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Everything posted by Ati16

  1. Hurricane easily frees himself from ryn’s grasp because he is incorporeal “Look, the gamemakers are all busy killing each other and that presents an uniqe opportunity. Have you tried to do something in the control room before?”
  2. “But we have to help the tributes somehow. We can’t just sit here and watch them die.”
  3. “Yes. I’m hungry and am looking for something to eat. Preferably something that isn’t burned.”
  4. Bill inspected the ship. Everyone was doing their job effectively. Everything was just how it should be. He wandered to the galley to get some food.
  5. Hurricane was horrified at what had just happened. He should have been able to stop it. The gamemakers are all busy killing each other. That opens up an opportunity for me to do something. With that thought Hurricane headed towards the control room. @Ookla the Believer, @Ookla the Raveness, @any gamemaker who is still alive
  6. “I guess that is the other spirit you mentioned.” Hurricane turned towards ryn. “And how did you die?”
  7. “Huh. And is that a bad thing?”
  8. “And then the gamemakers imprisoned you?”
  9. “Were you a tribute? Which game were you in?”
  10. “Interesting… and how did you get here?”
  11. “That about sums it up. This doesn’t happen to every tribute?”
  12. “There are more spirits? Can anyone explain to me where I am?”
  13. I might be interested. Will we be the crew of one ship or multiple ships, fighting?
  14. Hurricane floated into a place that looked like prison. Someone was there… eating a mouse. Shoving down his disgust, Hurricane approached them. “Hi. Do you know where I am and why am I in this place?”
  15. Hurricane awoke… somewhere. He wasn’t entirely sure where. He had died. He had been blown up by another tribute and he had died. He remembered seeing Nova right before his death which was weird because she was also dead. He looked around and noticed that he had no physical body. He was in an empty room with lots of screens, all showing different places in the arena. Hurricane groaned, realising that he was in the GMHQ. And he was a spirit. He tried to pick up a cup and it worked. I can touch things even though I’m incorporeal. What happened and how am I here, he thought and went looking for someone who could answer his questions.
  16. @Ookla the Believer, @Ookla the Yellow Sock, @Ookla the Raveness, @whoever else is in charge
  17. Hurricane calmly watched as Whiplash shot him. He’d never really thought that he would die until now. He had believed that the tributes would you unite under Merp. He had hoped that people would realise that there was no reason to fight. This will help. He reassured himself. The gamemakers are broadcasting this to all of the districts and they will realise that they can defy the capitol. He opened up a general line to all of the tributes. His former flightmates and allies. “Please remember that killing is not the only option. When you remember me, remember that the game makers don’t control us.” he said, satisfied that he had made a change. That he had remained defiant. Interesing, that in a world of violence the pacifists are the rebels. he thought as he was blown into pieces.
  18. Thanks! I’m planning to sacrifice my character soon to stop the hunger games.
  19. “There is an alternative. Imagine that no one would fight in the hunger games, but would join forces and help each other. What would the game makers do? Blow us up, because we refused to kill each other? That would destroy the reputation of the hunger games. We are stronger than you think. Someone just has to take the first step.” Hurricane said calmly. “If you wish to be a tool of the game makers, then fine. Shoot me out of the sky. I’ll probably die here anyway. I don’t wish to win if it gives me the reputation of a killer.” he said, refusing to shoot her.
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