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NewGuy 16

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  1. I wonder if it could be another work by Hessi—the scholar who managed to figure out an impressive amount about the Unmade in Mythica! Always wondered whether they were just a good scholar or something more significant.
  2. This is a really cool theory! And after all, we have seen a Shard try and Ruin a planet before that it was previously unable to escape… it certainly feels like the type of insane loophole that people would overlook!
  3. Oooh I’m intrigued by this death rattle. I don’t think it’s already happened—although maybe you could argue Dalinar refounding the Knights Radiant (fallen title), reclaiming Urithiru (tower), becoming its king (crown), and prosecuting the war (maybe spear?) could possibly fit—so what could it be? Perhaps everything goes insanely awry and someone has to pick up the title of Champion, reforging the coalition after something goes wrong with the tower and the crown (the spear may already be available to be claimed…). But who?
  4. Yeah I’d like to add on to what Treamayne said—planets are big and varied. I'm also not sure whether Sig would necessarily know whether or not he’s Skipped to a planet before. Consider what we saw of Sel in Elantris vs The Emperor's Soul (and even seeing someone recognisable could just be a worldhopper!). That said, maybe he’d be able to tell based on astronomy or Connection or something.
  5. Very curious about the Nightblood question mentioned earlier! How many breaths did it take to craft him, again?
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