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Everything posted by Aismeen

  1. I don't think it's a book he's talked about on State of the Sanderson or anything, since that wouldn't require a title release. There's also this WoB that might be referring to this secret project: Aside from that, I think it's probably something we haven't heard of before. I'm personally hoping for dragons, or the shards Mercy, Whimsy, or Valor. An Iriali story would also be really cool, especially after the Wind and Truth preview, but I doubt this is it.
  2. Currently reading Secret Project 4!


    I’m so excited for this one since it’s Stormlight-adjacent


  3. Aismeen

    Aismeen’s Mistborn Art

  4. Aismeen


    From the album: Aismeen’s Mistborn Art

    Here’s some Vin art I did with alcohol markers, which I’ve never used before
  5. From the album: Aismeen’s Stormlight Art

    I just finished a reread of Oathbringer and here’s some art of the Jasnah and Renarin scene at the end!
  6. Finished my reread of Oathbringer and there's so much I want to draw! I sketched the Jasnah/Renarin scene last night, but I really want to do the scene where Dalinar says "you cannot have my pain" at the end.

  7. I’ve been rereading Oathbringer and paying more attention to the epigraphs and STORMS


    Endowment, Patji, and Sazed write to Hoid?!!


  8. Aismeen


    From the album: Aismeen’s General Cosmere Fanart

    Some Yumi and the Nightmare Painter fanart I’ve been working on recently!
  9. My friends and I just started a MUN at our school (I'm the vp haha) but we started it late last year and haven't gone to any conferences, although we're hoping to do some this year.
  10. Never in a hoodie, but definitely in pants. And socks. Socks are the worst. TPBM went swimming in the last week.
  11. Jasnah is a personal favorite, but I don't really want to make up my mind until we see more of her. I also really like Renarin, Lift, Wayne, Marasi, and Tress. And Nightblood, of course. I can't resist a talking sword looking to destroy some evil.
  12. I really like the addition of reputation. It's a fun thing, and tbh I care more about it than likes or follows on any other site (not that I have lots of experience with social media...just pinterest and goodreads). I think the cosmere-related titles make everything so much better.
  13. Okay, so I've actually existed for a couple months now but I haven't been super active until recently, so I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a big cosmere fan (aren't we all?) I started reading the books two years ago when I saw a classmate reading The Way of Kings, which I had heard of but had never summoned up the courage to get into. I started off with Stormlight, despite how dauntingly big the books are (they are SO worth it!). Then I moved on to Mistborn, Elantris, Warbreaker, and so on. The only cosmere book I haven't read is White Sand 3 (I can't find it at the local library TwT). My favorite book is Oathbringer, but TotES is also SUPER GOOD. So is Yumi (coatrack!Hoid is the best). I also really loved Mistborn Era 2, especially The Lost Metal. Outside of cosmere-ing, I'm a writer, an artist, a cellist, and a full time student + water polo player + swimmer (water sports are my thing, apparently). This is unrelated, but two of my teachers (both in the physical science department) are Brandon Sanderson fans (one has let me borrow some cosmere books haha). I posted a singular picture of some of my art here but I really hope to post more in the future, especially cosmere fanart. Other books I love: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, the Red Rising Saga by Pierce Brown, the Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir, This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal el-Mohtar and Max Gladstone, and probably other books that I can't think of at the moment... Also this site is amazing. I still can't believe my favorite books have THIS BIG of a fanbase. Aismeen out.
  14. Aismeen is actually a character of mine in a story I plan on writing (after the story I'm currently writing lol). It's a sci-fi story, and she's the leader of a tiny planet country named Sthaa where everyone lives underground because the surface is uninhabitable. Her main problems are that the other planet-countries think that Sthaa is weak because it's so small and it just went through a civil war, and her people don't like her very much because she seized power in aforementioned civil war and brought a lot of changes to the government. Aismeen really just wants to be a scientist/engineer but she got into politics when she was young and now she's kinda good at it and she feels like she has to protect her country.
  15. I think I would include Emperor’s Soul under “other.” My intentions when creating that category was to cover all the novellas and short stories that are in the cosmere.
  16. Lightweaver: A-Brass and F-Duralumin. Brass dampens emotions, which goes along with lightweaving and disguises, I guess. F-Duralumin is a farther reach, but being able to store Connection seems useful for a Lightweaver. Elsecaller: A-Tin or A-Bendalloy and F-Nicrosil or F-Zinc. A-Tin, which increases senses, could be useful for soulcasting, but A-Bendalloy could also make it easier for someone to Elsecall without being missed by the rest of the world. As for Feruchemy, I think F-Nicrosil would come in handy for storing Investiture before entering the Cognitive Realm, so that the Elsecaller has Investiture to use there. F-Zinc would also be helpful since Elsecallers are one of the scholarly orders. Truthwatcher: A-Electrum and F-Copper. Truthwatchers already are able to see the future, so electrum would only heighten their ability and possibly make it more clear, and since their order is about finding truths, copper could be used to store what they learn.
  17. I feel like it’s harder for me to get really invested in standalones, but I did really enjoy Warbreaker and I can’t wait for Nightblood. As for the secret projects, I think TotES is my favorite, but it might be Yumi depending on my mood
  18. Callsign: Paragon of Virtue (the irony!), but Paragon for short Vindication would also be a super cool callsign, with Vin as a nickname
  19. I liked the series up to River of Fire, but then the Raging Storm felt really unnecessary and the new arc just wasn't good.
  20. My personal favorite is the Stormlight Archive, specifically Oathbringer, but the secret projects are all really good. Hoid is a great narrator.
  21. Dalinar's character arc is so good! That's why Oathbringer is my favorite book. To add onto the good Dalinar quotes: "The most important step a man can take is always the next one." My chem teacher actually quoted that line on the first day of class and I was so excited to have a teacher who is also a cosmere fan.
  22. Aismeen


    From the album: Aismeen’s General Cosmere Fanart

    Here’s some art of Tress that I started a while ago but only finished today. I also have a Yumi and the Nightmare Painter WIP that I might finish sometime this week…
  23. I agree. I was thinking that if #2 were to occur, it would be in SA 10 as a conclusion to the series.
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