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Everything posted by Ati16

  1. "Hmm... Take these.", Ati said pulling a handful of brass and gold earrings out of his suitcase. "Compound these and you should be able to gain such a high level of heat that it would melt the tigers. The gold is so that you yourself don't burn away while attacking them, but use them wisely, since that's a pretty huge fortune you'll be burning away."
  2. "Take these.", Ati said pulling out a handful of pewter and steel earrings and a Nicrosil ring out of the suitcase. "With this you'll be able to compound for about ten minutes.", he explained holding the Nicrosil ring. "Start with burning this.", he removed two unkeyed pewter and steel metalminds from his ear and gave them to TAAron. "Do you know how compounding works?", he asked him.
  3. "Well then they probably won't be scared of fire.", Ati said, searching again through his copperminds. "I guess we can't bait them with sheep or cattle as well then, unless this Kaos has a particular hatred against farm animals. Wait. Are you an allomancer?"
  4. "I might not have a lot of physical attributes stored up, but I do have my copperminds now. Hmm... ", He said, searching through his indexes, looking for anything about tigers. "Got any matches?", he asked TAAron.
  5. Ati ran down to the lobby and brought the suitcase to the roof. "So what now? Do we fight tigers now?"
  6. "The kind that has access to all attributes, but also the kind that was so stupid that they left most of their metalminds behind. I have a little of each physical attribute and some healing stored up. My suitcase where most of my metalminds are is at the lobby."
  7. "I'm... sorry to hear that.", Ati said, slowly realising that his life was threatened by simply being in the clinic. "Are those tigers killing the patients?"
  8. "I'm a Feruchemist who thought this was an ordinary clinic and who's regretting his choice to come here.", Ati answered, dodging another tiger, this time tapping speed to help him. "Now I know this is not the best time, but why are there tigers, skeletons and Elantrian cats running around the roof of the clinic and... ", Ati trailed off as he saw Thaidakar. "Is that man throwing fire? Alright I've got to be hallucinating."
  9. Ati frowned, due to the absence of people in the lobby and wandered to the roof, searching for others. "What on Scadrial?", he exclaimed, seeing the hell that was going on. Lerac's corpse, crazy tigers running around the roof and a cat somehow scribbling aons. "This sure wasn't mentioned in the advertisement.", Ati murmured, dodging from one of the tigers.
  10. Clinic: Lobby Ati the generous walks in. "Hello! I have a severe case of brandofandonitis and would like to get healed. Here, have some rep fellow fans."
  11. So I got covid.

    This is sad, because I thought I had some kind of super strong immune system, because literally everyone I know has had corona, but not me.

    So this could go both ways, either I'm going to have more time so I'll be more on the shard, or I'll be too sick to spend time on the shard. Depends on how strong the fatigue is, but today I've been feeling better even though yesterday was damnation.

    Also I'm celebrating my first SU.


    Why is there no celebration emoticon?


    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      That's awful, get well soon. And yay first SU!


      Why is there no celebration emoticon?

      Idk, maybe the mods just didn't think to make one.

    2. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Aw, I hope you get better soon. And thanks for the follow!

    3. Ati16


      Thanks y'all! Huh, where did the Texan accent come from? That's like halfway across the world.

      Anyway as I've spent more time on the shard I've become more familiar with the people here, so I decided to follow more sharders.

  12. Somebody else do it now because I just did it.
  13. It's not supposed to be an entire planet. Edit: Purelake?
  14. You beat me to the answer literally two seconds earlier.
  15. Not the Origin. Not the Mainland on First of the Sun. Not the Terris Dominance. Not the Southern Continent. We haven't seen this place on page in any of the books. This place is on Scadrial, but doesn't exist post Catacendre. This place has been attacked by inquisitors.
  16. Not the Origin. Not the Mainland on First of the Sun. We haven't seen this place on-page in any of the books. This place is on Scadrial, but doesn't exist post Catacendre.
  17. Alright I'll make one. We haven't seen this place on-page in any of the books.
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