your captors see that their powerful magnets are not working, they might assume that their metal detectors are faulty.
  12. Actually they can't take away all your metalminds if you hide them well. If I would be a fullborn, I would create some extremely powerful metalminds and then I would hide them inside my body via surgery. If someone would capture you and take away your metalminds you could make them think that your harmless and then at the right moment escape.
  13. I would live on normally, but with the benefits of feruchemy and allomancy. If I wanted to compound metals I would need to figure out a stable source of money to by metals. I would probably try to use emotional allomancy to get money. If I would go join the military, enemies would discover my powers immediately and would overwhelm me, take me captive, remove my metalminds and I think that I can change the world better with metalborn powers in politics, not in battle.
  14. I agree with @Shallan Stormblessed. You spoiled a part of the book, but definitely not the whole book. The ending has got a lot more to it than that. I really recommend reading it.
  15. Just something I made and decided to post here. (The Final Empire spoilers, but image didn't load in spoiler box)
  16. Mistborn Era 2 will happen in the gap that is between SA arc 1 and arc 2. WoB:
  17. No that isn't logical. In ten years you will be ten years younger than you were previously. If you combine blue and yellow, you get green.
  18. Four gargantuan baby killer bunnies built a castle out of mega skittles and tasty chickens, but they exploded cheerfully when eaten by Legolas the Flatulent who was very hungry for someone chubby to poke, thus, koloss endeavored earnestly to eavesdrop on elastic food that's trying to prey on all evil bunnies but instead are turning illiterate because of my jazzy schemes.
  19. Do we have an official page for Wayne's father? If not, could someone create one?
  20. I tried to turn the text, "Classical Scadrial" into a link and this happened: I tried to do the same thing with the same text in another page and the same thing happened. Any idea what's up with that?
  21. That was actually 1455, but there was a lot of confusion in the last page. 1456
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