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The Stormfather

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Status Updates posted by The Stormfather

  1. I've just noticed that I have the greatest number of followers : 16




  2. I've started another RP (Or tried to) About people randomly teleporting between worlds and not knowing where they are. There'll be some mystery, chaos, murder, and maybe even peace! (Probably not peace.) They are from different time periods and some might even be magic!

  3. Ah, man.. trying to beg Gamemakers for supplies in the Hunger Games doesn't work anymore? 

    1. Experience


      I mean...maybe it would with some of them...

      Not Rekker tho :).

    2. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather


      Maybe I'll beg sponsors for supplies....

      Nah. I've lied about a enslaved sister enough times for this Hunger Games.

      If I had a nickel for every time my Hunger Games character tried to use a lie about his 'enslaved' sister, I'd have two nickels.

      But its weird that it happened twice.

  4. I've started another RP, this one is about monster hunting and investigating in a small village in Scotland.

    The Hunter RP!

  5. I also just posted the prologue and first chapter of my book

    The return of magic

    Does this link work?

  6. I just started rereading rhythm of war, and I brought it to school. My bag was twice as heavy as normal and every time one of the teachers saw the giant book, they all looked at me like I was insane.

    It was really funny.

    1. Cinnamon


      Nice! Sadly, I cannot do that because my RoW is printed in two parts. 

  7. Question of the day(Keep forgetting to do these...)

    What would you want to be in a cosmere advent calendar?

    i literally have no ideas. Maybe different spren?

    Vials of metal...

    pages of a new book,

    1. Ravenclawjedi42


      One paragraph from SA5 a day, so we’d have a full preview chapter by the end of it.

    2. Aeoryi


      Hemalurgic spiked

    3. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Everyday is a different person looking for Hoid and the backstory 

  8. I just started a new RP about an interdimensional cosmere police force! check it out!

  9. Question of the day : do you know what your rep title is?

    Mine is arbiter, the whohaswhatit's from azir

    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Most Ancient, from the Stormlight Archive I think? No idea what they actually are though haha. Kinda fitting since my Shardiversary was a few days ago.

    3. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      witisthe best, a seer is an atium misting, i believe

  10. Question of the day : if you could could have either taravangian’s boon and curse or lifts boon and curse, which would you choose?

    I would choose lift… because… lift.

    also zooming around as an edge dancer seems fun

  11. Question of the day : if you could be on scadrial at any time, when and where would it be?

    I would pick in Elendel AFTER the whole buisiness with everything that happened in the lost metal.

    hopefully it’s peaceful with the malwish…

    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      Era 1, 


      Right after Sazes remakes everything. And I want to have live in vith worlds.


  12. Question of the day : Which is your favorite stormlight interlude?

    Mine is the Ishikk one, cuz 

    TFE+cosmere(Kind of...)




    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      that's a good point. Now I'm not sure.....


    3. Ravenclawjedi42


      I liked Ym’s a lot, I’m not sure why.

    4. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      I do like seeing cobblers get murdered.

      (I'm weird.)

  13. question of the day(sorry I missed a few.) Halloween costume :

    which do you think is better?

    Bridge four or Mistborn?

    I say Mistborn. they fit the halloween vibe.

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Mistborn is easier and matches better, but bridge four can be epic. Bridge four is better for cons.

  14. Question of the day: would you rather be on roshar at during the desolation or on scadrial during the time right before the catacendre in HoA?

    i would rather be on Roshar. Life doesn’t really change for the random people, and I might get to go to urithiru.

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Roshar. Less chance of being melted.

    2. The Stormfather
  15. question of the day : which would you rather be : an aetherbound of zephyr spores(Air shooting)

    or a twinborn A-steel F-tin?

    I would want the twinborn, because feruchemy seems so cool.

  16. Question of the day

    would you rather be a soother on earth or a coin shot on scadrial(era 1 or 2)

    I would rather be a soother on earth, because chances are there’s not a seeker who will find you, and then… soothing! Yay!

  17. question of the day : which aether do you think you would want to be bound to?

    me : verdant.

  18. new thing : QUESTION OF THE DAY

    If you could have one surge as a radiant and one metal as a misting, which two would it be?

    I would take Gravitation so I could fly, and maybe electrum so I would know if I was about to crash and would turn a different direction than the electrum shadow said.

    also maybe just soulcasting and soothing, so you convince a person that they want to be soucasted in battle or something,

    1. Ravenclawjedi42


      Illumination and tin. I’m not sure why.

    2. The Stormfather
  19. This update is messing with my brain.

  20. How do you edit your Sigzil?

    (I'm asking about signature, just thought it was funny that we call both Sig.)

    1. Ravenclawjedi42


      You go to account settings, then go to signature there. I’m bad at explaining things, sorry.

  21. I just started Sp4 this morning and what the trell is going on?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      I have not read any of the secret projects… should I?

    3. The Sibling

      The Sibling


    4. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      you should. Frugal wizards guide is less good but Yumi = Awesome.

      Tress = awesome.(Not capital a.)

      Sp4 = Haven't read enough of it to know yet.

  22. Is there anyone who wants to play a(almost) free form rp? I've had the fourth bridges crew for a while, and it's kinda dying, so I could really use some people to join. It follows a group of 'sailors' aboard the fourth bridge who are currently escorting a merchant ship between kharbranth and thaylenah. 

    Crew : Captain : Reliet(NPC), Steward/tactician : Enlieth(NPC), Artifabrian : @Aetherbound Sky and Innovation.

    Sergeant : @shardnuke, Lapen. Windrunner escort : Solivar(NPC)

    Innovation, sky's spren, went searching through enlieth's rooms, and showed a voidlight sphere to everyone. thats all that happened.

    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      I would total it do it, but I have been really busy so probably not a good time. I am trying to cut down my stuff.

  23. I’m leaving right… Now!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Paradoxical Phenomenon
    3. Argenti


      Wait, where's the nightwatcher?

    4. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      Doesn’t like fantasy. So the night watcher is not here.

  24. I'm going camping soon for like 5 days.

    So... Yeah.

    I think we leave tomorrow?

    Maybe the next day?

    1. Robin Sedai
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Don't get bitten by snakes!

    3. The Stormfather

      The Stormfather

      I won't!(Be bitten by snakes.* I will have fun.)


      *At least I hope.

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