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Everything posted by Ati16

  1. Refnet Ati entered the cavern and looked around. "The question is, what are we going to do next? Even if these people would be willing to fight with us, we don't know where the others are. Do we know where the other pillars are and can we reach the others some way? We have hundreds of people here and many have magical abilities. Maybe someone has some communication ability that would help us contact the others and organize a resistance against Kaos." @The Bookwyrm, @Nameless*, @Aes Sedai, @InfiniteInsanity
  2. Refnet Ati started filling his brassmind to cool his body. Sadly feruchemy didn't help against the blowing sand and the sun shining directly at his eyes. Refnet definitely wasn't his favourite planet. They finally reached the rock formation and Ati paused for a moment before entering. "Do we need to worry about anyone on this planet discovering us?" he asked Bookwyrm. @The Bookwyrm, @Nameless*, @InfiniteInsanity, @Aes Sedai
  3. Yay! My atlas of middle earth finally arrived and I have wanted it for soooo long. It is just as amazing as I imagined it would be and the maps are so detailed!

    Here it is:



    Cosmere worlds should also have atlases that describe battles and regions. Especially Roshar.

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
    2. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      Yes. I want cosmere world atlases for battles

    3. Cinnamon


      That’s so cool! And yes I agree we need some Cosmere atlases. We do have the Roshar interactive map timeline though.

  4. Refnet Ati stepped through the wyrmhole and suddenly he was in a desert, with sand blowing against his face. "Well this is pleasant." Ati said, shielding his face against the sand. "Didn't you say there were some kind of caverns here?" He asked Bookwyrm. @Nameless*, @Aes Sedai, @The Bookwyrm, @InfiniteInsanity
  5. Earth: Greenland "Well we obviously can't stay here for long. We have to get these people somewhere safe, we don't know where the others who were on the roof went, or if they even survived and the army of Kaos is probably already moving to destroy the other pillars." Ati paused and looked at the patients of the clinic. "This place is also too cold to stay here for long and the residents of this planet will have some questions when hundreds of people who look like they've been mugged show up out of nowhere. We need to decide our next destination." @The Bookwyrm, @Aes Sedai, @InfiniteInsanity, @Nameless*
  6. This is interesting. *walks into the courtroom and takes a seat* has this become some sort of RP?
  7. Cedric looked at all the people packing up things. He would have been packing up too, but he didn't have anything, but some stormlight and a map of the macrosmos. Eladir, his inkspren approached him. "Are you going with them?" he asked. "Of course I am" Cedric replied. "May I mention that going on a quest to an unknown location with people you don't know is very dangerous and stupid?" Eladir retorted. "I don't care. The last few decades have been so boring that I would rather jump into a chasmfiend's mouth than spend another day studying realmatic theory in silverlight." Cedric said, soulcasting his cup into a rubik's cube to pass the time.
  8. Clinic: Cafeteria, Earth Ati waited until everyone else had gone through the portal and stepped through it himself, just as the whole clinic collapsed around them. "Where exactly are we?" Ati asked, observing his surroundings. @UnfortunatelyNamed, @Aes Sedai
  9. Clinic: Cafeteria Ati gasped as the roof of the cafeteria started to collapse onto them. "We have to go now! Nameless, can you transport these patients to a safe location?" @UnfortunatelyNamed, @Aes Sedai
  10. Ati looked at the former army of Kaos in amazement. "Wow. That was easier than I thought it would be... " Ati approached the pool of metal that had once been the Kaos tiger that he had melted. It had already cooled down. He cut a piece out of it to test how it reacted to different metallic arts and approached the group of survivors.
  11. Cedric entered the Mishmash inn and looked around. He saw Fadran and approached him. "Hi, are you the owner of this inn? I need a place to stay. The outside world is boring and I hear you people go on adventures." @Channelknight Fadran
  12. Clinic: Cafeteria "I'll try." Ati said turning toward the beasts. He clenched his hand around the sphere and consumed its contents. He felt his metalminds filling with investiture and looked at the monsters smiling. Too quickly for the beasts to react, due to his increased speed, Ati lunged and grabbed one of the Kaos tigers and magnified his body heat tenfold, hundredfold, thousandfold... By this point he should be burned to ashes, if it wasn't for his healing. The Kaos tiger however melted beneath his hands. This stunt had spent a lot of the Dor, but it was enough to draw the attention of the other monsters. He smiled, drawing his shardblade, looking at the forces of Kaos gathering to attack him. @UnfortunatelyNamed, @Aes Sedai
  13. Clinic: Cafeteria Ati gasped in horror looking at the forces of Kaos surrounding the small group of desperate patients. "We have to get to them before the cracks get too wide." "I have a sphere filled with purified Dor that would give me incredible power for a minute or so...", Ati said thoughtfully. "I might be able to distract the Kaos forces for a short time." @UnfortunatelyNamed, @Aes Sedai
  14. Clinic: Lobby "Alright, but you'll have to lead the way, because I'm fairly new here and don't know where the other patients are.", Ati said, slamming his axe into another Kaos tiger.
  15. Clinic: Lobby "I can travel between dimensions, though I can't bring others with me so that won't be very useful...", Ati said. "I'll try to use my feruchemy to gather as many people as I can".
  16. Ati felt the clinic tremble as the pillar shattered. It was over. Then he heard Emma speak and present them her choice. He felt a hot surge of anger against Emma for attacking the innocent residents of the clinic and wanted to charge her, but he knew that he couldn't do much damage to her. Better to be somewhere where he could be useful. That in mind, Ati hurried to the Lobby and saw the forces of Kaos there. He noticed Nameless and Rue and approached them. "Is there anything we can do to save them?" He asked. @UnfortunatelyNamed, @Aes Sedai, @InfiniteInsanity
  17. I joined. Literally half the shard is either The Halcyon Girl or Brandon facepalm.
  18. Ati had been filling his metalminds, for about half an hour now. His physical attributes had just ran out when the tigers melted and he had gone into a hiding place to fill his metalminds. The rational thing to do was to escape, but he couldn't bring himself to do that. Not again. He grabbed his battle axe, tapped speed and joined the fight.
  19. Ati noticed an axe lying on the floor. He grabbed it, tapped his steelmind for speed and joined the battle.
  20. Ati watched the battle with awe and realised that he should help. "Does this place have an armoury?", he asked TAAron who was talking to a rabbit. Ati decided that talking rabbits were probably normal in this place. @The Aspiring Archivist
  21. All the Americans are sleeping... I see why they wanted mods from different time-zones, this spambot has been wrecking havoc for over an hour. Nobody's posting anything, since the majority of the shard is sleeping in Utah.

    I'm bored.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ranryu


      I’m American and awake.

      These early mornings are killing me.

    3. Ati16


      Yay, eastern side is waking. It's half past seven in New York.

    4. Ranryu


      I wish I was in that time zone…

  22. You might want to change the title because some people in this forum haven't read RoW and that is quite the spoiler.
  23. It is true that a lot of what seekers do could be replaced by steelpushing/ironpulling, but some things that seekers could do would be pretty hard for coinshots/lurchers. For instance, skilled seekers can discern when an allomancer is flaring a metal, but even a skilled coinshot would have trouble deciphering if an allomancer is flaring a metal or not from the rate that the line's size changes. I agree that with years of experience an extremely talented coinshot can do anything a seeker can, but there would be few who would be so talented. Also, a coinshot could sense how filled a feruchemists metalminds are as well and when they're using them, if they can do the same to allomancy.
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