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Everything posted by Aismeen

  1. I've been thinking of Jasnah's future in SA 5 and the second arc, and I've come up with two main possibilities: 1. As the Queen of Alethkar, Jasnah reforms Alethi society. She mentioned wanting to replace the current government with something else in RoW (a constitutional monarchy seems most likely) and instituting other changes like abolishing the nahn and dahn systems. After doing all this, she steps down and does something else, perhaps worldhopping, since the surge of Transportation would make that possible for her. She does seem like someone who would want to explore the greater cosmere, especially with what Hoid has told her so far. 2. Jasnah becomes Odium. This theory is a bit more farfetched, but I've seen other people talk about this both here and on Reddit. She's the last flashback character, which (presumably) means that she'll have a large part to play in the back half. Also, in a WoB, Brandon says: Rayse says that Odium is more passion than hatred, and he gets consumed by that passion. However, Jasnah is shown to be stoic and levelheaded, with an iron grip on her emotions. This would make it much easier for her to tame Odium's Intent and use the passion for something that she has determined to be morally correct. Also, Ivory has said that she is more like a spren than a person and does not "change on simple whims," which might make her much more resistant to corruption under the influence of Odium. Of course, it's not a perfect solution, but I think Hoid would be hesitant to solve the Odium problem by outright Splintering him, so this seems possible. The two options are also not mutually exclusive---in the back half, Jasnah could reform Alethi society, step down, and then become Odium. Also, someone mentioned Splinters of Honor combining with Odium to form some kind of dual shard, which could also be a solution, but I feel like that would be too similar to Harmony for Brandon to do. What do you think?
  2. The Way of Kings Prime is definitely an interesting read, especially in trying to guess what parts of it will actually make it into the canon series. I would recommend it, but keep in mind that it is a completely different story than WoK (it focuses mostly on Jasnah and Taln, for example).
  3. According to Brandon, Sazed called his god metal Harmonium because he didn’t like the sound of Sazedium
  4. I would guess that it happens after TSA. The Iriali were also mentioned as just arriving on Scadrial in TLM, which happens 10-15 years after TSA's first arc but before TSA's second arc (I feel like there's a WOB about it, but I can't find it), so we can conclude that the Iriali probably left Roshar shortly after KoWT and moved to Scadrial, spent a couple centuries there, and then went to Lumar and left again before TotES. This means that TotES happens at least 600-ish years after TSA, maybe more. According to this, if the Fourth Land is Roshar and there are no other lands between Roshar and Scadrial, and Scadrial and Lumar, then Lumar would be the Sixth Land so presumably, during TotES, the Iriali would be at the Seventh Land. What happens after that? What does "becoming One" mean?
  5. Cultivation's vessel's name is Koravellium Avast, which sounds like a god metal already, since god metal are named by adding -ium onto a god's vessel's name. I wonder if Cultivation's god metal would be named something else. Avastium sounds strange and is too similar to Honor's god metal's name (Tanavastium?), and Koravellium also goes by Koravari, so maybe Koravarium?
  6. Jasnah's definitely my favorite. I really appreciate how she maintains her atheism despite being surrounded by Vorins, many who ostracize her, and how she stands up for her beliefs (or nonbelief) without being rude or trying to force others to agree with her. Even though she's pretty set on her atheism, she's open to the possibility that she could be wrong. I really admire her for that. Also, she predicted that the Desolation was coming and that the Parshendi were voidbringers!!!???? And she was a Radiant way before almost everyone else??? Jasnah's amazing.
  7. I agree. I think she mentioned being the last monarch of Alethkar in Rhythm of War, but I might be wrong. If I remember correctly, then in the future, Jasnah would probably try to overturn the social hierarchy like you said, including turning Alethkar into something besides a monarchy (a republic? democracy?). I don't think she'd do very much about Vorinism, since she'd receive a lot of backlash, but I do think she'd challenge Vorin gender roles (men not being able to read, women not being able to participate in politics and warfare).
  8. Yeah I was surprised that so many people voted for him. I'd assumed the most popular would be Dalinar and Shallan. Dalinar did tie with Adolin, but I was really surprised to see Jasnah, Navani, and Szeth get more votes than Shallan. Jasnah's my favorite character (I would have voted for her even if Kaladin was on the poll) but I feel like she's less popular because we haven't gotten to see as much of her POV yet.
  9. 1) would like to be friends with most I would absolutely love to be friends with Jasnah, but I feel like I'd be scared of her IRL, so probably Lift. Hoid would also be a fun friend (he tells great stories, need I say more?) 2) feel is most believable in terms of motivation Dalinar. He is such an amazing character-- part of why Oathbringer is my favorite book. 3) enjoy reading about most Jasnah, I think. She's my all-time favorite and I would like to know a lot more about her than I do. 4) find most confusing/intriguing Hoid, of course, but also Szeth (so excited for KOWT) and Cultivation/Koravellium Avast 5) find makes you laugh the most Lift. I love her conversations with Wyndle. But also Pattern. 6) would like to punch in the face Elhokar, but I also kinda feel bad for him. 7) personally relate to most Jasnah, if I'm being honest. Especially after her prologue in WoR. But also Renarin 8) feel is emotionally most realistic Dalinar and Kaladin 9) shamelessly crush on the hardest Jasnah (can you see an ongoing theme here?) 10) is most like someone you know IRL Adolin or Navani, I think. I also know someone who's kinda like Syl
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