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Everything posted by Ati16

  1. “Scholarship. I’m studying different magic systems and how they interact with each other. Or that’s what I’m supposed to do. In reality I’m just looking for a place I could belong in.”
  2. "I am Cedric Entrone from Silverlight, a Lightweaver of the fourth ideal."
  3. “Wait, let me get this straight. You were sent by here by someone to slay something, but you don’t know what you’re supposed to slay?”
  4. “Well I just came here a few hours ago myself and I don’t know if there’s currently anything to slay, but there was this person who was stabbed by death’s avatar and then he disappeared and then death came and said something and then the aforementioned person came back to life and then they disappeared using some kind of portal, but other than that things have been completely normal here.”
  5. “Not that I know of. Are you new at the clinic?”
  6. Cedric had been watching this all dumbfoundedly. Death’s avatar appearing TAAron dying then undying and Death himself coming to chat really confused him. “Wait, what the what just happened?”
  7. “Huh”, Cedric said, confused by the fact that the wall had answered his question, but figured that that was the least weird thing about this place.
  8. Cedric walks into the room. “Why did that person just melt into a puddle of water?”
  9. Cedric entered the Clinic reception area, tugging his huge suitcase filled with books after him. He walked up to the reception desk and asked for a room.
  10. Noooooo! I hadn’t thought of the game for half a year and now my streak is broken.
  11. So I’m back I guess…

    Greetings people, I’ve been really inactive for the last five months, but I’ve got more time now and I hope to participate in a few RPs and be more active.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    3. Ancient Elantrian

      Ancient Elantrian

      Yesssss join the next hunger games!!!


    4. Aeoryi


      Cytovese, eh?

      I already have the next character ready

  12. Ati braced himself and stepped through the portal, readying his metalminds for the battle.
  13. This is what happens when you don't visit the shard for a week:



    I am not going to look at all those status updates so I hope nothing huge happened while I was gone.

    1. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      I don't think anything super important happened in SUs as far as I'm aware. 

  14. Wherever we are now Ati stared at the place where Calano had disappeared just moments ago. Floating and glowing like some storming Shard. "So what is our next destination?"
  15. We had this creative book presentation in school so I made a board game about Tress and it turned out so beautiful that I decided to post it here. (Picture is a bit blurred)



    It is supposed to work like the circus game. I don't know if anyone has played it, but it's a dice game where you have to get to the end and there are obstacles that could set you back like Xisis, the shipwreck, the midnight essence etc.

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I love that so much.

  16. "Hopefully someplace that has monsters and cookies." Cedric said, opening his guide to [whatever planet this is].
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