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Everything posted by Ati16

  1. Hurricane dodged the shot and turned towards Whiplash. He fired a few shots towards her and opened a private line to her. “Why do people fight in the hunger games? I’ve often thought about this. The gamemakers tell us to kill each other and we always do as they say. Why do we listen to them? Why do we never unite as one and defy them?” he asked her.
  2. Hurricane flew in his ship with no clear destination. He didn’t want to attack others so he just flew at the edge of the arena. He wished he could find Merp, but it was hard to search for a teleporting ferret.
  3. No, Hurricane thought, shocked at what just happened. Half the people who had ganged up on Nova had once been their allies. Why do people kill when there is so much to live for? The hunger games turned good people into beasts. He had thought that this would be different because of Merp, but Merp was gone and there were only killers left. Hurricane started tailing Whiplash. You can’t worship Merp and kill others at the same time. He thought angrily, but wavered. Wasn’t that what he was doing? He turned away. This isn’t what Merp would want. He thought, deciding that he would only kill if it protected someone or if he had no choice.
  4. “Fine by me.” Hurricane said and started firing at the enemy.
  5. Hurricane ignored Silver, jumped into his ship and started flying towards the dulo. He starts shooting at Stitch, trying to make him ignore Nova and Jock. @Ookla thePresentParticiple
  6. Hurricane got out of his ship and put his hand in his pocket. He always carried a swiss army knife there. He cautiously took a few steps away from Silver, but stayed close to his ship.
  7. Hurricane ran back into his largo and rose a few meters to the air. He fires a destructor shot past Silver’s right ear, missing on purpose.
  8. “No, but I’d rather not fight anyone if I had the choice”
  9. Hurricane frowned. “Thanks, but I’d rather keep my distance.”
  10. “No. I’m the one who shot at the person who shot at you. What are you doing with that rock?”
  11. Hurricane landed close to Nova and Silver and got out of his largo.
  12. Hurricane started firing at Twig to get them to ignore the people on the fragment. @Ookla the Wayfarer
  13. Hurricane got into his ship and went looking for Merp.
  14. Hurricane landed and got out of his largo. He found Nova running towards the center of the fragment. “Where’s Merp? Did the Delver disappear because of him?”
  15. Well it’s my shardiversary, I hope I spelled that correctly. Hmm… I should say something meaningful now.

    One year in this wonderful place with all these amazing people, has really helped me relax and have fun. I’ve learned so many new things and it still amazes me how many sanderfans there are.

    so uhh… journey before destination and remember those who have been forgotten… oh and read Defiant (it’s really good).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Wait your shardiversary is the start of Ookla season?? That’s awesome! Happy shardiversary!

    3. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Happy shard anniversary 

    4. The Wandering Wizard
  16. “Everyone who doesn’t have a ship, find someone who does and escape!”
  17. Hurricane cursed as the delver approached. He scrambled back to his ship. “He’s after Merp, can you convince him to hyperjump away?” he shouted at Nova. @Canada Lover
  18. Hurricane was confused at Merp’s actions. He looked up to the sky anxiously, searching for some sign of incoming enemies.
  19. Hurricane walks over to greet Whiplash. “Hi. We are an alliance (I think) that worships a ferret named Merp, the cutest being in the Cytoverse.”
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