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The Stormfather

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About The Stormfather

  • Birthday May 13

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    The Stormfather

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Maj hates the reaping
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    your nightmares.
  • Interests
    trying to get @thesibling to read legend of drizzt.

The Stormfather's Achievements



  1. Mostly just ones that are in the cosmere for future characters.
  2. What kinds of religions exist in this universe? Are they similar to the ones in the cosmere?
  3. "Uh.. I can make a bunch of sticks nailed together. Not a ton better." SF reaches into his backpack and pulls out a hammer and a box of nails, and starts working.
  4. "I can! My dad's a woodworker and I picked up some stuff." SF suddenly groans under the weight of his backpack, and he sets it down, pulling out a couple planks of wood. "Here, use these."
  5. "Sure." SF swings the rope and launches it, making sure to keep hold to one side. After a couple of minutes, he lands it around the outcropping and it snaps tight around it, holding firm. "So... Who's going first?"
  6. The eagle drops from the sky, dead. It's body falls onto the edge of a ridge and tumbles down the mountain, about to go over a cliff and fall towards the medieval city.
  7. SF takes the rope, with the circular, wide knot on the end that acts like a noose and tightens around what he throws it over and searches the top of the rockfall for a good stone to hook it on. @Through The Living Glass
  8. Somehow, by a stroke of luck, you strike the bird and kill it.
  9. The eagles caw and fly above you, dropping the rocks. The rocks take a few seconds to fall, and are dropped with surprising accuracy.
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