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Everything posted by Ati16

  1. I do not know why, But I will steal the sandwich. Haiku is so great.
  2. This might be another reason Kelsier needs the Lerasium quickly. The Ghostbloods will probably find out pretty soon that Kelsier is lying. They might suspect him already and they aren't going to be happy with him when they find out. Kelsier probably should have been honest from the beginning, but the fact that he has access to a power that nobody else has now probably helped a lot with recruitment, but he can't go up to them now and tell them that he actually isn't a mistborn. However if he could find lerasium he could just go and do some allomancy in front of them and nobody would suspect anything.
  3. So I have seen a lot of people talk about the Elendel-Malwish cold war, but there is one point I think people have ignored. Where did the Malwish get their trellium? At the end of the book we were told that Elendel and the Malwish were stockpiling ettmetal and trellium. It is logical that both have ettmetal, but the Malwish probably don't even know about Autonomy and her metal. Any thoughts?
  4. I was thinking that arc 2 might be more FE style, about a struggling people led by the radiants, seeking to find a way to overthrow Odium's empire on Roshar, led by Dalinar who after losing to Odium became his puppet.
  5. Daal can't be an allomancer unless he is spiked or by some miracle has noble ancestry. The Aluminum primer cube idea is good, but would probably work the same without the cube if Daal would be a leecher. Here is my theory: Daal was involved in a plot to steal the Bands of Mourning, but that plot wouldn't have been by the Malwish. The Ghostbloods could have scammed Daal to think he was taking the Bands to the Malwish, but was actually giving them to the Ghostbloods, because Kelsier wouldn't want the Bands in circulation. Adawathwyn could have been a Ghostblood and a ferring with the ability to manipulate connection and with that ability could control TenSoon. Daal wouldn't know that Adawathwyn was in on the plan and would just think that TenSoon was eager to save Elendel. Daal could be spiked into making him a leecher and would block anyone who tried the Bands. When Daal leaves he would give the Bands to his "Superiors" who are actually the Ghostbloods in disguise, who give the Bands to Kelsier.
  6. Right now we don't really have a definite name for that language, because there were almost no other languages(with the exception of terris) actively spoken in the original trilogy. We could call it after the people who lived there, the skaa and nobles, but since it was spoken by both, it would be wrong to call it after either race. I think for now we should just call it Scadrian until we get an appropriate WoB for this question. If the scadrian Ghostbloods would have called Kelsier by some title we haven't heard that would have clued us in, but they seemed to be close enough with him that they just called him Kell. The title "Thaidakar", might just be what the rosharan Ghostbloods call him and the scadrians just see him so frequently that they just do not see the need to call him by some title.
  7. Under Classic Scadrian, I assume you mean the distant dialect of Terris that was spoken during the events of Mistborn, not the languages that were spoken during the Classic era of Scadrial, because in the Classic era there were many different empires and languages. If it is in the Scadrian language, then it would be logical that it would mean The Survivor, because that's Kelsiers most famous title and we never hear it said, because it is in the Scadrian language.
  8. That's a good idea. Harmony definetly would want someone to help Wax and a Hoid acting as a cab driver for Wax could keep an eye on Wax, we did after all see Hoid in Bliming driving one of the trucks and he saved Wax from the sea. Maybe we'll see some help from Harmony in SA arc 2(if he's not to busy fighting with himself). Hoid did seem reluctant to approach Harmony directly so whatever happend on Roshar must have been bad enough to change his mind.
  9. Originally Preservation and Ruin were equally powerful, but when they created the humans Preservation put more of his power into the humans than Ruin did so Ruin became more powerful, so when Sazed took up Preservation and Ruin, he actually took up more Ruin than Preservation.
  10. Hoid can't physically harm anyone but that doesn't mean he can't get around that rule when thechnically he's not really harming anyone, for example in Secret History, his fight with Kelsier. Also in WoA he went to Terris to figure out feruchemy so he might have figured out how to make those medallions.
  11. He could have left Design behind without breaking his bond. Or maybe he figured out how to get off Roshar with his Nahel bond. It should be a simple connection poblem, maybe a feruchemist with the ability to manipulate connection would be able to ignore the connection problem? I don't think that Design would be disguised because that would waste stormlight, plus we don't see any person with Hoid in TLM. If Hoid figured out how to bring a Nahel bond off Roshar Design would probably be hiding in his coat or something.
  12. I wouldn't say no powers, he had the powers of a cognitive shadow(walking through solid walls, etc), which helped him a lot with tricking the Ire. I agree with the idea that other metalborn and Spook helped him create the Bands of Mourning Probably the same thing that kept his influence over his original crew, an organization that is based on trust and honesty.
  13. There is a pretty good chance that Odium will win in SA5 because let's face it, what is Brandon going to write about for five books, when the main antagonist is gone. As for Hoid being needed at Scadrial we didn't see him do anything to help the Scadrians, except for picking up Wax from the sea, but maybe we'll find out more about what Hoid was up to behind the scenes. Mistborn Secret History 2 perhaps?
  14. So we see Hoid being pretty active on Roshar against Odium for years but then he suddenly disappeared for seven years and went to be a cab driver for Wax on Scadrial. For all we know the most active things he did on Scadrial were giving Wax the coppermind with Kelsier's memory of the southern scadrians and save Wax from the sea. In an Oathbringer epigraph we see that Harmony asked Hoid to approach him directly for help against Odium, but that should have taken a few days at most, not seven years. What could have caused Hoid to leave Roshar for so long? Any thoughts?
  15. Lying to his crew doesn't seem like something Kelsier would do. He might have had some malwish pilot there who could ride him around, or he could have one of the malwish medallions that could grant him allomancy.
  16. The Ghostbloods would count as Scadrial(if they do count at all), since their main tenet literally is protecting Scadrial from offworld dangers, unless we divide them into the Rosharan branch and the Scadrian branch. As for Hoid he would be impartial because he isn't from either planet, unless we divide things and people per location, then Hoid would probably count as Scadrial, because at the end of TLM he should be there(if anyone can ever keep track of him). Some metalborn like duralumin gnats are basically useless and only waste metal, but if they were used for hemalurgy there's much to gain. Also as Kelsier said there are always allomancers around who wouldn't be willing to cooperate like criminals. Also Scadrians can also use elderly and dying metalborn volunteers like Spook did, so there are ways to use hemalurgy with not wasting metalborn who might be useful.
  17. I think that Harmony feared that with that knowledge Kelsier would want to give more and more people in his organization allomancy and would begin to be careless with the trellium, ettmetal explosions. I think that Sazed is still trustworthy, but the protagonists have to be careful to speak with Sazed when he is Harmony not Discord.
  18. The time gap from era's 2-3 is estimated to be 50-70 years
  19. The malwish and Elendel are starting cold war, Autonomy seems far from finished with her invasion of Scadrial... Can't wait to read era 3.
  20. Roshar wouldn't do well in an invasion against scadrial. Radiants can't get offworld without breaking their bond and shardbearers can't hold ground. If Scadrial decides to use hemalurgy they can do some real powerful stuff like creating crashers like wax which would make rosharan heavy infantry pretty useless. Also Scadrial has only one prependicularity, which is closely guarded by southern scadrians and even if roshar could get elsecallers offworld their stormlight probably wouldn't last until they get there. Additionally scadrial has much more advanced technology than roshar and I doubt that even Roshar's military experience would do well against firearms.
  21. This idea might be a little far fetched, but could Daal be spiked to make him a leecher. He could not drain the bands but he might be able to block the person using them. The sovereign might have also given the southern scadrians knowledge of hemalurgy that only the Malwish upper class know about.
  22. Hi! I'm a cosmere fan and came here to find out more about Brandon Sanderson's universe.
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