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Everything posted by Ati16

  1. “I felt very tired and sleepy after eating and collapsed soon after. I had stormlight with me so that might have negated some of its effects and I also tried to soulcast the poison into something else, but it spread too quickly.”
  2. “Yes, I woke up not remembering who I was or what I was doing here, but after I escaped the crazy doctor here” he glares at jar man. “and got some stormlight, I healed mostly, but it has been hours from that and I bet lots of people have been poisoned already.”
  3. Cedric follows jar man into the basement and found Tal inspecting the water supplies. “Hi, I’m worried that someone has poisoned the water supplies, since after eating in the cafeteria, I collapsed and woke up having amnesia.” @Edema Rue
  4. Jason rose into the air, feeling energetic and awake for the first time today. There was a reason why he had joined DDF. Everyone assumed it was because he wanted to live up to his parents who had also been pilots, but that was incorrect. He had joined because of how it felt. Flying through the sky, feeling absolute control over your ship. He got into formation with the rest of his flight.
  5. The pattern led Someone to his room. He opened his suitcase and found a small wooden chest. Inside it were stunning spherical gems, filled with blinding light. “Take one and breathe in its contents.” the pattern commanded. Someone did so and suddenly he didn’t feel so tired. The light he had consumed raged in his veins, forcing him to act, to fight and just as suddenly as it came, it vanished. But he remembered now. His name was Cedric Entrone, he was a Lightweaver and the pattern was his Cryptic whose name was Mosaic. But he didn’t remember everything. The faces and names of his friends and family were blurred in his mind. As were his travels. He hoped that in time he would remember everything. Cedric left his room. He needed to tell someone that the water had been poisoned. It might have also been the food. He didn’t know, but he had to tell someone.
  6. Someone turned towards the pattern. “What do I do now?”. “Summon me.” it answered. “How?” he asked. “Reach out your hand.” it said impatiently. Someone did as the pattern said and a magnificent white dagger coalesced into his hand. He cut through the bonds with it and escaped.
  7. Jason got into his ship and turned on the communication device. “Obsidian flight 4, callsign Hurricane, reporting in.”
  8. Someone rose from his bed and walked towards the doctor. “Cedric, your memory has been damaged, please try some stormlight, maybe it’ll help.” the pattern said, following him. Someone paused, turning towards the pattern. “What are you?”. “I am cryptic, who is in a Nahel bond with you. Our bond grants you the ability to heal yourself, using stormlight. You should find some in your room.” the pattern answered. Someone approached jar man. “Where am I?” @TheRavenHasLanded
  9. Someone woke up… somewhere. He inspected his surroundings and decided that he was in a hospital. Fitting, since he didn’t remember anything, not even his name. There was an interesting pattern on the nightstand. The pattern started moving. He almost fell off his bed in surprise. “I’m hallucinating”, he thought. “I hit my head, lost my memory and now I’m hallucinating.” It was the only logical conclusion. “Cedric what did you do? You’ve been unconscious for an hour now. You collapsed in the corridor.” the pattern said. Someone ignored it. He shouldn’t talk to voices in his head.
  10. Cedric went into the cafeteria to get something to eat. As he left he started feeling tired. At first he just assumed that it was the long eventful day, but he soon realised that something was very wrong. He immediately breathed in stormlight. It didn’t work. The poison hadn’t taken effect yet and he suspected that it would be too late when it did. He had only option. He soulcast the contents of his intestines multiple times hoping it would cleanse his body of the poison. He wouldn’t know if it worked or not, because that was when he collapsed to the floor, unconscious.
  11. Jason went to get his ship and saw Nova. “Hi. Are you on patrol this morning?”
  12. Jason groaned as he woke up. It was 5:30 am. Jason sighed and got out of bed. His flight was supposed to be on patrol this morning. “I should’ve gone to the engineering corps instead.” he muttered as he went to the mess hall to get something for breakfast before going on his ship.
  13. Are we doing cytonics/hyperdrives or would that be too OP?
  14. character sheet: Definitely want to participate in this one. The only problem is with my time zone. For me it’ll probably be night when most of the action takes place. I probably won’t be participating in the ookla season.
  15. Cedric stumbled back in surprise. “Well that was fast. Didn’t you all leave like an hour ago?”
  16. Cedric saw Aventine and walked over to greet her. “Hi. Are you new at the Clinic?”
  17. Cedric went through the gateway and carefully stepped inside the raft.
  18. Cedric walked into the room with a bag filled with stormlight spheres. “Is everyone ready?”
  19. “Can I help somehow? I spent a decade on Roshar, I know the place well.”
  20. Well, here goes nothing, Cedric thought as he grabbed a water jug, soulcast the air inside of it into cold water and threw it at TAAron. @The Aspiring Archivist
  21. Cedric walked into the dining room to get some chouta and saw Rue and Pic watching TAAron shake. “Ah. You’re back.”
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